Co-Op Mutation #202: Train of Pain

My charms still work, I see.

Sure, hit me up on the NA servers.

Sure, if you do not have PvP level micro, you are a bad player, nothing new under the sky here.

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What’s your BattleTag?

Which commander would you recommend?
I have not been able to complete this mutation so far.

If you have a Kerrigan to ally with the mutation is barely even an issue as Stukov. even without one Stukov does ok.

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Doesn’t Blizzard forums use the same thing for what we use in-game?

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I did not know when I asked, figured it out since (which is something, coming from me) and sent him/her/Zerg a friend request. You want one too?

By all means! Reminder that I don’t have this installed on my home PC, so I’m usually not logged in.

Got, dang, it! I couldn’t do this with Artanis. I guess I couldn’t get enough of a critical mass of Goons? Did do it with a better Artanis, and me as Stukov