Can someone please explain to me

I’ve literally provided proof for all my claims. I even posted an email upon request showing the scam (harstem/max). I’ve even written a book that describes a build and links to what became the meta 8+ years later in BW was called the best build in the game.

Enough is out there to “research” and realize… it’s all true. It’s called racism. It’s called Blizzard. It’s called trickle down. You employ d-bags and psychopaths and that’s what is fostered. Make believe narratives is kinda the theme of the world atm. We get to figure out who is truly incompetent and who is merely demonic, just cause. In due time.

I could be like hey guys… I was top 50 GM last season with a win rate of over 70%. That would be factually true and easy to demonstrate. But… then where would the discussion go? “Haha easy race. Haha abusing this or that.” Things always get steered to something disparaging or simply ignored if they can’t think of anything. Very rare is mere acceptance of the obvious truth. If it doesn’t benefit them, pretend it doesn’t exist given perception is reality… and they’re pretty good at pretending.

I’m not trying to be arrogant here. I’m merely tired of the never ending game of “cowboys vs Indians.” And I’m supposed to be the 1 Indian (cause why not) vs 2000000000 “cowboys.” It’s idiotic and ridiculous. These people have brain damage. If you carry on in a way that is in line with having brain damage… at what point is there no difference?

I just want to speak on the max thing to highlight how sad and predictable this scene is.

Not only was I “using his strat” before he even played SC 2, every game mind you, and top 10 GM with it… but not only did I realize what he was doing (copying every build, not just that one), but I then went on to not only solve P vs P. But, then I messaged Pig, I believe, and told him exactly what Max would end up doing in P vs P 2 months from then.

Literally pulled a “Babe Ruth.” And, that is exactly what happened. That’s all he does now. Every game. Exactly the timeline that I said. Yet, they still won’t acknowledge that.

If I were literally from the future… and I came back to this date… it would make zero difference. There’s nothing I could do to influence anything. That is how bad the racism/censorship/boy’s clubs are in this game. And I’m 50% white. It’s actually unbelievable.

People in this scene literally get off on lying about me, when I don’t even have a history of anything bad.

Pulling a Playa is merely telling the truth. Something Batz isn’t a huge fan of. I don’t exaggerate things. I don’t make things ten fold what they are. I’m not using a barcode like a coward and trying to 12 pool everyone, while pulling drones, just so I can guarantee winning 1 game out of 50 vs someone far better, and then being granted a license in my mind to brag on the forums about it for the rest of my life, while ignoring all context that would show how inconsequential and inevitable the “feat” was.

Just saying it cause has to be said every so often.


Hahahaha easy race, abusing the fact that all protoss builds are viable.

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You dont watch enough GSL.

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I am close to like 7-0 vs Playa the last time we played. Actually I think he won one when the game went longer than I had time and I had to quit. His playstyle is very simple: spam void rays and disruptors off the back of a fast third while massing static defense. There are a thousand free wins against such an incredibly bad play style. The only reason someone might want to use that style is because it is very easy & doesn’t require high APM to play (ex: parting). In fact high APM is a disadvantage because you’d probably fall asleep trying to do it.

Also the mere idea that Playa invented maxpax is ridiculous first because Playa can’t do it as well as maxpax can. Meanwhile I have beaten players like PartinG in situations not even top Zerg players were able to win in (ex: Soo).

Maybe soo should have studied my playstyle before facing against PartinG, like Dark probably did.

I stopped reading here. I recorded games, locally, on youtube for a period of like a couple months maybe. During that time alone, I went 2-0 vs Batz and the vods are on there… Still there. Psychopaths. One of the games he managed to lose, makes it very clear/obvious he’s not nearly my MMR.

It’s sad to think that this guy is more honest than the average player/person in the scene. If the world needs a culling, it’s of this dishonest b s. So much time is wasted on hearing/responding to things that have NO BASIS IN REALITY. It’s insane.


You couldn’t even identify my accounts no matter how much you tried, let alone actually win a game.

This is the “logic” that these little nutters use. They think they’re so clever and have this plausible deniability, so they can say and do w/e they want. It’s like yeah… maybe you can fool some 20 IQ people… congratulations.

Then, you have these people who think they’re fooling people with these “clever schemes,” when… people are just nodding their heads because they’re attractive to them. They could say anything and it wouldn’t matter, yet they devote so much time into “protecting their image.” Everyone has brain damage. It has to be said for what it is. It’s obvious.

You gotta ask yourself, what kinda person only uses a barcode and cheeses, when they’re not a pro gamer? What kinda person brags about having never said a word to me… What are you, a 3 year old? Hey guys… I spent all day talking to a scammer and some all-world rejects, but that one guy that no one has issues with… and what not… he’s too beneath me. Please believe me.

I can only take so much brain damage.

Can you even post a picture without having to blackout your name/mmr? This guy is so crazy, that even if he actually were good, high MMR, he’d still spend an hour… just to make sure he can blackout everything, because he talks as if he he’s 15k MMR and seeing anything less than that would hurt his ego and not live up to what he said. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

This is what I am talking about. He says he has beaten me and can’t even list what accounts are mine let alone which games he has won. But he says he has beaten me none-the-less. How did this guy get into GM? When I was playing SC2 I had every account name memorized, every alt account identified, and a list of their playstyles and opening builds. But this guy got to GM by spamming void rays? Nerf protoss. Seriously. This is beyond ridiculous.

