Average win-rate per race for GM/Masters

Do you have the games played by race? I’m curious what they are. I know Zerg populations dropped a lot this season but I think games played is even worse.


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The facts simply don’t support your theory. Win-rates and representation in GM/Masters show quite clearly that P > T > Z. Protoss is broken vs both Terran and Zerg, but Terran is slightly favored against zerg, too.

The ladder data is irrefutable. Protoss is hugely overpowered. In the pro scene, Protoss win the most tournaments and a Protoss places higher in total earnings than any Terran on Earth.

And, most of this happened before the recent buffs to Protoss (void ray, shield battery, etc), which haven’t been around long enough to affect tournaments. Get ready for tournaments to look exactly like Grandmaster league (45% protoss).

Of course it is, if that’s what your fragile little ego needs to tell itself, so that you can go on living after I decimated you 4 games in a row, have at it.

I’ve never seen your mmr over 4500 but I’m sure you beat much better Zergs because you play mech. Mech is the ultimate crutch for bad players.

I’m pretty sure this was what you meant to type.

Nope, mech. Everyone knows it’s the easiest play styles ever in the game.

Nah, Pretty sure you meant to say “excuses.” Only that way, could someone be pathetic enough to taunt me for months, having never actually met me, only to get their face stomped in over, and over, and over, like you did, and still just rotate their excuses to defend their worthless little ego.

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You played bio and got spanked. I’m sure against Zergs you abuse broken mech now. Super easy and OP. Gets free wins very nicely.

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I guess the Bourne-spanking is not done anymore personally from BatZ, but Mr. BatZ has subcontracted the spanking to Stretch.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, they just changed their facebook realtionship status to “It’s complicated”.

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Yes I started to notice how OP protoss was back in July, so you are a bit behind the curve.


This was the first chart I posted. It showed P>T>Z and compared mirror elo (PvP, TvT, ZvZ) to non mirror elo (TvZ, PvT, ZvP). Protoss was the only race that did better in both non mirror matchups than they did in their mirror matchup.

Now P>T>Z is showing up in GM representation and GM win-rates, which is what this thread is about. When the stars align to say Protoss is OP, then Protoss is OP.

I was against that notion in the past given how Maru and Ty kept slaughtering Protoss in Code S. I set aside my personal opinions of PvT and looked at the actual data and Protoss is broken AF. I can admit when I am wrong. The random buffs to shield batteries and void rays also helped to convince me (not to mention watching Zoun a-move void rays through Innovation in Code S).

So, Batz is anti-Protoss now. Do you still follow him around like a lost puppy?

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Switched to mech when I started boxing, so around 4 years ago? About 2 years before I even talked to you… Nice to know it definitely wasn’t me you beat.

Do we trust a diamond barcode?? Yeah, prob not.

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Casually the dodo mentioned …boxing, i guess as a veiled threat (to you).

Fine. Let’s review what we do know.

  1. We know I beat you.
  2. We know I beat you at least 3 times (you can dig up the old post of all the replays if you want)
  3. We know you got your little feelings hurt and blocked me (so you’d have plausible deniability when you got stomped).
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Pretty obvious for anyone with a brain, my hands can’t handle the micro from bio and the impact from boxing. What am I planning to do, exactly? punch him through his screen?

No, just intimidate our poor Stretch. He asked me to lend him for some time 2 of my bodyguards.