Can someone please explain to me

How did a gold-level f2+a-clicker manage to get into the round of 4 in code s? And how on Earth did this game go to a 35 minute long macro game after botching a 10k resource fight? Is Protoss really so far ahead they can screw up that badly and just go :man_shrugging: meh whatever? Balance is so disgusting right now…

Also look at how truly awful the last fight was:

Holy smokes talk about one of the worst engagements I have ever seen in Code S. :grimacing:

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I guess in your monocellular brain you do the calculation: I the clown-BatZ beat once in a blue-moon Parting, if Parting Lost 0:4 to Dark, i would have gone 3:4 against Dark.

Please more such spicy-content.
Lowko’s channel needs more subs.


I’ve beaten Dark on the ladder many times too, kid. I’ve beaten PartinG in PvZ and ZvZ is my best matchup (it’s not affected by balance).

Not using the disruptors was clearly a misplay. I think the game continued because they both had banked up and secured enough bases for a massive income-flow.

As for the final engagement I think at that point the Protoss army way already decimated, the map was mined out, and it was a last stand kind of thing. Even going onto creep as he was felt that he was out of options otherwise.

There were a dozens mistakes in that fight of equal magnitude to the disruptors. It’s not just that he didn’t use them, it’s that he a-clicked them into banelings, rather than throwing out shots and trying to shave off banelings/ravagers over time. Then he didn’t manage the carriers and they walked into spores. He didn’t split his carriers to avoid fungals and biles. This is the worst fight I have ever seen in Code S.

Nope, it’s Protoss. I 100% guarantee you that if a Zerg botched a fight even half that bad he would be dead. In fact it happened recently in Serral vs Stats. So only Protoss can !@#$ up like a gold league player and then just shrug their shoulders and play a 35 minute macro game.


:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
Why we have all those useless KR players on top of the charts and not our preferred clown?
Dark is one of the 3 best Zergs in the Planet:
BatZ (a 5000MMR nullity) : I beat Dark…

Heel! Sit!
Bad BatZ! Go into the crate and don’t yap for the reminder of the day.


Flagged for trolling (like most of your posts).


I’ve always been critical about Parting, he’s just a rusty pro from the past of other rusty players that cant do too much after a return like Taeja except taeja was far better than Parting. Learning the RIGHT imba units of this race in the current meta carries to the finals

First praises Heromarine into high heaven because he made 1/4 WCS sometimes, then calls Parting ( a former world champ) who made the semis at last IEM Katowice and made the semis of GSL 2 this year a rusty pro of the past and blaming it on ‘OPtoss’…

Great reasoning: you gonna build a very trustworthy reputation :roll_eyes:


LOL, he is a caricature of BatZ, same delusions less IQ. Ignore the imbecile.

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Yet he used one of my builds to beat PartinG. I challenge you to find any other example of a proxy hatch 12 pool in any pro game. I’ve been doing variants of that build for years.

Sure, Dark follows all your games on twitch and youtube and reads all your posts here in order to learn how to play Zerg.
People think that clowns are recognized by the paint on their faces and the clothes they wear.
They are wrong.

This moron has to be committed. I am afraid that even Goba Facility can do little now…
Once you pas a certain threshhold there is no cure or treatment.


Do you really think that the pro players just YOLO into their matches, e.g. that they don’t study their opponents to see what they lose to? It could be as simple as he looked at PartinG’s match history page which lists build orders.

Proxy 12 pool has never been used in Code S in the entire history of the game prior to Dark beating PartinG, right after it becomes well known that an NA zerg who does those kinds of builds has an incredibly high win-rate against the very same top korean Protoss.

You’ve always thought I am just some rando on a forum but I am one of the biggest SC2 community figures out there. Batz has always been my alt account.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:


It just shows how incredibly ignorant you are. That’s fine with me. A forum clown can’t imagine a world outside the forums where he spams insults 24/7 like it’s his day job he’s getting paid overtime to do.

Nah, deep down i still have the suspicion that you are not too serious with the enormities that you say. It would be too sad if you were really serious.
It’s a book case of clinical psychology/psychiatry.
The difference between sane and crazy people is that sometime sane people think they are going crazy, on the other hand the crazy ones never doubt that they are the sane ones.

A 5 minute conversation with one of my alt accounts literally launched a pro gamers career, as per his words. Another streamer / semi pro built his stream by quite literally copying one of my ideas almost word for word. Those are my alt accounts.

Batz is pulling a Playa.


not necessarily… he didn’t specify which game so technically he could have convinced a 5 year old to start a career in minesweeper :wink:

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Now, if one is to chose between Playa and BatZ, truth be told Playa is 100 times more convincing than BatZ.
Playa has a whole history of playing at very high levels from BW spanning 20 Years. BatZ is just a loudmouth with nothing tangible to show for.