Co-Op Mutation #202: Train of Pain

Moebius Corps have tapped into their stockpile of nuclear warheads and are shipping them across Tarsonis. The remainder are reserved for your destruction. The cargo explodes upon contact, damaging your forces whenever they attack, so bring extra protection.

Double-Edged - Damage dealt by your units and structures is dealt back to them, but then healed back over time.
Going Nuclear - Nukes are launched at random throughout the map.
Mutually Assured Destruction - Enemy Hybrid units detonate a Nuke upon death.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG (Han and Horner)] Ancalagon (Tychus)
[CtG (Stetmann)] Piky (Alarak)
[CtG (Karax)] [Spohky (Dehaka)]
[CtG (Stukov)] Piky (Kerrigan)
[CtG (Zeratul)] Piky (Artanis)

[Reddit Post Link]


  • The warning spot for Going Nuclear is the large targeting area. However, you only have 5 Blizzard seconds of warning before the nuke hits.
  • The nukes sometimes hit the left player’s main mineral line and left geyser.
  • Sturdy units that don’t necessarily have the highest damage output will perform comparatively well vs. Double-edged. So will free units like the Infested and Locusts, and expendable units like Banelings and Spidermines.
  • Your forces also take damage from attacking rocks.
  • Hybrid nukes detonate INSTANTLY after the death animation.
  • Trains do not detonate nukes upon death.

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i hate Double-Edged. point… it’s set low.

#202 Mutation Train of Pain play list…


Zagara HH made short work of this, just don’t look away from ur army if not parked in base because of the nukes

  1. Does Double-Edged have a distance limit? Eg, if Artanis uses Tempests at max range, do they still get damage dealt back?
  2. Is the damage dealt back 100% of attack?
  1. Do our forces take damage from attacking the train?
  1. No
  2. Yes
  3. Yes­

Thanks! One more:

  1. The sentinels/Shieldguards’ shields which reflect 50% of projectiles back to the enemy - does that then also get dealt back?
    • So if I get hit with two 20 damage projectiles, one of those hits me and the other is reflected back to the enemy, so hits them dealing 20 dmg. Do I then end up getting the deal-back of that second 20 dmg which was reflected back? ie I end up with 40 dmg anyway, with 20 of those being healed back later?

In order for Shieldguard reflect to work the attack has to be a projectile to be reflected back, so hitscan/melee attack wont trigger. How Double Edged damage work is the unit hits itself so it’s similar to a melee attack, therefore it cannot be reflected.
Damage dealt by Double Edged is healed at 10 HP/Shield per second so low DPS units (unstimmed Marine, Trooper without gun, HnH Reapers without Raven) are preferred when dealing with the mutator. Units that used spawn units to attack like Carrier, Broodlord, Swarm Host dont take Double Edged damage. Unit staying inside bunker also wont take Double Edged damage.

Sorry, didn’t mean sentinels, just the Shieldguards. To clarify: let’s say two Banshees are attacking my SG’s, with the Reflective Shield activated. First one’s shot hits them, second one should be reflected back to the enemy attacker. So does that 2nd reflected-back-to-enemy-banshee-missile do further double-edged dmg back at my SG?

Since I always use a few SG’s, wondered if they’d survive at all with the Reflective Shield turned on. Then saw CtG’s Zeratul playthrough. He went mass SG and there were too many when he activated the Reflective Shield to make out if that reflected damage was again being dealt back at the SG. (And they were also attacking anyway, so it’s unclear which damage was from the direct attack vs the reflected back projectile being double-edged back at the SG.)

Answers my next question. Thanks!

PS. The official name “Reflection Shield” doesn’t sound as cool as “Reflective Shield” :slight_smile: Would naming it “Corbomite Shield” trigger copyright lawsuits? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nova + Artanis make a pretty combo

  • Griffin Air Strike and Sabotage Drone have no double-edged penalty
  • If a nuke hits your army, Guardian Shell gives you one more fighting chance
  • Nova’s nuke can kill her, but you can blink or revive her cheaply

Except that these units are more squishy than normal because the dmg deal by double edge+Dmg from enemy attack will result in instant kill on such units that already easy to kill.

Just build more :slight_smile:
Edit: This isn’t my video but Lilarrin’s


Another train map…ZZZZZ

From the video, the enemy comp is super ineffective vs light unit (stalker/sentry/immortal). Even then, Raynor still lost a lot of units. I am not sure how well he fare vs other enemy composition.

Tychus is a no go for this weekly as you’ll be wiping yourself out. Had Zagara hard carry me with disposable units which this mutation prefers.

You are a Bastard for putting your forces into the meat grinder :frowning: SHAME ON U!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :angry:

But srsly, Artanis is the one you want to play with…

btw I won with Dehaka 8 times on the row in the Asian Server

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Had a few problems with taking my eyes off my units and then wondering why they went down; but overall a nice Karax/Abathur team pulled through with little issue, even managed extra mission trains.

I can’t see how you could find solo full-clearing this brutation sleep inducing?

For Tychus I think Sirius, Rattlesnake, Vega, Nikara should work. I can’t remember if Sam’s charges are dealt back to him, but if not then he’s great for taking down the train. Just be very careful about Tychus grenade (probably don’t get the damage upgrade).

Did it with Abathur’s Swarm Host. Had an Artanis partner which made it even easier.

I wonder how his Tempests could survive from killing themselves though. Just stop attacking once the Guardian Shield stops working?

Played as Artanis and the first ally I got was Zagara. I guess she was really happy about the Guardian Shields - as was I. Went for Tempests and Zealots. Despite Double Edged, I still used Disintegration on as many trains as possible and was just trying to keep them alive. Shield Overcharge and Guardian Shell helped.
I also lined up my Shields with Zagara’s Reinforcement ability whenever I could.

Zag did 79k train damage, I did 54k. Got both bonus trains. She sure did a lot of work. Glad my Guardian Shell/Overcharge could help.

Edit: The enemy comp was Zerg. Later waves had Ultras, Queens, Hydras and stuff. Guess it was the SC1 comp?

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