Better Game Balance mod (v4.271) updated changes

Wait right there. How he is nerffing Disruptor? This is new to me.
LOL just that is enough to throw his Mod in the garbage bin.
P.S. Oh i see. I am indifferent to that because PvP is balanced by definition. It does not affect PvT and PvZ. I don’t care about that.

It only impacts PvP.

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First he was like

Now he is like.

Because there are 3 MU. Balance is about PvT and PvZ (where your Disrupotr is the same due to no shields on T and Z). PvP is not about balance but about design.
A Zealot with 1000 damage and 2000 HP would still be balanced in PvP but ridiculously bad design in PvP.

The disruptor change and the Sentry changes do improve the PvP design in ways that don’t impact PvT and PvZ.

Maybe, i have no opinion on that matter. Frankly speaking Phoenixes are usually a useful counter to both Disruptors and Adepts (on top of other uses). It’s a pity that extensive Phoenix use is not for 98% of the Ladder and even in pro-play very few Protoss Champions make full use of them.

Adepts shooting up also helps against Phoenix Wars in PvP.

Stalkers are a bandaid counter to muta. Something you make if you scouted poorly in the game and get surprised by the mutas or you opened robo and don’t have time to get the SG out.

Adepts would also be a bandaid counter, no doubt. Never once said they would be better than phoenix. Obviously phoenix is still the best counter to them. But adepts would be a less costly bandaid and would require no upgrade to make them at least semi useful in defense against muta. Yes the shade is slow but its better than nothing. With stalkers if they don’t have blink then you might as well be chasing the mutas with archons because they are never going to catch up. At least adepts have a chance of catching them.

Again, would it be the most amazing thing you have ever seen in your life? Of course not, nobody ever said it would be. But I still think it would be useful. But again I would need to see it in action. Until you actually see it in game all theory crafting about it is pointless.

Over all though I really don’t care either way. I just think it would be an interesting thing to see in action. I don’t see the problem with giving it a shot.


Not at all, abilities from both adepts and stalkers change their locations. Honestly, I thought you meant roach-ravager. You have no abilities to use in a roach-hydra (and yes no one use tunneling in this comp), how is this even comparable?

Think about it, if you see mutas, do you warp in stalkers or adepts to defend? Stalkers of course (if you don’t have blink at the time, there is something wrong in your build). Then what does that leave G2A adepts? You probably run leftover adepts from the early game to face the mutas as well until you have no more. That’s about how much they contribute (+ killing overlords).

When will we hear of the results of the tested changes? :slight_smile:

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Play the mod and you will see how surprisingly effective Adepts now are.

Adepts because the Mutalisk will get more damaged or killed compared to if Stalkers were.

Also Adepts are cheaper, attack faster(after upgrade) and do a bonus vs light.

You seem to forget the Protoss usually will attack a Zerg player going Mutalisk. That is also when Adepts will shine.

When people spend less time posting on the forums and more time playing it.

All changes are simple to understand and very effective as shown in the gameplay involving those units.

Basic army control, no abilities used.

well stalker obvious because they can shoot air if adepts can shoot air i doubt you would choose stalker unless its a really blink favored map

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We have a new top contender for quote of the year!


That quote goes to the WHO who originally said that Covid-19 doesn’t transfer to other humans back in January.

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Slashing 50 Gas off the Raven is not going to make it any better. If you want to make it better, give it better spells instead of a resource decrease.

Slashing 50 Gas off the Raven is not going to make it any better.

High gas cost has been a big complaint about the Raven.

200 gas for a unit that is killed before casting a spell or right after it is expensive. If its survivability would allow it to retain it from fight to fight then 200 gas could be justificated.

Example of this Stats Vs Byun, one miss click and the Raven got killed because it is so slow!

Problem is that Raven is slow and have a terrible acc (2.8)

I proposed in my other post to increase it to 4.2 (viper acc) making it more microable.

Another thing that could benefit its survivability is a healing spell.

Nano repair 25 energy, regen 75hp over 30 seconds for mech units. Helps keep flimsy units alive like banshee and raven and retain it from fight to fight!

on the other hand the current meta consists of roach/ ling / bane/ ravager.
would mean that if toss adapt plays it will be punished.

Yes, Stalker are worst than Adepts without blink, but If i’m not mistaken, if you skip blink and do not go SG then you go template archive.

Those you have Archons to delay Muta and as you say stalkers, Adepts, Archons are bandaid that work vs small number of Muta but for bigger numbers, you have to go Phoenix.

So for me Adept GTA is a gimic that after an initial hype will be unused protoss.