Co-op Mastery & Ascension XP Issue Resolution

Why doesn’t this post show up in the Blizzard Tracker list?

Thanks for the extensions and the bonus! Very much appreciated!! <3

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Many thanks for solving the issue!

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Going on Day 2 with an expired Commander stimpack. We need that that fixed faster, especially with the holiday bonus now active…

when start???

yes, when this start???

Here we are at the end of another day without a solution to the Commander stimpack being extended.

Mengsk was not the only pack that needs to be considered, some of us bought the Stetmann bundle, in my case to make his boost overlap with the last 30 days of the Warchest boost.

So, with the Warchest boost being extended and the Commander boost not being extended… we’re in a state of loss.

Right this minute I’m buying the Mengsk bundle to “fix the problem for you.” You missed my case, apparently thinking you have weeks to fix the Commander boost entension, when that was not true for every player.

Hoping you at least extend the new boost when you finally get it done.

And seriously… what is up with the Customer Support people…the one’s answering tickets… they are powerless to do anything or to even know the state of ongoing issues like this? They refer people to these forums, saying they can’t do anything else.

Well, my case wasn’t covered… and here I am hoping someone reads a forum post to get it fixed?

It has now been roughly a week with no extension to the commander Stimpack.

Some of us were on other commanders’ packs, and your pronouncement that the commander Stimpack would be extended “before any Stimpack[] run[s] out” was misguided – my Stetmann boost ran out the day before your post here.

Submitting a ticket gets “go to the forums the have your voice heard!” Well, I’m not seeming to be heard here.


[And to add insult to injury, I now get the message “We’re sorry. New users are limited to 3 replies per topic.” What a sad joke.]

I think only the Mengsk stim got extended.

Yeah, that’s wild if you played 100 games. I think I did 3-4 before realizing I wasn’t getting it.

I mentioned that for that thanksgiving weekend, that’s when my schedule was clear, so there’s the opportunity cost. I too “play for fun”, but I still like seeing the progression in ascension XP.

Also consider that people are paying real money for XP boosts. Even if they are cosmetic for those at Ascension levels, the fact that real money was spent shows that we’re at a level that’s “beyond fun”.

ADDITION: I know people with kids where this would’ve been an issue for them (AFAIK, they don’t play Sc2, but the issue still applies). They have a chunk of time where they don’t have their kids latched onto them. They can’t just “resume at another time” without much difficulty.

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Failed resolution. Commander stimpacks not extended in time, no acknowledgement that it was a problem. Voice not heard on forums. Ticket responses said to go to forums specifically to have my voice heard.

Hey all!

I am still not gaining any experience after the patch. Is there any way to fix this by any chance. I don’t know why it is happening. :(((

It often gets “stuck”. In those cases closing and reopening client works.