Co-Op Mutation #206: Explosive Hunt

I’m surprised no one mentioned playing cannon Zeratul. Detection and risk free clearing of mines with projections, hero unit can safely grab parts by killing/disabling detection with top bar, and all of that cost zero gas.

Feel the glory of aommaster and starcraft2coop dot com!

Do Abathur’s Vipers disable mines?

Yes, because the mines deal damage by attacking and Blinding Cloud prevents all attacks from units underneath it.

It took me a few tries with different heroes and I finally beat it with Kerringan (me) and Fenix ally.

Kerringan may have a rough start but once you have Immobilization Wave, it become easy.

The Immobilization Wave can kill all the mines in one cast and it covers a huge coverage. If you know where to cast it, you can wipe out all the mines in that vicinity thus easier time for you to collect the parts and money.

I was unable to do the side objectives though.

How do you deal with mines as Kerrigan? Seing them is not an issue, but killing without dying? Kerri has 3 range, spider mine has 4, widow mine 5 and so does unupgraded hydralisk.

Few random thoughts I came up with:

  1. you need detection, as jumping on undetected widow mines (=dark spots on the ground) does not seem to harm them (omega worm is nice, but overseer seems better at least at the beginning)
  2. just sliding over minefield is suicide (slide does not do enough damage to kill wm)
  3. it is possible to “kite” the mines - go near them, wait for activation and slide away. If timed correctly, widow mine should miss and spider mines either detonate for less damage (as the splash damage decreases with distance and also not all of them will follow Kerri), or just reburrow somewhat away from the rest of the minefield, which makes it easier to kill them, or to let them hit kerrigan without killing her.
    However, it seems very risky … you miss the window by 0.2 s and it’s gg …
  4. I suppose you can use lone zerglings to soften the minefield, allowing Kerri to clear what remains. These lings can also pick up some resources, to pay for themselves :smiley:
  5. from 10:00 on you can use immo wave with 24+mastery points to clear the mines. Provided the timer doesn’t run out before that :smiley: You should focus on getting ability efficiency before that.
  6. sending speedlings all over the map to collect rss (and detonate mines) seems like good idea in generall :upside_down_face:
  7. lurkers would be good against mines, except you cannot get them soon enough :thinking:
  8. omega worms detect mines, but don’t kill them (unless you partner with Stukov or Alarak)

Btw, I haven seen that written anywhere, but the resource pickups seem to have timed duration of 5 minutes. So by not picking them up quickly enough you don’t just delay the income, but possibly lose it completely.

I think you still need better detection soon (unless you are super-good :smiley: ), as the turrets are not that reliable - you must constantly be putting them down, you cannot place them on top of burrowed or cloaked units and they can be quickly destroyed if the enemy has tanks behind the mines

I usually go Omegas really early, especially vs mines, since they help to tank and activate mines. I’d agree with the lone zerlings, which would work so well if it weren’t for slim pickings. As soon as you can get just one broodlord with an overseer on follow that helps loads.

Overall, considering how powerful Kerri is, the start can be tricky depending on where the mines are and how many early gas pickups you get.

Omega worms activate mines? Or you mean that you activate the mine with Kerrigan and then hide her inside worm? I suppose even the creep generated by the worm helps … but getting 4+ networks seems hard on slim pickings

Zerglings are affordable, as you are gas starved anyway and they are better than picking resources than drones (but rushing speed might be an issue)

I haven’t thought about brood lord. But considering it requires greater spire, I am not sure you can get them before 10 minute mark :smiley:

And yes, the spawn location matters :frowning: Once I got mines burrowed on the ramp, so they weren’t visible (without overlord) until I reached the edge when suddenly boom.

Immobilization Wave instant wipe out mine in that areas, and it only has 3 minutes cooldown. 2 or 3 immobilization wave will clear most of the mines in the map.

Immo wave is not available until 10:00 so what until then?

You only need to pickup enough parts for the 1st hybrid before 10 mins, try seeing the mark on the floor where widow mines are and walk around them, if there are mines next to boxes you can put worms next to them, leap with Kerri to the boxes and walk her in the worm immediatly, no need to clear anything

U know Kerrigan got broodlords right?

I did give brood lords a try when trying the mutation with kerrigan and they were too bad vs the hybrid and really slow at clearing, Ultras worked way better and using only immo wave to clear mines works fine

It’s still lots of parts (70 of the 210 total required to finish the mission, so let’s say 35 for you) :wink: But if your recommendation is to avoid the mines until you get immo wave (or broodlords), then okay :+1:,

Stick with your ally for the time being?

Here is the video where Kerrigan beat the mutation without an army.

mengsk anyone? or not doable for this mutation

Mengsk works, just the start might be pretty rough, until you secure the position on expo to place earthsplitters.

Yea it’s good, but it looks like Kerrigan died at 7:50 which is what I would like to avoid :wink: and also not having to rely on ally overcharging the worms for clearing the minefields.

and also not having to rely on ally overcharging the worms for clearing the minefields

Here is a video of kerrigan doing everything by herself by a not very good player, still ally contribution is appreciated and pretty much anyone in the random queue can make some units and attack the hybrid with them.


Wow, nice :open_mouth:. But I must say that using Mengsk announcer with Kerrigan commander just feels wrong :scream: :smiley: