The Tal’Darim has enhanced the malevolent sludges to improve their ambush potential. He knows that the commanders can keep defending, but they only need to slip up once to be utterly defeated.

Propagators - Reality warping sludges are crawling towards you. Anything they touch is turned into a copy of the sludge.
Speed Freaks - Enemy units have double their normal movement speed.
We Move Unseen - All enemy units are permanently cloaked.
Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:
[Reddit Post Link]
Poopagator Spawn Timings
Time |
Poops |
3:28 |
1 |
4:58 |
1 |
6:28 |
1 |
7:58 |
1 |
9:28 |
1 |
10:28 |
1 |
11:28 |
1 |
12:28 |
2 |
13:28 |
2 |
14:28 |
2 |
15:28 |
2 |
16:28 |
2 |
17:28 |
2 |
18:28 |
4 |
19:28 |
4 |
20:28 |
4 |
21:18 |
4 |
22:08 |
4 |
22:58 |
4 |
23:48 |
5 |
24:38 |
5 |
25:28 |
5 |
26:18 |
5 |
27:08 |
5 |
27:58 |
5 |
28:48 |
5 |
29:38 |
5 |
- Propagators have 450 health, and transform any unit they touch into one of them, effectively killing the unit.
- Propagators hit ground units, air units, heroic units, and buildings.
- Poopagators spawn from enemy buildings, including suppression tower spawn points, which you cannot destroy.
- Objects that turn into the propagator have the exact same HP as the propagator that infected it; so a 1-HP Propagator can only make more 1-HP Propagators.
- Spider mines, toxic nests, and banelings can connect with the poopagator before it poopagates them.
- Crooked Sam’s Detonation Charge, Abathur’s Disabling Cloud, and Vorazun’s stuff can all prevent poopagators from poopagating.
- Buildings are not cloaked.
- Enemy suppression towers are not cloaked.
- Speed Freaks does not affect enemy attack speed.
- Time stop delays poop spawns by 20s.
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Thought it would be a higher rating like 6.
Propagators, Speed Freaks, and We Move Unseen is technically 13 points together, which is higher than the Brutal+4 maximum of 12, but lower than the Brutal+5 minimum of 15.
These “high +4” missions (13-14 points) tend to have be amongst the most difficult, given the relative scarcity of Brutal+5 weekly mutations (and the one actual Brutal+6 weekly mutation). That said, point rating should not be taken as an absolute measure of difficulty - for example, Undermined (Void Rifts + Minesweeper, 16 points) is relatively easy for a Brutal+5, according to the weekly mutation polls, while Memorable Boss (HftS + Moment of Silence, 12 points) was at the time ridiculously difficult for a Brutal+4.
I’m not sure if Brutal+4 is considered the cutoff in which it’s considered that an average player playing a random commander will be able to carry their ally without resorting to cheese tactics or abusing the AI (Blizzard seems to indicate Brutal+2 is the limit, while the community of experienced players are fine with Brutal+5 as the limit), but I believe this mutation is generally seen as being doable with all commanders regardless.
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Memorable boss was difficult because it was bugged. If heroes spawned normally it would be several times easier.
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Can propagators detected cloaked units? Just wondering.
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Yes cuz I had my Nova die to one of them when I tried to snipe a few.
The average player can carry their ally on brutal +3? Damn. I’m a worse player than I thought. Not even saying this sarcastically.
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Forget this mission. Propagators makes me upset. I hate watching my army turn into sludge.
It depends with Kerri. She can’t carry against Air armies unless said player has immaculate micro. So that’s half of + that she can’t do.
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That’s why I’m not so sure. Blizzard seems to indicate that Brutal+2 is the cutoff (since the public queue is for Brutal+1), but those exclude the higher-value mutators, which sometimes alone is little more than a nuisance. Brutal+4 is the highest difficulty where you won’t get 4-mutator games, and 4-mutator games are definitely a step above 3-mutator games. I would think that the average weekly mutation, at least the average recent weekly mutation, is around Brutal+4 difficulty.
Also note that you can’t draw Propagators on Brutal+2, since Propagators is an 8-point mutator (the third highest point value for a single mutator) and the limit for Brutal+2 is 8 points. Propagators, even with no other mutators active, are known for punishing enemies for even the slightest miscalculation.
Also keep in mind that “carry” is a very subjective term, and may differ from mission to mission and commander to commander. It might not be the case that one commander disproportionately contributing to pushing the mission objectives constitutes carrying (eg. if “I def” is enough for one commander to otherwise clean house), but you can definitely say that any commander that is slapping rocks for at least part of the game is probably going to get carried.
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I am not even sure what commander I want to use for this one. I want to go Abby but I am afraid of the locust injection spawning multiple props…
Memorable boss was difficult because it was bugged.
That is true, and that’s why Memorable Boss (or rather, HftS specifically) was bugfixed so that not every single wave had heroes and you didn’t have to kill 9 heroes in 2 minutes. (It was also rebalanced for Temple of the Past, and Assembly of Vengeance is still considered one of the hardest weekly mutations ever. But that is rightly a Brutal+5.)
IIRC, the only cases where the Brutal+ rating of a weekly mutation was disproportionate with how the community saw its difficulty is in missions where there were high-value mutators but the mission itself could be finished quickly (Thunder Dome), or if the mission has Afraid of the Dark, which isn’t available in Brutal+ and technically has no point value.
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From what I’ve seen, something that’s popular is having one commander go on one base (or take a very late expansion) while having the other commander take the expansion on the right; then building defenses above the expansion to guard against getting pooped, either via exploiting the AI and body blocking, or using standard anti-propagator tactics. That said, this doesn’t play well with a few strategies that work out on the field (eg. even though carriers are a liability against propagators by themselves, in large numbers carriers will confuse them enough to be a decent counter; but then you definitely need a two-base economy to get to carriers).
It looks like the typical anti-propagator commanders (Raynor, Abathur, Vorazun, Tychus if you can rush Sam and a fixer) are still good choices, with Stukov mass diamondbacks being effective but unconventional.
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Since I’m one of those exceptional individuals who go into Mutations with a random partner; I look forward to getting grouped with people who don’t read the mutations and then freak out when they realize their mass bunker Stukov is a bad idea.
Did it on Hard with Zeratul + Abathur. Toxic nests were great.
But even though we tried the same tactics on Brutal, each of us kept making mistakes near the end so we gave up on that difficulty.
Blocking propers with workes is abusing exploit, i sincerely believe you are not seriosly looking at this as legit part of the strategy. I agree on commanders list but Tychus can’t keep up with propers by himself at late stage of the game.
Does graviton beam work on the props?
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It should.
Also, interaction question: If a poop poops on one of Zera’s cannon projections, does it create another poop?
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Mass zera dts? Blink thru props for ez win? Save cool downs for air waves? Sounds ez. I’ll try it