Co-Op Mutation #202: Train of Pain

This should be called Mutation #201, given that the repeat was an error.

This week was annoying as hell. Tried it with StetHydras, lost horribly. Tried again with StetBanesā€¦ Once again, horrible (but this time even worse.)
Artanis is the go-to for this one, 100%. Double-Edged sucks.

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Because I just played it recently?

I would prefer other maps for weekly mutation. Seriously, why do you even need to ask this kind of silly question?

As for this weekā€™s mutation.

Cleared it with Artanis (me) and Stukov (ally). Cleared the bonuses as well.

Sam takes damage back from his charges but if you load him in a medivac before the charges explode he wonā€™t take damage.

Even without the grenade upgrade, first throw and it was bye bye Tychus for me. Dude killed himself. :dizzy_face:

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Iā€™ve always found it a bit funny that with double-edged most of the time you are actually nerfing yourself if getting attack upgrades (except of course for suicide units).
At least it means you can spend that money on pumping units out faster instead. :slight_smile:

User name checks out.


StettFestor works
So do abathurs and Dahakas swarmhostsā€¦

But Sinatra works good, and the healing commanders (might actually try out the ā€œnot Rattlesnakeā€ healerā€¦).

And Karrax is pretty descent this week, his health buff helps and he zeros out a nuke every now and againā€¦

Wasnā€™t difficult with Dehaka + hosts. Dehaka can still blow up a whole wave and rez a few seconds later.

Well, although the map is the same the strategy required for some commanders is completely different. I could totally understand being bored by a normal brutal on a map where you have to sit around waiting for the objectives, but thereā€™s lots to do here in-between killing waves and trains. Would I like more maps, of course, but weā€™ve got what weā€™ve got.

Mate, Iā€™ve forgotten, are you a Karax main?

I pretend to beā€¦ yesā€¦

Well, I am on a quest to find people to play with. Would you ever consider teaming up with a Tychus/Swann/Karax/Stukov player? I donā€™t bite. Not too much at least.

Happy to see Abathur struggle on this one.

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I told you my reason already. I have no interest to know why do you like this map. I am not you. The end.

Do you play on Europe servers?

Iā€™ll take the bait.

I play on both, but only Tychus is 15 (or above) on the Americas. So yes, mostly EU, somewhat NA.

It seems that Artanis + Abathur combo make this ā€œBrutal+4ā€ mutation into a cakewalk.

Happy to see Abathur struggle on this one.

I dont think so, double edged is a free mutator for abathur because of the lifesteal from biomass, actually he even benefits from it cause of the extra healing the mutator gives, if someone struggles with abathur they are just not very good at playing abathur.

Artanist + Anyone will make this into a cakewalk.

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