Artanis P2 Nerf is overboard

I havent skimmed throu the forums to check, but a 25 energy change from 10 energy is a OMEGA size nerf…

Before the nerf, you would spend 10 to “pick up & gather” your army on the field, and spend 10 more to “drop” your army in a new location. which in turn allows a multitude of topbar usage.

Post Nerf, we are spending 25 “to gather” and “25” to drop.
Its not as simple as just “drop a new one 4head”

If this is the way its gotta be, id rather lose the orbital strike and revert it back down to 10. HELL, Im willing to LOSE guardian shell for the 10 energy revert. Thats how big this nerf is.

Were not even going to have enough energy to even mobilize Artanis’ Troops, let alone protect it with guardian shell, might as well just toss that out.

IF I have to manually move my army, whats the point of playing P2? P1 would do exactly that.


The change has killed Artanis’s P2. I’m not going to use it in its current state.


If moving warp field doesn’t teleport any units, the cost should be 0. Only in this case such a nerf could be somehow justified.


That makes sense…

However the design seems to be
-warp in your units
-attack this location, then retreat to warp in to next location

So you are never far away from your warp field (except maybe a small spotter unit)

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Yeah, that’s what I think as well, adding emphasis:

10 seconds deep tunnel for brutalisk or 3 charges of medivacs platform is fine. but since monk is a protoss hater he ofc nerfed poor artanis.

There’s quite the history of how nerfs on overpowered aspects of Coop happen. They’ll quite often get hit too hard, then brought up to an acceptable level. See Zeratul’s Cannons and Stukov’s Bunkers for example.

The devs have shown that they’re very receptive to the community’s opinion, so I could see it being pushed into the right direction.

For the record, the community’s opinion before was that it heavily overshadowed P0 Artanis, so this is their first attempt at correcting the balance between the two.

It’s not so bad to be honest. Anyone ever read my opinion on P2 knows I’m not a fan. Even then, there is plenty of room to use this.

I do agree that if your style was “plop down field to cover army” then “drop field elsewhere to tele army” every single time, then I mean… lol I’m sure you know where this is going.

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