Can someone please post replays!

This game is so imbalanced against Protoss it’s sick.

I have asked for high level replays of PVT where the Terran player constantly drops widow mines into your base constantly killing off probes (even with cannons firing on them) and then sending in the mass MMM that are 2-2 because you can’t recover.

If you do fend this off then EMP ends the game.

Yet no one has posted anything.

The blizzard balance team is a bunch of brain dead idiots who has no concept of balance. Protoss HAS to cheese and they balanced the game around their stupid cheese, not around the overall gameplay.

You can see the first game Soul vs. Geralt.

I wouldn’t mind showing you how a lil better tosses than you have that ez time playing PvT but I havent played in a while. Was full of examples in 2018-19

How to hardcounter widow mine drops:

  1. Open Robo or Oracle
  2. Don’t F2 your stalkers away from guarding your mineral lines.
  3. Get free GG because Protoss
  1. Bathe in salty terran tears

I am afraid that if Gandhi has seen the Soul vs Geralt games he has fainted several times.

Protoss when PvZ is 49.5%:

Protoss when PvZ is 54.36%:
Game is balanced.


The game is just imbalanced as **** against Protoss. Terran EMP and mass MMM is just unbeatable. Maybe if they took out Widow mines that you WILL lose units too or maybe made it so they die in 2 hits instead of F*(&*NG 5! it would become a little more playable.

But alas, Terran will continue to dominate this game left and right.

GG Blizzard balance team, take notes from the original design team for SC1 and learn to balance a game properly!

Protoss: 43% of GM with 33% of population
Protoss: 6/11 2021 Premier tournaments won
Protoss: Leading on PvT and PvZ on Aligulac
Parting: “Protoss is advantaged in every stage of the game.”

Gandhi: F2 and A-move are the only keys I understand, so I lose when my probes go boom boom. How does select and move probes? What is a “minimap”?

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Protoss: Leading on PvT and PvZ on Aligulac:

False statement

I’ve stated it before, You HAVE to cheese build in order to win with Protoss, if you do not it shows how IMBALANCED this game is against them. I don’t just A-move like a Terran player with stim.

Protoss now have the worst economy and ground units this game has to offer. Mules push Terran economy so far ahead you will NOT stand a chance if you lose a few probes but a Terran player can lose an entire base and STILL have a better economy then you.

Protoss player HAVE to go skytoss or they will lose. It’s in EVERY opening and EVERY game. The last balance patch was a band-aid to try and hide how inept the blizzard balance team is by forcing Stargate openings meaning that you HAVE to play this way or get destroyed.

Starcraft 1 was a perfectly balanced game, This game is NOT BLIZZARD FIX YOUR DAMN GAME AND BALANCE THE ECONOMY!

When the winrsaes were at 47% I wasl alredy daying the gsme was pretty balanced,so I dont know why are you inventin things.I alwais said that as long as the game stais within 5% it will be in a playable state.Wpuld be the best thimg having everything at 0% difference, bit this os the reality and most of the time numbers will fluctuate.

Even if protoss was overtuned right now, (which it is not) I am so happy they finally get for the first time in 10 years a small period of dominance in GM ladder and a little bit of success in the pro play scene. Its been 10 years since terran and zerg swaped the title of kings of the game throughout patches. #Feelsgoodman As Jon Snow would say: The North remembers. Most of u are just kids who forgot what they ate yesterday, let alone who dominated Starcraft 2 for 10 years, thats why u mad.

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Ur like 60 apm protoss in diamond st fu. L2p cause a toss who is behind Terran in macro is really really bad pure carry by race

This is what happens when I face protoss better than u all the time - can cheese macro behind and still out macro u and spam storm but they all player better than u

In 2018 and 19 I posted exact same clips of low leaguer like 60apm carry by race, back then what was ur excuse? Cause nerf to protoss overboost came after these years

just talk…
it’s not like Toss has been flooding GM since 2019. even in the strong year of Zerg players at the pro level. Everything under 6k mmr is favored toss.
Because instead of giving toss things that need skill they have boosted the easy stuff. Consequence in top lvl toss is the equal and in casual toss is broken.


What a pity that Showtime has not seen this post.
Now, truth be told there is a way to counter the WM abuse: KingCobra style with Phoenixes supported by Static defense.
Nothing in the Protoss arsenal besides Phoenix has the mobility to intercept drops. No protoss has the luxury to station on each Nexus 4-5 Stalkers for a drop that might not come.

That doesnt make any sense, but ok.

Professional Protoss are winning off Macro games every day. You’re the only toss that feels like they need to cheese. If you’re losing with Toss you must be absolutely abysmal at StarCraft and you would be better off playing Minecraft as it would be more your speed.

When you’re on more than 2 bases you don’t have to…you can afford a single cannon and probe pull on each base; which is also why mid/late game mine drops are so much more rare than early game ones. L2p

Pro-tip: 4.36% off the curve is so much more statistically significant than 3% that it’s abhorrent the game is being tolerated at this state for more than a day. It’s enough that people would default on loans if that was the difference in their APR. At 3% in 2018 even I was saying Nydus needed a nerf. 4.36% is pretty much “there’s no point in logging in if you’re not picking Protoss” or near enough to it that the distinction is unimportant.

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Another protoss admitting the truth:
They don’t want a balanced game, they want a Protoss game. Pathetic.

It’s hilarious watching Protoss malding when they’re the ones dominating the game. I genuinely hope the game becomes nothing but PvP over the rest of the year. Especially since Apetoss openly consider a game of nothing but PvP a threat against them.

Receipt for Proof:

You know things are bad when even Protoss is SCARED to play against only Protoss.


Where are we getting these numbers again? Aligulac right now says 53.8% Last month 51.69% and the month before 48.10% so looks ok i guess. It swings around 50% when we see the bigger picture of this patch.

Was nydus also too strong in 2018?? The strong nydus era was 2019. With protoss being down often times to 45%ish…its correct tho that in 2018 zvp was also massively zerg favored in aligulac. Very funny. Actually it was this horrible since 2012 if you look at the aligulac numbers. So protoss has gone through worse than zerg and that for about 7 years. So if you acknowledge aligulac then you say pvz is right now rather balanced (maybe slightly p favored) but horribly z favored for about 7 years…