Build Queens, if that doesn't work just build even more Queens

I’m more mad about the reaper change. I could and might write an essay post on the forums about it.

It’s another case of a Korean Terran doing well with a unit and then immediately that unit getting nerfed into the ground.

Korean Terrans are becoming an extinct species over time and more people need to wake up to that fact.

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kinda reminds me of serral. he does something, wins with it - peoply cry about it until it gets nerfed.

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why I build atm also ~4-6 queens.

  1. creep spread
  2. air def
    3rd block
  3. dmg tank
    for larva i use the rarer situations dependent.

myself i am a HyuN/ dark fan with her roach style.
I tried to play with 2 creep queens. But a lot of units just fly around and then you see how the P/T has only a few units and is still safe, but attacks all the time. Also the worker count was similar.
The queens allow me to say ok you get damage when you fly around here. And allow me to build up my wall (creep).

Zerg pro does something: Takes months if not years to get nerfed.

Terran Pro does something: Gets nerfed with in weeks or a month(A great example of this was the Thor back in WoL after Thorzain did a Thor rush, the Slayers Terrans with blue flame hellions during MLG and the Reaper after Byun won).


cant say much to that thor or hellion build, but do you really think, that 3rax reaper was balanced at that time? its not like zerg tried everything possible to counter/defend it. they even went pool 1st, take a huge hit in eco, just to be safe… to even falling more behind because reaper were that ridiculously strong that time.

To that I say, how many other Terrans had the micro required to make it work?.

Lets talk about that to start.


Reminds me of Serral and Reynor and Rogue and soO and Dark. Wait, why are there 5 names there? That’s so weird.

Byun and just barely Maru had it.


Meanwhile how many Zergs have the control to use Infestor-Broodlord?.

How long did it take to finally make that balanced?.


My (minimum) M3 Zerg could do it lmfao.

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That really shows quite the double standard now doesn’t it?.

Reaper build used once?. Reapers repeatedly nerfed into the ground.

Infestor-Brood?. Killing the games population and popularity since WoL, finally getting fixed in 2019.


I don’t know why it happens.

anyway. its senseless to discuss with you two xD do you wanna know, what i will do now? i now it sounds kinds strange, but i will go ladder now. you know, trying to improve. maybe it would help both of you too. just a freaky idea, i know.

anyway. its senseless to discuss with you two xD do you wanna know, what i will do now? i now it sounds kinds strange, but i will go ladder now. you know, trying to improve. maybe it would help both of you too. just a freaky idea, i know.

Those Colossus were hallucination you know.

No…but close. Take a look at his threads and note another account that always posts in a very similar style.

You’ll notice something interesting.

People agreeing on something means they are the same?.


Nope. Two accounts with nearly mirrored formats and syntax means they are the same. And now I’ll watch in amusement as you overcompensate the other way.

You need it buddy.

I’m pretty sure MyOhMind isn’t anywhere as aggressive or hostile as me, pal.


I know, but at this point the issue is being so exaggerated that it is starting to get really hard to care anymore. Understand it, in the view of many people we zergs just mass queens and that solves everything, when in reality there is plenty of diligent scouting and other units built to support the queens, also spreading creep diligently too to gain mobility to move units between bases, keeping tabs on enemy positioning to not get caught off guard, etc.
The 2-1-1, for example, queens help vs that, but you do need plenty of lings to go with them and also have the lings in position to avoid the medivacs from unloading, because if they manage to unload 16 marines and entrench them in a choke (say in the back of a mineral line) you have a problem. Queens melt to 16 stimmed marines. It is not as easy as “just mass queens” but it seems that half the people commenting think that it is just like that. There is more to go with it. Are queens good? They are phenomenal, top unit in the game possibly. But making the kind of argument of mass just queens and slam down the drone button is starting to get irritating to hear.

And I do know that I am starting to lose some of my calm whe dealing with these kind of threads, but the non-stop complaining about every little thing zerg related in every aspect is starting to really generate heavy backlash from us zerg players, which I think is completely understandable.

It’s exactly what high level Zergs including Pro’s are doing. Once you get a set number of Queens you can just drone up with no fear of harassment.

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Well I would hope that 1 Queen would melt to 16 marines or else we would have major problems with the game.

Could you imagine Queens having the same HP as a Ultralisk?.

So what you are saying is that you are building Queens and the only time you build extra units is if the Queens can’t handle it.

Since Infestor-Brood finally got balanced the only real design complaints about Zerg is the Queen and the SH. For good reason.