Cannot Log Into StarCraft 2

This was happening yesterday, tried to log into Starcraft II and says server is temporarily down. I come back today and same thing. Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem to.

Went ahead and just for kicks, shut my computer down, reloaded everything back up and same results.

Ya I feel ya, I haven’t played in awhile and recently came back about a week ago. Started with the campaigns and did that and was doing co-op which is a lot of fun. But now, can’t do that atm and they had a goof up were the levels of the commanders got de-leveled down to level 5 or worse!

Hey folks,

Bliz has been aware and investigating this issue since yesterday. They’ve even attempted a fix since then. They’re working on it.

There’s a thread in the TS you can follow for updates:

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Ohhh okay fair enough.