Chipz happened to go on vacation recently… :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

I even wrote some software that alters my hotkeys to match other players. This disrupts alt identification services like sc2unmasked. So yeah there is no way on Earth playa identified my accounts.

I wrote custom software for classifying alt accounts too based on replays. It parsed huge data dumps of replays and classified people first by a distance metric based on hotkeys, name, build orders and statistical predictors like APM. It would automatically pull up which player I am playing against and list their most common build orders.

The statistical matching software assumed there is a certain number of players you will face against. This is based on a statistical model of how the ladder works which you can use to estimate the total number of unique accounts. I did that plus 10%. Then an algorithm is devised through machine learning that minimizes the R2 value of the account matching (basically regression analysis) for the target number of accounts. This means up to 10% of the most unique accounts are misidentified.

So you have an index that represents a unique player. The algorithm then maps the input variables for all accounts to the index of the player that minimizes the R2 value and it can do this using any arbitrary equation as long as the R2 value of that equation run on that data is the best possible match.

There’s this saying of people who have nothing to hide don’t hide things. All day, the guy is trying to hide this and that… but when it comes to the forum… oh man… gather around girls and boys to hear about the feats of Napoleon. Which country did the barcoding guy who has to blackout 50 things from every screenshot conquer today?

It’s really congruent. It’s like nah, I didn’t rob the bank. I just decided to dress up with a ski mask on and take a gun with me. I earned that bag through hard work. It’s like oh, you got me convinced dude with ski mask and gun, and everyone in the bank lying on the floor. It’s like man… you should spend more time lying. Pretty good at it. You had me at “I didn’t.”

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I heard he beat Nina with ultras to Darks complete astonishment. Ultras do not work in ZvP.

By the way it’s based on how human shape recognition works. The brain assumes there are a certain number of unique shapes and randomly assembles a series of neural networks to be able to correctly distinguish between each of the shapes. If there is a large overlap between shapes identified it merges them into one shape and if there is a shape none of the networks can classify it adds a new shape and optimizes a new neural network. It basically seeks to maximize the variance of the shape classifications.

idk I was 2/2 now I can just say any random GM zerg player and since there are none left the likelihood is on my side.

Ultras + queens is one of the strongest things Zerg can do vs Toss. It’s absolutely insane how ignorant people are in this game (giving you a pass cause you’re not Toss). Mass queens alone can only lose to disruptor shots. Add in ultras? Ofc you can beat anyone. It’s not a feat. It’s to be expected.

That guy is such a clown. Imagine putting in all that work to try to believe you’re “impossible to find,” without being smart enough to realize that, that alone, obviously tells everyone you’re a fraud.

This guy’s whole deal is… He wants to create this delusion in his head where he can, say, play me 50 games… and if he simply wins 1 of them… he now gets to go around, in his mind, saying he’s never lost to me and he’s 7-0 vs me. It’s so cringe. It’s stupid. It’s embarrassing how this is a “typical streamer mentality.” It makes one embarrassed to be alive.


Imagine how much brain damage it takes to actually believe this. Parting in Code S a-clicked his entire army into a wall of banelings and shrugged it off to play a 35 minute macro game he definitely could have won. Ultras are not a good unit in any matchup.

PartinG simply refused to use basic unit control and make sensible choices about what units to make and where to place his units on the map.

Everyone has 2 minutes to spare in their life. Go ahead and use the 2 minutes to test out mass queens vs a similar supply of immortals. Tell me who wins if you use transfuse… “Toss OP…” The tripe of idiots.

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Kid PartinG went out of his way to take fights on top of creep, away from shield batteries, while fighting into spores, fungals, parasitic bombs and microbial shroud while NOT EVEN CASTING HIS DISRUPTORS.

You are supposed to dance and bait out those abilities over time. PartinG a-clicked into all of them and just sat there and took it. He STILL played a 35 minute game. Balance is so rigged in Protoss’ favor it’s appalling how bad the Protoss is allowed to play and yet still stay in the game.

If the positions were reversed, and Dark botched the first fight, the game ends right then and there.

I am offended as is Goba.

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I believe you believe that pros have stolen your builds. I just think there is a much higher probability that the pros used builds that were similar and not identical, by chance and not by intention. The maxpax build wasn’t that novel tbh. I’ve seen players as low as diamond use that build more or less, before it was popularized.

It just took a pro to make the execution stick and to be popularized. It’s not that it was a novel build, it had to be proven useful at the higher levels. Any build that is “novel” is probably being done right now by a bunch of people that don’t have the execution skills to popularize it.

Here’s what I mean:

  1. Let’s say 2000 players in diamond/masters are using a build that no pros are doing, but they are.

  2. A pro takes notice of the build that already a few thousand players are doing and decides to attempt to make it work at a higher level.

  3. A pro finds some success in the build, and executes first at a high level.

  4. A pro has successfully popularized a build and has their name on the build as novel

  5. it didn’t matter that a few hundred or thousand people were doing something similar, it matter who executes. And to find out which person created the build is impossible.

  6. This is more than likely what happens with any “meta” build in SC2. The chances of any 1 person finding a build is extremely low. You and a few hundred people were probably doing the “maxpax” build before maxpax, and it’s impossible to trace which lower level player could have started it. Maxpax just happened to be the only player to successfully popularize it.