Bigger problem than balance: extremely toxic community

Took a mini break from sc2, went and did other stuff, came back and noticed something. From my perspective, the sc2 community is extremely toxic just not in the MOBA sense where you get cussed out every 2nd game. It’s more of a bullying culture, something far more insidious than some people occasionally raging over a loss.

For example, in every sc2 community I’ve visited, not just bnet, I frequently see people belittling others and being excessively rude. From Reddit’s problem being extremely dismissive to TL’s moderation team’s seemingly inability to conduct themselves as adults instead of 12 year old trolls to bnet’s over sensitivity when it comes to discussing topics such as how utterly toxic the community has become.

And that probably drives players away more than balance issues. If we all just calmed down, thought about things rationally and treated one another with mutual respect, sc2 would be a much, much better game at all levels of play.

We as a community can be better.


I don’t think it is just an SC2 problem. It is an internet problem as a whole and seemingly it also made it into the biggest 2 English speaking governments.

Trolls are prevalent everywhere and drives away all the rational voices. The anonymity seems to bring out the worst in people.

I don’t even believe that these trolls are so bad in real life but for some reason these are the emotions that bubble to the top on forums. Those that are actually that bad in real life are given a pedestal instead of being ignored like they are in real life.

Wonder how this wil turn out in the long run.


Unless you are Protoss and Observers, you are not allowed to be better.


Community is only toxic, because balance it trash. It is hard to have good attitude, if devs don’t fix major probes months to years. And release one big patch per year and than leave game broken another 8 months. If game was balanced and fun to play attitude would improved !

I didn’t complain in hots even 1 from 10 than now.


you do not go to the forum: everything ok
you go in to read once in a while: ok
you often read forum: drop -100mmr and no gg when you lose games.
you post in the forum: drop -200mmr and write that the other race is op.
you write regularly in the forum: then you don’t play Sc2 anymore but just write how broken everything is.


you realize hots is when they lost most of their playerbase right??? because it was by far the worst version of sc2… i hope you know that.


That’s only because swarmhosts created 3 hour stalemate games and retarded maps which were op for blink. It were blink all ins every game and vs zerg stalker immortal sentry all ins… Otherwise game come close to the perfect game.

If they fixed ravens, sh and tempests and made ground units stronger than air units, it would be much better game about skill and also buff creep tumors a bit in hots.

And make all races balanced individually so noone is better against one and worse against one !!!

And more macro maps !!


people who praise HotS boggle my mind…


This community is arguably worse. What would you rather deal with, some crazed kid typing slurs at you or an entire community who bullies anyone they can in more subtle ways?

Because that’s what the sc2 community does. They bully people for differing opinions and this ranges all the way from trashy places like this to places where GMs and pros talk.

I’ve said it before (and gotten banned for it which kinda proves my point) the sc2 community has a serious issue with hubris in general and instead of having rational, mature discussions about these social trends within the community, people tend to get all knee jerky.

Most of us are adults, we should probably try acting like it.

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I find many people’s ingame names to be offensive. How is it that the blizz team doesn’t notice this? Either they directly permit or they ignore because they haven’t a clue as to how to screen names in the first place.


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TL is the toxic positivity place, where no negativity can get through…

there’s always negative with the positive, and leaving out the negative just isn’t healthy in my opinion… but that place… YIKES. that’s why there’s never any good discussions going on there, just useless power rank posts followed up with a few people who slightly agree with that guys selection.

maybe some write ups of pro players that actually have no meaning to anything, rather just something that guy felt like doing that day, but don’t you dare say anything negative about it.


Exactly. TL is the “first perfect place” built in The Matrix that just went wrong because it was too positive…and so…antidemocratic.

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I hate to bring this up because it’s kind of like pissing on TB’s grave and I generally like(d) the guy…but do you remember that time when on TL TB flipped out on someone, acted like a total child and got the TL staff to ban a user for civilly disagreeing with TB?

TL isn’t a positive place, they just remove anything that makes them look bad because their moderators are man-children and therefore, they cannot handle any kind of dissent, even if it’s just perceived.

If it was up to me and I was a manager at Blizzard, I’d sever all ties with them in an official capacity since they continually prove that they have bad judgment skills. I mean some of the behavior their mods have exhibited in the past has no excuse. Absolutely none and any good Admin would de-mod said moderators for the crap they’ve pulled…I’d even go as far as to issue DMCA claims to mess up their wiki and update the official unit guide for sc2 instead. Basically make the bnet website fill the position that TL is currently filling until the community collapses under the weight of it’s own ineptitude.

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good thing I’m wood league and MMR is an unknown concept to me 5 minute BC rushes


And how do you want to fix toxicity? By banning 90% of the players? This is the common problem of ALL online games as long as they have any playerbase in it. The best way is just to ignore them. Also sometimes it might be enjoyable for example when I’m playing League of Legends and my teammate is starting to literally CRY on team chat and give some weird death threats it’s pretty hilarious.


You do remember Wade? Well… Yeah he was harassed off this place. Didn’t really deserve it either unlike those who thought it was fun to mess with him like that.

I don’t know who are u talking about but avilo was harassed aswell and he didn’t deserved it too. He was giving us joy for “free” unless someone wanted to pay him but still it was optional.

Nah, regardless of the quality of balance, people would be toxic. It’s a multiplayer game, and people don’t like blaming themselves for their losses, so they’ll blame them on balance.

Some people, regardless of balance, will continue to believe a particular race is just OP and be toxic about it if they lose.

Avilo was an extremely toxic member of the community, and his balance suggestions were generally absurd, but nobody deserves harassment.


Yes, but if game was balanced and to play, there would be definitely less of toxic people. Major of toxic people is because game design and balance is god awful. And blizzard don’t care and do nothing to fix it ! Like idra was nice guy in real life, but he swear because balance was god awful.

Wanna see his joy? Ask JuggernautJason when Avilo accused him of maphacking. I bet Jason was delighted