Balance Update 2019

This is like objectively a buff to the infestor… the unit even pro zerg players are saying is so good it needs to be nerfed… OBJECTIVELY NERFED, not double damage infested terrans that are harder to kill and take 1 more archon shot to kill and get better upgrades + free nueral even if it is 1 less range? I’d love it if i got psi storm for free but it had 1 less cast range and feedback if it did literally double the damage but cost 25 more energy. Good lord blizzard.


You forgot the buffs to almost every other Terran unit.


Oh yeah because helion 50 minerals and gas reduction for upgrade is so great comparing to huge bc nerfs or liberator range nerf.


It is a buff if you use a few correctly, is a nerf to the mass of infestor in the late game

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You’re using this argument with the wrong guy. I played Terran in BW at a higher level than basically every single non Korean Terran to make the switch to Terran in SC 2. The only one better was Special.

I’ve always considered marines to be an A-move unit, while people always talk about “omg… if you don’t look for a second 1 lurker will kill all of your units.” Balancing around noob complaints has made this game unplayable for Toss. Period. It’s a freaking A-move comp. Attacking with marines is infinitely easier than trying to juggle the “10 types of Toss units and spells” that Toss has.


It’s a solid buff. The infested terran change is debatable, because they more than doubled the DPS, gave it more life, improved the scaling but doubled the energy. Getting free neural parasite is a huge buff, but the range is a slight nerf for ultra late game.

That upgrade costs a little more than an infestor does not make much difference when one is planning to make 20 or more infestor.
The range has much more weight in that ability than others because the infector is fully exposed once takes the control of a unit. That ability was considered totally useless when it has 7 of range

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Ten range Lurkers combined with a massive observer nerf. This is definitely going to end well.

Also, can the Oracle get a compensation buff for blizzard heavily nerfing it for no reason, er, I mean fixing a “bug” that has been in the game since WoL beta.


LUL, this exemplar is trolling. Sure, we counter Vikings with AOE such as Colossi and Disruptors.
Unfortunately Templars were taken care of the MoronTeam via the 80% buff to Ghost.


dood, 10 range lurkers, after hive, after lurker den built, after an upgrade, you won’t be seeing 10 range lurkers until like 12 minutes, and that’s if they rush it. i’m pretty sure tanks and colli / disruptors will ALL COME OUT SOONER than a 10 range lurker, zerg is getting seriously gutted…

and i’m already struggling against terran… i think it’s honestly time to switch races for myself… this isn’t going to be fun.

There is no possible debate, you need 150 energy to kill a simple banshee

You didn’t factor in attack upgrade?

If Blizzard splits the air and ground weapons, they can adjust the anti-air attack independently as needed.

That is probably a good route to go in–It always worked out great for Terran units.

That’s because Terran usually has Hellbat support roasting the Broodlings that provide most of the Brood Lord’s DPS.

I ran the math on it.

You should expect the upgrades to change from +4 +1 v. massive to +3 +1 v. massive, so armor is still canceled out in the long run.
The DPS is also increased, so apart from the initial burst’s tendency to blast units before they can fight, the Thor should be slightly stronger.

I still wouldn’t expect Thors to counter the massive air units that they currently lose to (Carriers and Battlecruisers), but without testing that is an unknown variable.

It should be noted that Void Rays can no longer attack while moving. In practice, this means that they will slow down and create gaps for some armored air units to escape. Vikings cannot outrun them, but they won’t need to with the health buff.

The Oracle should definitely receive an attack speed buff.

Yes, technically this is a bug fix. Blizzard’s development team probably thought that they should fix it if they were going to change the Void Ray, the main problem is that this has a much greater effect on the Oracle (which two-shots workers and therefore uses the bug a lot).


No harassing unit can be talked about without game context. In order to get Speed Voids for harass, you need Stargate first, tech to fleet beacon, then wait for the upgrade while saving up numbers on your voids. These are all gas-intensive units and upgrades and take a long time to build. By the time you have finished all that the opponent will be enjoying saturated mineral lines for a long time and really doesn’t matter losing a few workers. Also, you are devoting a lot of gas into voids thereby prohibiting you switching to other tech units.


Dear Blizzard team this is the 4th consecutive nerf patch for zerg and this time you are nerfing Infestor(fungal was nerfed previously keep in mind) and 2 more abilities of it!?

