This week is easy for every other commander and a bit of a nightmare for the other half.
After having finished it, I think the most easy way to do this is by having one player defend and the other attack. There’s no Mutators which make the enemy stronger, so really you can steamroll just like on normal brutal as long as you don’t have to worry about missiles. Zeratul is really good cause you can kinda defend and attack at the same time, as long as you don’t project too many cannons, also so good to leave a cannon near a crystal, so you can move on rather than standing there forever. His Void Arrays are also incredible for getting workers to crystals fast.
Not that difficult a mutation, but a bit of a pain that they couldn’t be bothered to fix the Missile Command minimap bug before using the mutator again.
Is the missile command minimap bug already a known issue? If it is, I didn’t see it in their list of known issues. I filed a bug report: The mutator Missile Command keeps destroyed missiles visible on the minimap
I think guys like me had a hand in giving Karax such a reputation. I’ve put out videos in the very first mutations showing how simple Karax makes it to beat the mutations. Not necessarily how strong they are, but how simple he makes it.
He is indeed a commander that can simplify a fair number of mutators, such as Black Death (for that Stukov used to be my go-to guy, but after the bunker nerf it’s probably Karax) and the current one, since Monoliths can ignore point defense drones, so the Karax player can just put Monoliths around all mineral lines.
Expensive and cuts into the number of units he can field, but it certainly simplifies the mutation.
Raynor, Stukov, and Nova can also do it with marines’ hit scan weapon, Tychus with his gun turret. I guess Vorazun can do it with patrolling corsairs, anyone I forgot with hitscan AA?
Fenix’s Conservators (and also Karax’s and Zeratul’s variants as well, but they have monolyths anyway), tho their damage output might be too low. Interceptors (not realistic to secure perimeter with those). Abathur’s Brutalisks (at least for nukes). It doesn’t have to be hitscan btw, IIRC Swann’s Cyclones can kill missiles with Lock-On and his turrets might be able to overpower PDD with their small missiles. Zagara’s Scourge is probably not very economic but still. Dehaka’s Creeper Host locusts. Stukov not only have marines for that, but also Daimondbacks and Inf. Liberators. Also you can spam so many Worms as Kerrigan, that they draw most of damage and allow to easily intercept nukes with hero.
I went Swann and got an okay Tychus ally. Swann made this so easy, I’d recommend him if you want to help a friend.