I can see your point, but it’s no so much fast that’s being punished but rather unnecessary APM. You’d be amazed how many clicks we use in a regular game that don’t actually achieve anything. Just think of it as a relaxing week, and do it using only deliberate actions.
Edit: Add to that punishing micro as above. Try it one-handed with an eye covered for some challenge.
Well, Mutators are supposed to make you “think outside the box”. It’s just a matter of what your play-style and preferences are.
For this mutation, I think I’d prefer it since it’s still easier despite the literal tax. Your typical Mutation just overwhelms you on Brutal. This is doable, and as a bonus, tower play is back in
I haven’t looked at Zeratul run, I meant some others … but if you stay on 10 workers on mins until 10 minutes and THEN saturate, it looks like it was not because of using supply and it’s making me nervous and stressed out to see that
Starcraft is explosions and dissolving enemies in acid. It never was strong game in terms of macro. Micro is just the thing that helps enemies dissolve and explode.
Vertigo made some people physically nauseous. Not entirely sure “play without looking at your screen” is valid. You can probably get away with minimap, but god forbid you should need to place buildings or anything.
I only remember playing Vertigo once in a mutation, seemed like a job for Stukov, I remember semi-randomly placing bunkers everywhere around my bases when the camera would let me, and just used his beacon on the mini-map otherwise.
Didn’t make me outright nauseous, but it certainly wasn’t pleasant.
Why would Karax shine any brighter than Swann on this mutation or map? Both can go with a cheesy defense-only build. I’ve done it as Zeratul for my get-to-level-90 effort. A few hours ago, did it with a Karax ally at pre-Mastery lvl 11 (waiting for insta pylons, cannons and monoliths), with me as Swann pre-mastery lvl 9 or whichever is after you get ‘advanced construction’.
(Why didn’t they just call the level 1 to 15 per commander thing as “training”? Then Training lvl 11 vs Mastery lvl 11 are clearly different things. And Blue vs Red numbers on the loading screen is too subtle.)
Because it’s easier to go pure static defence with him, and you also have a top-bar that can soften or delete every wave.
Taking into account energizers and shield batteries Karax’ static defence is stronger and hardier than Swann’s, in particular it gives him much better single target dps against air. Of course with tanks, Swann’s is stronger vs ground, but that matters less on this map.
And insta-build of static defence is just nice.
That I can agree with. I generally prefer Karax for defense but that’s only coz I’ve not played much Swann and so far I’ve not enjoyed it. (That’s probably coz I’m not that great. And for slow-start commanders who reach epic power levels later, I prefer Vorazun.)
If the propagator targets and reaches the Transport, is that an insta-fail? The first two stops will be the hardest parts of the mission. Not much time to ‘turtle up’ in prep for the props. And probably not worth turtling coz it’s a moving objective. Do props target just your base or will they go for your army even if they’re nowhere near you at spawn?
I suspect almost every winning combo will have to include either Karax or Swann. Haven’t played much Raynor but his Tanks + Missile turrets could work, but he has no fast build. Haven’t played Zerg CO’s yet. Either one CO goes all def and the other handles attack waves, or they take turns at each point, but that’s not an optimal use of units or research. I won’t be attempting this one beyond Normal. (It’s already quite a Covid19 mutation, think about it.)
I expect that propagators will go for both transport and base.
Karax or Swann might makes it easier mid-game, but isn’t necessary, of the two I would favor Swann because of tanks and blaster Billy slowdown, but the very first props aren’t gonna be easy…
Nova will do pretty well, both hero and units are well-suited for it.
Dehaka can swallow up one of the first propagators, making the start slightly easier, rushing his tech for wurms and impaler/Guardian. If you don’t want to rely on ally detection, 12 gas-Warden should get you a Wurm in time.
Vorazun black hole can be quite good, but not the best otherwise.
Zeratul’s monoliths to slow down props would help and his units also excel at ranged firepower.
With Raynor it would be better to go Vultures instead of tanks. You won’t have time to get enough tanks, not with speedfreak.
Artanis massing reavers if against ground comp?
Zagara’s banes.
There are plenty of commanders that could potentially work, a tough mutation, but there are options.
I personally don’t care about micro transactions … but fear is annoying, because your units just don’t do what you order them to and you can’t do anything about it, just wait …
That was certainly an exception, that actually did get removed at the behest of the player community. But not the norm. We do have a few handful of Mutators that irk the community (Props, Polarity), and some combinations are deadly, but most of them are fairly manageable.