This brutation is AWFUL with randoms. They don’t know that they have to collect resources and they don’t know where the freaking spare parts are. Always running out of time, I can’t clear the whole map alone. -_-
It took me a while to get the hang of it, but I’ve been able to beat this with Tychus and three different allies. Here’s what I’m doing as my core four, in this order:
- Tychus. Keep him behind the crew since he doesn’t outrange widow mines, and use shredder grenade to take out / weaken mines. I probably spend the most time pulling him back from danger after Vega.
- Vega (the Ghost). Mind control units as support. If there are a lot of air enemies, I research her power that brings them down. I spend the most time microing her since she provides vision and range.
- Rattlesnake (the marauder). I found him to be easier to use than the Doc (medic) for healing since she tended to run in front of the units and into the mines but his weapon keeps him back and with the crew. I normally get the research on increasing his healing first.
- Sirius (the warhound). His turrets are helpful to add a buffer / detection and they don’t set off the mines. I prioritize his Fear upgrade and then the air shooting upgrade. If I have money, I do all of his upgrades first, and then do whatever is left for everyone else.
I grab two medivacs and upgrade the Odin nuke as I go. It takes some time but it’s been more doable for me compared to my normal devils order of Tychus, the Doc, Syrius, and Vega.
Nux is also a great early second outlaw option at the start. His Pulse ability is amazing for clearing groups of mines.
Tychus + Syrius + Nux + Sam + Vega works here too.
I managed to try Kerrigan as well … and in the end was (for me) MUCH easier than with Tychus or even Zeratul
what is the -ally command?
That’s a command in Maguro Maps -
-ally (gives/removes control over allied units)
Edit: They did it towards the end to lift the Ally’s command center and float it to safety (the base was being attacked, Kerri’s side had more structures, ally had nothing else).
extra text to avoid “Body is too similar to what you recently posted” #SimBodyChars
Vega can take control of widow mines, and those shoot the other mines around them if you provide vision.
Plus, she has bonus dmg vs light (so all mines).
was that replay done on the maguro arcade custom map?
Without the Loading screen or the Victory result screen, it’s hard to tell. I was looking at the mining happening at 1:05-1:10 and the +1 mineral ticks didn’t happen when the SCV’s reach the CC. So the Ally is either (a) in the game but doing nothing except mining; or (b) more likely they left the game before the recording started and then to prevent Terran ally’s idle mining from helping Kerrigan, they may have done ‘-ally’ in the start so that it “removes control over allied units”, and supposedly their idle mining benefit.
And then in the end, they’d need to re-take control to raise the CC to safety.
I had considered the possibility that they were playing on a normal map or in custom mode, and then ‘-ally’ actually does nothing. However, if the ally had left, the SCV’s mining would benefit Kerri and the mineral +1 ticks would match with the SCV’s depositing at the CC, which they don’t. But if the ally is in-game, Kerri wouldn’t have been able to raise the CC at the end, and we saw no “Ally has left the game” message between the start at 0:04 and the end.
Or © - they had a 2nd account which they use to login and start the game as ally, and then that account does nothing or leaves. After that, it’s effectively the same as option (b) above. (I think that second SC game is run in a virtual machine, so the player doesn’t want to do any Alt-tabbing in the middle of the game to control the ally-account.)
Obviously, as the -ally command would not have worked otherwise
It’s the custom map, -ally gives control of ally units but doesn’t give you the ally resources.