Balance Update 2019


shut up

protoss MAY actually finally be balanced now that you cant just a move zealots as effectively

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Already did, enjoying my time in WarThunder and Apex Legends not gonna lie.


Did you read what I said?

Right i can only assume youre referencing mid game then because building two councils let alone having to grab two upgrades off of 1 before you can push is just not a feasible opener for a timing attack.

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And your assumptions are not even correct. Mutas have bounce damage (which acts like splash) and voids does not. And not to mention voids just have their damage nerfed because of how they think beams should work.


I usually get to the zergs base as charge is finishing and plus 1 and its still a bloodbath no shot now if charge finishes when i get there and i have to start +8 way to eliminate a whole strat over a unit that was never broken and is not winning tournaments single handedly like some zerg units i can name. As for the T side of things we typically take blink first but fast aggression i take charge first and thats hella out the window now back to blink only as first upgrade against t no matter what, very fun an interactive make sure youre all building more batteries as thats clearly blizzards answer. Beyond sad that i came back to the game after 4 years and that was even deemed a necessary building in the first place not to mention they had to give it to the ex early to mid game boss race. Balance your game a building like a shield battery shouldnt even have to exist in the first place for a race like protoss but then you deem it necessary WHILE nerfing our early to mid game NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE WE DONT EVEN HAVE A LATE GAME LOL AND YOUR ATTEMPTS AT GIVING US ONE LIKE ADEPT UPGRADES AND VOID RAY FLEET BEACON UPGRADE IS SO PATHETIC ITS UNBEARABLE. I went back and re read this and wanted to add that it was hysterical that we cant even do a proper chargelot drop like we used to anymore its like they ecourage us to sit behind shield batteries because they are taking away our early to mid game then they take away our ability to harass while behind those batteries man i am really thinking now might be the time to learn T or just to fall off for another 4 years ive never had balance issues but Blizzard really seems like they wanna kill P as much as possible in 2019.


Even if we allow that a Ray is worth two mutas, which is a dubious claim due to the way their different attacks work, you still havenā€™t actually pointed to anything that makes a fleet of void rays worth having. People donā€™t roam around the map with packs of 20 mutalisks anymore either, because its just too much of an investment that cant meaningfully contribute in other ways.

To say nothing of the fact that the Void Ray is fundamentally not meant to be a harass unit anyway. Its supposed to be an army unit with an anti-armor role. What about this buff helps it actually do its job?

I just tested in the unit test :sweat_smile:

Dmg nerf to voids is minimal. They attack very fast.

Also, with them now being second fastest air unit, Voids definitely can arrive to mineral line and obliderate few workers before running away safely. You could also take on Spores/Turrets/Cannons, they are armored.


Past a certain point, any unit can be dropped into a mineral line to kill it quickly. The question is, do you sacrifice your ability to stay in the game to do so?


I couldnā€™t care less about zealots. Iā€™m not going to mass zealots vs the race with widow mines and hellbats. I donā€™t want the ability to 1A every composition in the game with basic units, like marines can.

I want my cheap units to perform to their cost and I want my expensive units to do the same. As of now, the only unit that performs to its cost is the disruptor. And even that unit stops paying dividends when facing the best Terrrans, who can split units.

You guys can have fun playing viking wars.


The balance mod and the units tester are already working to test the changes :smiley:

Noones building high cost void rays then a fleet beacon and upgrading speed AND THEN sending them into a mineral line to harass, NOONE is doing that. NOONE. Maybe like a gold player might try it. Dumbest thing ive ever heardwhat is that like an 800 mineral and gas investment for a couple of probes? And the chance to lose the game right there when you realize you could only get 3 probes before that void ray dies and all of that investment is gone. Only person trying to harass with void rays after the buff is legit Bronze 3 players. Promise.


Why would I want to drop 300/200 Fleet Beacon, 100/100 Flux Vanes and letā€™s say 2 250/150 Void Rays to pelt some workers, when for that price I can get 6 Phoenixes which are faster right off the bat, get online faster, decimate worker line quicker and have much more usability beside harass?


You do know Terran has by far the worst late game air army of the three races, correct? Like, by a mile. What are you even talking about? Itā€™s more cost effective to go after late game Zerg with thors and ghosts because vikings just melt to the AOE. Theyā€™re not exactly a cheap unit either; 150 minerals and 75 gas is expensive for a unit that you need at least 6 to even matter once corruptors are out. They have less health and armor than the corruptor, do less damage and almost cost the same.


Iā€™m diamond 1 with protoss and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m going to do that :smiley:

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Ill be seeing you as i pass you on my way to masters as I am also diamond and will not be investing over 800 minerals and gas an build order for a couple of probes when oracles and phoenixes do that job faster and better.


I hope you enjoy getting run over then when your voids arenā€™t able to stop your opponentā€™s regular army from just walking up to your base and murdering you.

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Imagine putting all of that investment into rays for harass to realize you took too long because the build makes no sense and they have scouted it 20 times over have spores everywhere and hydralisk which eat void rays alive, thinking that you were gonna get to masters doing this lmao. Like are we really pretending Oracles arent a thousand times better if you wanna go hit workers by air? And that they dont have 2 other abilities that are useful outside of that. Oh my god all the wrong things with trying to harass with void rays. Not to mention oracle harass is fast and an opener that you can transition easily out of because theres no major investment where as youre boned if you put everything into a useless voidray and literally have to center your build around that. Anyone who says let me build a stargate, 2 void rays, a fleet beacon and do an upgrade so i can kill some probes instead of saying hey let me make a stargate and 2 oracles then transition out of that has to be trolling right?

As someone who goes air every game vs Terran, give me a break. Sky Terran is waaaaaaaay stronger than Toss air.

Vikings shred carriers at even supply. Not even close. A few vikings can kill an infinite amount of tempests (itā€™s actually close to infiniteā€¦). Toss air is so immobile, that itā€™s nearly impossible to keep any bases vs anyone competent. BCs annihilate what is supposed to be their ā€œcounter.ā€ Stalkers struggle to even beat banshees.

Weā€™re supposed to balance Terran in a manner that allows for 5000000000 different styles to be viable. Anything that Ruff picks out of a hat should be strong. Meanwhile, weā€™re supposed to completely ignore that nothing Toss is viable.

Youā€™re just supposed to open blink every game into fast third base and give it your best shot from there. Awesome. Great diversity. So thrilled I picked this race. Idiots.