Blizzard app

2/116 Favorites
8/51 friends.

How does that work? Is this a bug in the app?
I just had to reinstall SC2 to get it to show me a tab that said
Friends In Starcraft II

what are you going on about.

How can I have 51 friends but have 116 favorites???
It’s a bug… This is directed to support.

have you added that many people to your favorites, cause thats the only way to have people in favorites, which also the favorites dont nescessarily have to be freinds, they could just be people you favorited that messaged you that you didnt add to the freinds list. or people that you added to favorites that were freinds that either you unfreinded or they unfreided you.

i’ve favorited people before but when you delete them off your friends list etc… it shouldn’t be a “favorite” or you should be able to remove “all favorites” or osmething.

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