So 2 nerfs for infestor, also nerf Broodlord and nydus and nydus getting nerfed by a lot even thou as a zerg player i kinda wanted a nydus nerf since its only useful in zvz and its kinda getting out of hand, but 3 major nerfs all together is too much. No reasoning behind this sort of nerf especially a nerf towards BL a unit that has been range nerfed before with 3 major nerfs all together and nerfing zergs only T3(ultras are ded already) army unit !!!

making broodling range 9 means it practically ties in range with vikings… vikings on top of a siege tank= useless BL. Broodlords have always been that way the range of a BL is measured from the broodlings position but only now 2 streamers found out about that and cause a salt fest and this is blizzards reaction?
And thor has 11 range at HI mode? what kinda absurdity is that how can the higest and only t3 army unit of the zerg can be countered by a t2 factory unit? and ghosts are already the counter to BL and infestor with extended EMP range, this patch will force many zergs to not to play the game i m one of them.

So this is the way Blizzard will react everytime terrans cry you just gonna give them more untill its only tvt with red vs blue a worst version of age of empires?
Good luck with that- Any additional nerf to Broodlord will cause masses of zergs to quit. Infestor nerf is as much important but it speaks to a highers skill level so the outrage will be smaller.

Zerg has no early or mid game attack potential zerg T2 armies of 200/200 cannot win vs other races 150/150 off creep.

A super glued race to its creep, with 1 option to fight thats BL infestor and now you are taking that away?! might as well erase the race all together erase protoss as well, let terrans have this watered down RTS its for people who cant play BroodWar any ways which btw hasnt had a patch in 7 years you just have to get good and adapt and has actually good map pools. Thats your game as well you should know! But maybe activision pressing hard on you to go even more casual than this? Let the 15 thor making diamond 110 apm terran win ha? Good marketing. Make a phone version of it as well please since it requires no micro press factory press thor, mass 15, send 15 thors to enemy base, win. Sounds like a real phone game good luck


Nope, you kite the vikings with tempest and storm when they get too close. Vikings naturally clump easily and get caught by storm / fungal even by top tier Terran players. Why would you think Colossi counter vikings? Play the game bro

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You are right! Colossi are not very good on countering Vikings, but Disruptors will do the trick!
Will you promise that you will not use Ghosts and will you park your Liberators not in the vicinity of my Templars?
I will be so obliged…

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My favorite part is actually the quality of life changes to Liberator and Medivac. Upgrades moved to Fusion Core therefore you don’t have to hurt your production to research them. Keeping a more fluid production line is very good for Terran. Plus the upgrade for Medivac was buffed to increase their base movement speed so this will be interesting.

I also like the Lurker change, Nydus change, Zealot and Adept changes with the Void Ray upgrade. Overall, I think I like this update. Feel a little bad about the BC Terrans but at the same time I really hated the crap Tac Jump pulls so I’m conflicted.


I really like the changes.

-Infestors gain counterplay in exchange for the dps density of infested terrans to be considerably higher, sounds good to me.

-Broodlord leash range being 3/4 will probably also speed up its firing animation by a similar timing, hence reducing the abuse of the unit without makign it die instantly before firing.

-High range lurkers, count me in. Although the process involves building hydras (ugh), the new lurkers can form a fantastic anti ground curtain with broods above them. Interesting that they now outright outrange snipe. Broods deal with stuff like tanks/collossi while the lurkers deal with ground army that would want to elclose on the broods. Sounds fun when supported with many infestors and some vipers. Can’t wait to try that out! (I’m struggling to find the counterplay to that, honestly…)

-Nydus abuse at earlier phases adressed without toning their late game power down.

All in all, I’d really like to try some 12 broods with say 5 lurkers below, say 15 infestors, 3 or 4 vipers, 15 corruptors deathball. Sounds really really hard to deal with but quite hard to use.

I feel they got shafted. Will have to see how good the upgrades are, but zealot nerf seems too much in my opinion…

I like the changes to the raven and thor, a lot. Don’t know how the reduced burst of thors will pan out agaisnt things like vipers coming in to abduct them.
Yes to the bc changes. I really want to watch my opponent type frustrated anger and pure salt when they go to TJ and I neural or fungal them while in their stasis phase.

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I really like the infestor nerf and the broodlord correction. An all-round zerg nerf here.

Terrans got buffed nicely but I think the zealot nerf has to be reversed. Thats way too far IMO. I would like to see that removed then put in a test server.