Co-op bugs and inconveniences

hm on that left2die mission as i was morphing supergary a choker used that neural thingie on him and he was stuck in that morph forever :open_mouth: sure you can kill him and he respawns but still it was annoying :smiley:

This was a known bug since Stetmann debut. I would resubmit it on Bug Forum again. It seems this hasn’t been fixed still, based on your experience.

[quote=“FearrWhalins-1432, post:22, topic:1294, full:true”]
This was a known bug since Stetmann debut. I would resubmit it on Bug Forum again. It seems this hasn’t been fixed still, based on your experience.
[/quote] i see, thx for that heads up :smiley:

I added much more notes.
Bliz team, pay attention please.

Vermilion map. Enemies don’t get damage from lava. I also saw civilians comfortably walking from lava.


About Tychus:
-I would first of all like to make Nikara fit better. I feel like Raynor’s medics do just fine, but Nikara derps around very often. Happened to me that she was healing somebody and I wanted to move her away and she did not, she just kept healing the guy. And when moving with A-move she heals somebody and doesn’t continue the trip, she stops. I don’t experience similar things with medics.
-About Sam’s bomb I say player units kill the targeted units faster than the bomb explodes. I’d suggest some rework on that one, for example make player units attack a different target and only as last measure the bombbed ones.
-Vega’s dominated units don’t seem to do much compared to the heroes. They often die at the moment they are mind controlled. Due to being a ghost she cannot even cloak.
-Rattlesnake is good. Stimpack, slowing ability, healing. I think there is noting really to change about him.
-Same for Sirius. Maybe the upgrade about making an explosion when taking fatal damage. I cannot really make a difference between a unit killing the enemy or the self destruction. I think he could have that ability replaced with something else.
-Nux is fine. Maybe add an extra damage vs armored, like spectres have in WOL.
-Blaze’s ability to create a chain reaction between enemy units is awesome. I’d risk saying that’s the best ability in whole SC2. The max damage taken ultimate gear is also cool. Maybe giving him one or two extra range would come in handy.
-Cannonball is awesome with his stun ,increasing damage and the resurgence ability. Maybe the stats could use some rework. Instead of stun duration, maybe the damage done by increasing damage should appear on the score screen. It is weird seeing a number of about 400 vs Nux’s, Sam’s or Warhound turrets’ 20.000 or so.
-His turrets are very bad and almost useless in my view. 18 damage and 150 life is not that big of a deal. Even a ghost takes down almost half of its life in a 1v1 combat. That turret could use some huge rework.
-And one more thing, there comes a time when gathering resources effects absolutellly nothing. After you bought all gears and researched all upgrades there is nothing really to spend them on. And even sending SCVs into their deaths doesn’t earn a goal, because you cannot create any more units of the freed up supply.
-His cannon-only strategy is very similar to Stukov’s bunker-only. It is boring to see and using them is not a big challenge, because they will win with about 99% surety. That could use some rework IMO.
-There should be a much smaller power difference between the two avatars. Essence is just fenomenal. I don’t really see people using the Form. Also the Form’s little crystal drone things cannot be selected with all army hotkey, which should definitelly be fixed.
-Dark templar and distruptor units could use some decrease in gas cost.
-Shield guards and stalker units work very fine I think and the immortal is superior.
-That stasis laser top bar ability is not really worth using, it could use some rework.
-He could benefit from vespene efficiency ability that can be used during the campaigns, but no commanders own it yet. It could help a lot with those carrierlords
-Static defenses could benefit from stetallites. For example in green mode stetallites could heal them, one at a time, in blue they could increase their attack speed and in purple they could gain certain abilities like barrier or attack bonus vs certain type of units. Or they could grow a second and third “head” for a triple attack.


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Then why you write this?

To support that they won’t change him?

It’s very hard to even make them change what needs to be changed and you afraid they gonna change what doesn’t need, lol.

It was a lot to read, but this point is true for all comanders and would be great to have.

Ally’s hero/units should not take priority over any of my units period.


Actually, even today, medics in Wol, have an a move ai, that makes them follow a friendly unit, if there is an ally, they will stand beside them and heal if needed, idk why Raynor medics and nikara don’t have this feature


Why would Raynor’s Medics need it? Pre-stim and they’ll never run by your Bio. Same deal with Nikara. Although you really have no excuse for allowing her to dive into the enemies since proper micro is 90% of playing Tychus.

If your units are taking damage, that means your Medics don’t run ahead.

That’s beside the point, I don’t understand why an ai that exists since wol doesn’t apply to coop, besides why would you need to intentionally hurt your forces just keep medics from suiciding against the enemy?


Artanis’s warpgate shortcut selects all his production buildings, but only the warpgate options can be controlled from the menu.

They should stack like Tychus’s outlaw abilities.


You are kidding yourself if you think people wouldn’t build mass PF walls.

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Hitting Tab will cycle between selected units, including Artanis’ various warp structures.

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Between unit types. I used to just put all 3 on their own control groups (8 for Robos, 7 for Stargates), but I’ve gotten used to tabbing. As long as they’re the same offset (1 tab for Robos, 2 for Stargates, and 0 for Gates), then the muscle memory can be retained.

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Right, bit of an oversight on my part, yeah it’ll change the command card for each specific type of unit sequentially. At this point I find it much better that way myself with Artanis.

May as well add also add, it’ll highlight the unit with the active command card. Also, hitting Shift + Tab it will cycle the opposite direction.

Just restrict to 2 only. Or make significantly more expansive.

Pff, I am honestly looking forward to the PF walls when we inevitably get a Commander who has them. Haha, they will be a lot of fun to play with, especially since I imagine the ones we get will likely have greater firepower and stats compared to the stock ones.

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