Co-op Mastery & Ascension XP Issue Resolution

Why would anyone play 100 games when it was apparent after just a few games that the XP wasnt sticking…


Also - would it be possible to reset everyone’s mutator xp for the week? A lot of us did it for the week before we knew it was bugged.


because i assumed the exp would be a restored with the new patch.


when an issue pops up like xp not being earned, it would go a long way to tell us immediately “hey, we know about it, thx for the reports, a fix is coming soon, stay tuned”
the radio silence is frustrating.
thank you for fixing the problem and for the xp boost extensions.


Thanks for the generous extensions and I appreciate it.

I just wish you guys were more communicative. This silence was really not helpful one bit.


Glad to hear there is a resolution. Thank you!

Totally agree on the communication. It’s okay if it takes longer to fix. No response is the worst part of this whole issue.


Same. They have all data and that is not a problem to bring back exp.

So just to think that they are not compensating “lost time” and says ppl to play more.

Like for me, a had a week off and played, but till 2020 now I have no time to play much at all.

Ps “thanks” blizz for nothing


For myself, I’ll also add “timing” was one reason. For me, I had free time over the Thanksgiving weekend, so that’s when I “binge played” (mind you, not 100 games, but a few dozen no less). I could either miss out on XP (which I too assumed we would be awarded afterwards), or miss out on gaming altogether. The opportunity cost dictated that time was the more valuable resource.

IIRC, the progress towards Mutation achievements (XP Bounty and # of Missions completed) still count, but I wouldn’t mind getting the XP due from there as well.

Credit where credit is due. Good job.


This is dumb. Just credit us the missing exp.


It is not just the Mengsk stimpacks that are at issue.

I bought the Stetmann bundle 30 days ago, so the last 10 days of that 30 was wasted.

You say you’re going to extend commander stimpack time before any run out.
Well, my Stettman stimpack ran out yesterday.

Thanks for taking this into consideration.

It would also be awesome if your support department could actually help us instead of saying they can’t help us and to go to the forums.

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They could fix this by calculating what we earned and missed. Or give everyone 10 levels. I’m cool with that.

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I would have enjoyed a free commander more, but maybe because I’m broke lol
Finally its fixed thats something even if took a week…

And where stimpack? 16:42 time now

It’s a big shame that I cannot get any XP during “deep-dark-silenced-bug” and there are no any sincere apologies from big hassles.

Thank you for “compensations”? NO.

I get this as Blizzard does regard their customers so poorly. Saw J. Allen Brack at Blizzcon 2019? That Not-apology-like-apology? I got disappointed. DEEPLY. If Blizzard really cannot compensate XP during awkwardly silenced bug week because of technical reasons that are irresistible, where are your apologies? I expect sincere apologies rather than any of your “following actions to help make it up to players who lost XP during this time.” See? they did not even use the word “compensate”. Seems to me they are so afraid of being sued for inappropriate services or want to being look so generous and benevolent lol :rofl:

For those who would say “Why did you play games when you knew you could not or might not get your XP?” and “I play to enjoy, not to get XP.”:

First, I played for fun and I expected I can get all XP later. I just thought so. This Blizzard is now no more “The Old Good Blizzard” but anyway I had my somewhat a bit of faith left that they could fix this matter.

Second, I too play for fun but it is the very design of Co-op play that you get XP for every game you play. If you are under lvl 15 and when Blizzard announces “We decided there will be no more XP for every Co-op game for your sheer fun. You play for fun, not for XP. So there will be no lvl-ups from now on.”, will you be so happy for that? I am lvl 74 in Asia so I want to reach 90 and use full abilities which are also a fun.

I do really hope any better feedbacks from Blizzard regarding this long bug matter. Don’t let me lose all my trusts to you that are so little left.


So no bonus XP yet… It is the 6th according to my calendar, even going by PST time zone!

Where is our well deserved bonus ? Shame on you blizz …


I don’t understand why people react so toxic … come on guys no one forced you to play in the last days and it wasn’t for weeks … as soon as you haven’t earned mastery points you could’ve just NOT played and that’s it.
The game is mainly for fun and not for grinding some levels…

Also how can you Guys still be so mad even tho they grant +100% EXP for nearly a month AND increased the duration of other boosts?

Also don’t you think it’s a bit ridiculous to act like you guys know how the Dev-Team should’ve reacted? How can you be sure what ressources they had available to handle the situation? lol

Come on guys it’s christmas time - just forget a few days missing COOP games and be happy about the boost gifts and have fun


Where stimpack? on PST already long 6’s December

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Any news about this?