The enemy’s orbital beam has energized his forces as they spawn from seemingly everywhere, even from your fallen buildings. Keep them away from the Terrazine!
Eminent Domain - Enemies gain control of your structures after destroying them.
Purifier Beam - An enemy Purifier Beam moves across the map toward nearby player units.
Void Rifts - Void Rifts periodically appear in random locations and spawn enemy units until destroyed.
Not all previous weekly mutations have a rating since they may use holiday mutators or Vertigo, which do not have a point value.
As a few people (like Maguro) have pointed out, about ⅓ of the weekly mutations so far are sub-Brutal+1 in rating, ⅓ are Brutal+1 rating, and the final ⅓ are in Brutal+2 or higher. The highest rating for a past weekly mutation is Cold is the Void, the only Brutal+6 weekly mutation to have ever been released; but even then, the weekly mutation today plays differently from when it was first released, due to the safety zone no longer requiring players to be forced on one base.
Been wanting one that I can at least attempt with Karax and get this crap. Went in as Zeratul, got a Dehaka partner, got it first try. Problem for me was we had Protoss with Reavers, which kinda hurt when I’m trying to dodge purifiers and paying attention to the rifts. Had some bad moments, but recovered and got it first try. That Dehaka put in work though, won’t lie.
Aside from being distracted by rifts, purifiers, and everything else; had a brain fart and didn’t think that maybe the projected Tesseract Monoliths would be taken by Eminent Domain. Learned that the hard way.
Here is a table
You might want to look about my post about Brutal+ (and its comparison to weekly mutations)
Also, today I updated my replay interface and added few stats for mutators (e.g., the number of units spawned from Void Rifts). If anyone is using it
Ok did it with Vorazun. Vorazun is always good on Void Rifts since you can just select one Dark Templar and right click a Void Rift then forget about it.
Also did the Dark Pylon with Cannons on all 4 bases just to make sure Eminent Domain doesn’t kick in.
EDIT ~ A lot of enemy units aren’t attacking the bots for some reason. Weird.
I Def! Vorazun dark pylon mastery with mass dark archons is fun, specially since you can capture all interesting units that are sent to you. And cannons can take out all those you do not want, starting from the start of the game. All you need is a good agressive commander partner to do the work for you out there in the wild.
I recall a Mutation we had many months back. It also had Purifier Beam, on Mist Opportunities. (don’t remember the other 1 or 2 mutators though). Kerrigan’s Omega Worms were recommended to practically cheese it. It was intense (I wasn’t even aware when the game ended, that’s how much in the zone I was), but I managed pull through! Seems like we can use her again here!
Huh, so this IS one of those rare moments that a Mutator works against Zeratul!