Basic Commanders Stuck at level (Raynor, Kerrigan, Artanis)

Same problem everyone else seems to be suffering has reared its ugly head on my side. Level 15 on Raynor and Kerrigan, down to lvl 5 cap.


Hey Powerbuster,

There are some measures in place that that should auto resolve this within 4ish days of when it first appears. Give it some time and check back to see if things are working again.

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How can I ensure the system finds this issue to resolve? it’s been a few days now and I’m also still having this issue. This isn’t the first time it’s happened either which is really infuriating as most of the game modes I prefer to play on are Co-op or mutation.

The data isn’t lost, it’s simply not downloading to your client. Once the issue on the back end is resolved, it will start to dl to you again.