Co-Op Mutation #199: Knock Knock

Your scouts have found some menacing ooze among the infested. According to reports, these instantly convert DNA into more infested. Prioritize them in your clearing efforts.

Propagators - Reality warping sludges are crawling towards you. Anything they touch is turned into a copy of the sludge.
Avenger - Enemy units gain increased attack speed, armor, and life when nearby enemy units die.


Video Replays on Brutal difficulty:

Player 1                                   Player 2
[CtG (Kerrigan)] Iswald (Zagara)
[CtG (Swann)] Neometal (Dehaka)
[CtG (Zeratul)] Ancalagon (Vorazun)
[CtG (Abathur)] Piky (Artanis)
[CtG (Han and Horner)] Iswald (Fenix)
[CtG (Alarak)] Ancalagon (Stukov)

[Reddit Post Link]


  • Propagators have 450 health, and transform any unit they touch into one of them, effectively killing the unit.
  • Propagators hit ground units, air units, heroic units, and buildings.
  • Propagators ignore the rocks.
  • Objects that turn into the propagator have the exact same HP as the propagator that infected it; so a 1-HP Propagator can only make more 1-HP Propagators.
  • Spider mines, toxic nests, and banelings can connect with the poopagator before it poopagates them.
  • Crooked Sam’s Detonation Charge, Abathur’s Disabling Cloud, and Vorazun’s stuff can all prevent poopagators from poopagating.
  • Avenger can buff units up to ten times, with each increasing HP and shields by 10%, life regen by 1 per second, armor by 0.3, and attack and movement speed by 10%.
  • Units that get the Avenger buff also grow in size to give players a visual indicator.
  • Poopagators can get the Avenger buff.
  • Mind controlling units will make them lose all their mutator buffs.

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do u know twice. knock knock~ just joke…
so easy. karax def + mengsk atk.

#199 Mutation Knock Knock play list…

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at 4:33 the Propogator didn’t go after the Shield Battery. Is that because it was under fire from the Supply Bunker, so it just prioritizes that instead?

AI prioritizes the things that are doing damage to them no matter what. Thus, it’s a common strat for Karax players to use shield batteries to block their actual attacking structures.

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Went in as Karax, had a Raynor partner. He didn’t want to push as hard as he should’ve; and ended up losing everything to a Propagator while out screwing around during the night. In game timer was at 40min at the end of the mission.

Whatever, we lived, it’s just once a week.

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That’s what she said.


Heh, in a previous game with Props, I pinged my Raynor ally to notify him that a Propagator was on its way to his expansion. He calls down the Hyperion, pretty much right on top of it!! His reaction that Props can go after air and hero level units was priceless though :laughing:


Did it twice. First with Dehaka/Swann and Zeratul/Swann.

Dehaka’s mass guardians with the explosive upgrades is really good for both defense and offensive clearing. Because their range is so far, any propagator that spawns does not have time to hit your units (except maybe Dehaka himself).

For Zeratul I found adding a couple of observers along the base walls helpful for Swann’s laser cannon to target them early.

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Done as Mengsk with a Nova ally. Interesting mutations on an interesting map, to say the least.

Main defense was my obviously my job, and my ally fortified them with some Liberators, and did the main work during the day. So basically I was busy setting up stuff for nighttime while he was out during the day, and back in base during night, helping at the weaker defense lines. It was quite a nice balance of duties, so to speak.

I had several tanks on each entrance, a few fully stationed and a whole bunch of unmanned ESOs, since you can imagine filling so many bunkers, and creating quite a lot of Royal Tanks uses up a lot of supply. Also had a single Pride of Augustgrad for some Yamato snipes. The ministun the tanks get at higher rank was really helpful.

I’m really thankful of my decent Nova ally, who microed well, sniped Propagators in early game, and used Airstrike to neutralize multiple of them at once later on.

During daytime I supported him with Zerg calldowns. Mainly used Nuke for mass Aberration waves or in the Hybrid-heavy locations across the map. A 100 Mandate Zerg calldown + ESO also dealt with the bonus during the last night, my ally didn’t even notice that haha.

It was challenging and fun/rewarding at the same time, cause both players have to put in a lot of work in order to beat this mutation. Before that, I had a Stukov sending Infested toward Propagators (yes, I’m serious), or an Artanis not even having a single dragoon in the first night while I already had a royal tank up and bunkers halfway filled. Or a Tychus not assisting at all during the night, he literally said “you defend, I attack”. I almost lost hope for this mutation until I got that Nova ally.


Swann definitly the best commander on this map & against this mutation. I do not understand why many still prefet Karax over Swann… The main trick here is that at night, the poops hide within the infested army, so you have to target them individually. The easiest is definitly Swann + H&H (I don’t own Mengsk so I cannot judge him), since Swann go full def (Tanks + turrets with drill + turrets masteries) and H&H snipes the buildings and can add hilions + vikings for defense.

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In the video linked above (post #2) is such a game with Karax + Mengsk, in case you didn’t check it out yet.

I’m not sure which is stronger, but Karax has some really great combos for this mutation.

  1. Colossus, 1+ at each entrance with the range and fire upgrades.
  2. Immortals - snipe props with shadow cannon.
  3. Observers sieged near the edges give you vision to easily snipe props and/or nydus with mono or SoA.

Swann clears faster thanks to drill calldowns and herc/tank combo or wraiths - whatever strikes your fancy - in addition to solid defense.

So he wins hands down, because this mutation heavily rewards being fast and clear the mission before too many props spawn to eat your face off.

As the karax in that game I can tell you Swann is better in every way possible, and hh will do a better job at clearing the buildings with call downs than mengsk, the upside of mengsk vs hh is that mengsk can contribute to the def if the ally does not have a very good commander but he mengsk wont be able to solo defend very long


I checked out the video and I can safely say that this mutation is a LOT easier with Swann.


Not gonna contest that Swann can make it go faster; but with Karax you can put shield generators in front of your turrets and as long as you build properly, you can funnel all the enemies (to include the propagators) and kill them before they reach your turrets. It has to do with how the AI is programmed to attack what’s attack them; even though, all a prop has to do is touch something to unleash hell.


And Swann can build supply depots to block pathing and funnel enemies. I did that every game when I played Swann on this brutation and it made it even easier.

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When the argument was “The props hide in the infested and you have to manually target,” it’s simple enough to make a funnel. Defense isn’t too difficult as either.

I love props seriously one of my fav mutators and that’s why I came back to do brutations.

Done as Stukov with HH ally. Enemy: Z.
We skipped bonus but had no issues at all. I went full idbs.

Done again as Stukov same strat with Swann hercutank defensive comm vs T + bonus.

With a Swann ally you could have done the bonus as well :wink: