Can we nerf Zeratul's tornado please?

Zeratul is a brain dead commander, always has been.
Even after those nerfs he got a few patches ago he is still top 3 strongest commanders.


I agree. Just spin to win is op compared to Alalark 3P

No, we can not. Period.


Yeah, I think most people don’t realize that Zeratul is the DPS on P3, and to make CC and tanking units for the late game. Still seeing a lot of Zoraya’s and ambushers/abrogators/void templars and the like, and even goofier, the artifact mastery even though that makes you stronger from minute 6 to 7 only and gimped the entire rest of the time.

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OP, seriously, what did you drink lately? Terrazine? Why does every commander needs a nerf?

You know what really needs a nerf? Your ability to post and ruin fun prestiges for everyone else. Unbelievable. From Alarak to Nova to Zeratul. And never anything substantial to back it up.


Hater Zeratul detected!


That’s Zeratul’s entire MO though. Blizz doesn’t seem eager to make him actually require thought or effort to play which is a shame because he has some nice mechanics that NO ONE uses because you just a-move through everything.

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There is ONLY 1 REASON random dudes come out to ask for random nerfs:


They have NEVER used it, NEVER levelled it, NEVER tried out its units\abilities\build orders in VARIOUS situations ecc ecc; these are, and ALWAYS will be, casual players who aren’t doing ANY effort to get better\learn the new commanders, and they simply feel bad when they get paired with a better player using a newer commander, of whom they know NOTHING, so they cry NERF.

SKIP a damn CHEESEBURGER and cough up the FIVE BUCKS to try a new commander out before crying NERF!!!

But of course they won’t. Casual players are all about free content, which is FINE, and INFINITE COMPLAINS, which is NOT!!!



Everything Zeratul has is overpowered as hell. At level 5 I can solo Brutal missions with ease, with an afk ally.

When we had that free period in April I level’d him just to see what he’s like with Masteries and it’s ridiculously hilarious. He has so many cool mechanics that no one ever uses because you don’t need to, you can literally just a-move across the map with an army that automatically upgrades itself, and with macro that you never have to pay attention to because it’s all automated.

I mean hell, his Stalkers even Blink FOR YOU rofl.

The entire CO is completely brain dead easy. And that’s the reason I don’t want to buy him. If Blizzard actually went through and nerfed him to the point where I actually had to pay attention to what I was doing to accomplish a mission then I WOULD buy him.

He’s so overpowered and so easy to play that he’s boring. I don’t want to play him because of how boring he is. I’ll buy him if they nerf him.


They already nerfed him several times since this, including the self blinking stalkers

This is the same BS we’ve been hearing about Zeratul since he came out. And guess what? NO ONE CARES. You’re not going to buy him? Who the hell’s supposed to care? There’s one op commander? So what? Are zera players winning every tournament, stealing money and prizes from all others??

NO they are NOT, cause coop is NOT competitive, it’s just for FREAKING fun. There are the same commanders for everyone, wheter you pick one or the other is your damn choice. And zeratul is only op when played by expert players who know the maps well, and immediately get the fragments as soon as they spawn, because without fragments zeratul SUCKS. And guess what? EVERY commander is op when played by a good player!!! EVERY FREAKING ONE.

Zeratul really needed ONE nerf, and that was tesseract cannon cost and shade projection cooldown, and that was fixed long ago.

Thanks for proving my point that ppl ONLY complain about commanders they don’t buy. Never heard someone feeling so superior for NOT buying a commander though. That’s a first, and good for a big fat laugh (like most of what’s in your post)

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When Zeratul solos the entire map with the tornado, or when Lone Wolf Tychus clears half the map before you’ve even macro’d up properly. Guess what? That is taking fun away from one of the players in the game.

This is what you noob happy GIMME MY OP dudes don’t understand. If the game starts to become THAT easy, you might be having a blast but your ally isn’t.

It’s a good thing Blizzard understands that. They’ll do what they have to with the extreme crap like Zera’s tornado.

Zera as he is now without it, is still ridiculously easy, but you can carry harder with other CO’s too it just takes more effort.


Relax, Zeratul doesn’t need a nerf.


meh, I’ll join in this pointless discussion.
Zeratul doesn’t need a nerf–d’you want to have Blizzard take away the prestige system, since everything is OP? co-op is a more casual mode, and every commander has his own gimmick that makes him/her, debatably, OP. Let people play the commanders, and let devs focus on problems in co-op, like the hotkey for the warp gates when the death fleet is active, or Zagara’s mastery allocating points, when those are done–then the devs will focus on “balancing” the commanders, and I don’t think they do it off of this forum. Just. Have. Fun. Please.


Yup, they only want the commanders they own to be powerful and it bothers them so much to see a commander they don’t own carry them.


If one of them is in Monk’s place, we are everyone doomed!

If that’s truly the case then you probably need to play better. I’ve only had one LW Tychus do that, and it was before the most recent nerf, and I’m no speedrunner. Do you have any videos showing equally skilled players where Tychus or Zeratul are truly that far ahead of Abathur, Dehaka, or Zagara? I’m being serious, I would really like to see that.


Here we go again. Another armchair grandmaster who got less kills than his ally and came here to complain.
Chill, tornado aint even compensate the lack of 3rd artifact in second half of the game.

I’d like to see how Zeratul will solo any map with just tornado.


From my experience:

-Zeratul is prone to getting bursted down if not positioned properly.
-A great deal of Zeratul’s utility and army strength is contingent on the third artefact fragment (enforcer shields, abbrogrator splash, etc.), which you miss out on.
-No avatar of essence means no lifeline against problematic enemy compositions, missing out on a lot of pushing power and sacrificing avatar-related utility for both yourself and your teammate.

The former drawback is universal, but meaningful in this setting as p3 focuses on a zeratul-centric army. The other two are very substantial sacrifices as compared to not having any prestige. Given these drawbacks and base Zeratul’s power level, I’d rather not have Zeratul prestige 3 nerfed.


Nerf? I actually think the tornadoes need a buff TBH.