Co-Op Mutation #189: Encroaching Madness

I mean, to be fair, void rifts are definitely overpriced at 10 points.

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zeratul is still one of the best commander this week
just do not mass cannon

I didn’t win as Kerri until I got a zagara who knew what they were doing AND a ground Protoss comp.

No, since the RNG of rifts can be very very difficult early game.
One thing many players don’t get is to rush for the rifts asap, and Karax I Def! is a very bad idea.

Made a video for full supporting mengsk.
msk+tks reaventoss
Idk why people are always leaving at start when teamed up with my mengsk, maybe they are just too desperate after so many games defeated, and obviously they lost a chance to pass.

As usual nothing mass Zeratul cannons can’t handle with extreme ease. I honestly dont understand why you don’t just rate Zeratul as commander of the week for literally every mutation.


Rift should be 15 points. That thing defeat many commanders with weak early game and is a massive force multiplier when pair up with any mutators.


Not really. Void Rifts means you need to, as every commander, make an army or defenses early. This is a concept most newbs don’t understand.

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That is a Nub worthy comment you got right there mate.

  • Army in early game are very weak for half of the commanders exist due to Baneling (just imagine using lings, Oof).
  • They also spawn a scaling army continuously so static defenses are not an option unless you got a good one(Zeratul,Vozarun,Abarthur,Karax).
  • They also limit your base to one because they can spawn right next to your expansion, which reduced your army power.
  • Any commander with no instantaneous respond option will not be able to react to Voidrift, especially when your army will be require literally everywhere.
  • Any commander with no way to reach the back of the enemy base will not be able to kill Voidrift.
  • Units spawn from Voidrift are free so killing them only prolong the inevitable.
  • Lastly, VoidRift is a mutator that will benefit from all other mutators regardless of how useless they are.

Take this week Brutation for example: You can’t build static defense at all. You got a deathwish if you do it. Since you can’t build static, Those rift can free walk into your base without care.


Karax (structure only) is fine if you can get the first two rifts with your call down. There’s a lot of free space on the map for your Observers to safely move around for vision.

Purifier Beam can be trapped by Shield Batteries. I had a game with a Karax ally and we did both bonuses/full clear without a problem.

Old pic (not mine) from reddit of trapping the beam: old.reddit com/r/starcraft/comments/94yorb/coop_mutation_117_out_of_sight/e3otxnh/

Rip Stukov though, no idea what he’s supposed to do in this mutation. He’ll have to get carried super hard.

After a couple hours queuing up with randoms, managed to finally do it with Kerrigan with a Vorazun Partner against Ling, Muta/Guardian/Devourer. We definitely got lucky with the early Rift spawns, but I pretty much 1-base’d with Kerrigan while building a mob of Mutas to deal with certain waves and far rifts. We lost 1 bot around the 3rd wave and Vorazun’s army got wiped but still was able to complete it at the end.

I found that building like 6 spine crawlers for defense for Kerrigan will help with the trickling units that rush to your base from the rifts. Kerrigan can pretty much clear the areas. Vorazun’s Shadow Guard Call Down is also insanely useful for the first few sets of rifts if you have the Mastery to allow them to stay in longer too.

You’re a god damn newb comment. Holy cow. Whether you like early armies or not they 100% counter void rifts. I’ve beaten every void rift mutator I’ve logged in for and the one consistent theme is that you must be ready for the 2 minute rift spawn which means you cannot tech up to max lvl like people usually do, and you need units or static D. I never said static D beats void rifts, but I always build 2-3 towers so I can ignore my base and roam for objectives which is 100% winning strat.

lol dude you made my day

And as I said, you must have a deathwish to build static D with this Brutation Voidrift.
Voidrift also give AI seige unit like carrier and Broodlord. You can’t build 3 towers and get away with it. Voidrift can also spawn air unit to bypass your defense and go straight to your mineral line.

This is what I mean by “Defeat many weak early game commanders”. It is an automatic lost if all they have is Lings. They can’t build static D this weak either because of eminent domain.

Just thought I share this. I, as Kerri, got paired up with a really good Abby player and made this brutation like a brutal coop.

Total Damage to Harvesters: 17 (not a Typo, seventeen)

  • 8 on first harvest and 9 on second due to void rifts spawning next to harvesters

2:30 1st Brutalisk
4:13 2nd Brutalisk
16:00 Cleared Map + Bonus x 2 by 2nd harvest. We sat around until 30:07 for the game to end.
17:00 Kerri had been heroing up until this point. Produced hydras and zergs later on.
20:00 close to maxing out ~190
30:07 Game End

Key Points:
Abby used Toxic nest everywhere for vision, Kerri used worms (8) - which also drew attention of purifier beam and any units away from the harvesters.

Abby able to get a brutalisk so quickly by using spore colony baiting computer to toxic nests.

We were Johnny on the spot with the void rifts such that we were competing with each other to see who would get there first. By neutralizing void rifts so quickly, this brutation became a brutal coop. I would say Abby was quicker than I.

We had some static defenses just for kicks.
Our Comp was Protoss Legion Vanguard of Aiur
Didn’t use expo that much.
APMS 100-130

void rift bulls%it+ the most annoying mission with whiny stetmann = utter garbage

rifts are too random spawning all over the place… how can i go and kill ones in their base?

The 2 best ways are either Abathur or Kerrigan.

Brutalisk Deep Tunnel is 5 second cooldown and anywhere on the map without vision. You can practice a normal Brutal Mist map and see how fast you can get your first Brutalisk up with a fast Spore Crawler/Roach and toxic nests. For Kerrigan, you rush 1 base Lair/Hive and get an Omega Network/Kerrigan Upgrades up ASAP, put up 3-4 Spine Crawlers until she Spawns, and then go chasing rifts with her Q and run away with a Worm.

The first set of rifts spawns super fast; you don’t have time to get things like Han/Horner’s Strike Platforms, Karax’s Orbital Strikes (takes like 10 hits, you need lvl 2-3 Solar Forge and Observers to sustain it), really any calldowns.

Then once you clear the rifts you need to get pushing; many more commanders are good for this half. Ideally you kill 1 set of rifts with Kerrigan/Brutalisks, clear out a set of guards with the rest of your army, and repeat. If you get the first ~3 sets of rift spawns and can clear the bottom right of the map (~2nd bot), the rest of the game becomes a lot easier.

Don’t bother trying to expand until you feel like you’re “in control” of the situation, i.e. all rifts are clear, no attack wave is spawning on the bots.

So Abathur needs a nerf you’re saying? /s

With how the co-op forums gone off the deep end (and with good reason), I just want to say that I appreciated the challenge with this mutation as it made spawn camping nigh impossible. I mean you could bug out the laser beams with a flying unit, but with how hectic the game can become, you kind of need your ally to cover for you while you do that or vice versa – which is a tall order with random queue.

Did it with H&H and Dehaka ally. It was pretty straightforward.