Agree. I wonder if people even play mutation at the moment because there is no sense beside achievment.
Done as Mengsk with a Karax ally. He completely blocked the entrances later on, and I had my fun with Earthsplitter Ordnance, Calldowns and seven Royal Battlecruisers.
Had 2-3 tanks as defense as well.
Zag and Karax made it easy. Mass cannons to hold, bio launchers for AOE, and lings to wipe out the map before night three.
Swann + Artanis ally. Swann is good for Artanis so he can mainly focus on offense.
I forgot about Kerrigan! I tried as Karax, but got overwhelmed.
For the Mutation on Mist Opportunities (enemy Purifier, plus another Mutator or 2), I used Kerrigan as a last ditch effort to win Brutation. IT WAS INTENSE. Macro and micro were in constant clicking and keyboard pressing. My partner was pinging often to inform me of spots that needed reinforcing.
Kerr was one of the later COs I leveled up to mastery, but it felt like I made more Omega Worms in that game alone then all my other ones with her combined. I was taken aback when Stetmann gave the “ending victory speech”. I was so"into it" that I lost track that the last wave of harvesters were home!