Artanis' Power Field placed badly at start

Couldn’t this easily be fixed by giving you the energy worth or relocating the field as bonus energy in the start so you can fix it?

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Yes, that could be done but wrt “easily” - how is it easier to increase just one Protoss CO’s starting SoA by 25 and only for P2? If it’s all Prestiges and the default - then Vorazun should also get a default 25 starting SoA for her first Dark Pylon which is basically a mandatory necessity. (I’ve seen just one run on some mutation where the player wanted to save all their SoA so built the first Pylon instead of using a DP. Or every Vora player below mastery 21-24.)

What happens if Artanis puts all mastery points into 90 SoA? Current max is 290. That could now reach 315. I can already hear things breaking.

Well the other option is to re-code Artanis’s starting conditions for every map, and that seems like more work.

what 315?

It’s max is 290. It doesn’t change.


Let’s not get into a side-discussion on the 50 possible workarounds, Iincluding things like placing the power field with no units in it in P2 is free. (What about probes in the mineral line when it overlaps? Move some/all probes, replace field and then resume mining?)

Read above. Oxstar wants suggests Artanis to have 25 extra starting SoA to be able to place the badly placed Power Field when using P2.

How would that not stack with the starting SoA mastery? And if it doesn’t stack with starting SoA Mastery, then putting more than 21 points into SoA (for 63 starting SoA) goes to waste since you won’t get that max above 290.

PS. Yeah, I get that ppl shouldn’t be banking their SoA to let it come even close to 200 or 290 but it exists and it happens.
PS2. If the implication is to assign mastery points and spend 25 SoA to replace that badly placed field…jeez.

I don’t “want” anything. It was merely a way to fix it. My other idea would be for Blizzard to relocate the starting point to be in front of your nexus, coz that’s where people seem to start their construction anyways.

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Well, it’s not like you can skip out on making pylons while you’re still levelling but once you’re done with that then ummm…

Sorry, it was a suggestion, I get that. Edited my post.

Yeah, I don’t mind Arty getting an extra 25 SoA. Just that it doesn’t make sense if the other Protoss CO’s don’t also get that. The only Protoss CO’s that don’t have initial SoA mastery are those that don’t use SoA at all (Alarak, Fenix, Zeratul).

You’re right, it’s possibly also an easy fix. (I don’t like the part that it has implications beyond just that extra 25 SoA, as per my reply to Cerebrate.)

(This Prestige needs rework anyway.)

Yeah, the 2nd part of that statement which appeared in your edit is where all the problems are :slight_smile: Coz after lvl 15, that first Pylon is usually heavily delayed. Possibly only at 3-4 minutes or so.

What he means is giving P2 Artanis an additional 25 initial energy, not 25 max energy.

Artanis max will only stay at 200 to 290 it will never go beyond that with Oxstar’s suggestion because he/she suggested to +25 initial energy, not +25 max energy

There is nothing wrong with it.

But “what if” a player puts 30 mastery points into their “initial & max SoA” (90 SoA). And then never uses it regularly? Do you want the SoA to still cap off at 290 even if they started at 115 and not just 90? And are you suggesting this for P0-P3 or just for P2?

Part 2: Vora needs a DP. Vora needs 25 extra initial SoA.

Didn’t say it was wrong. I said it had issues. Or rather, I was pointing out those issues. To share my opinion. For discussion. In a forum. Like here. (Yeah, my tone in the initial reply to Oxstar could’ve been better.)

Yes, thank you.

Make first power field free of cost?

Seems like the simplest solution and without any important balance impact.


Yeah, and they should not have placed a field by default when they nerfed it. Two problems solved.

Vorazun doesnt “need” a dark pylon though, picking between using them and her Shadow Guard or Vortex is a deliberate opportunity cost of her top bar, and the entire point of having SoA energy. The only reason it comes up with Artanis is because the devs decided he should start with a power field already, except its being actively useless.

Lol I like how an entirely well composed, informative topic is now this.

They need to fix the auto placement, that’s it.


then you still max out at 290 regardless

extra initial energy for one specific prestige for one specific commander is no different than starting out with a power field : this is unique to one prestige of one commander.

Just reduce the cost to 12-15. It will fix a lot of thing.

Simple fix: remove the initial field, allow one free field at beginning that cause no cooldown/energy cost (to be compatible with all prestiges).
The “first one has different cost” logic exist for “1st Tychus Goon” price, so it should not be technically difficult.

Edit to OP: Added info and/or images for Cradle of Death right base, SoA top base and OE top base.