Artanis' Power Field placed badly at start

Edit to OP: Added info and/or images for Cradle of Death right base, SoA top base and OE top base.

I like the idea of the first one being free or reduced cost to place, or the 25 cost only applying when the wave redirects units instead and maybe like 5 energy to move when empty.

Or maybe they should just revert the nerf, because 25 energy is simply too much.
P2 Artanis was fun while it lasted, but now I don’t think I even want to use it.

Use P3 y’all, it is at least “1” prestige better. Yes, yes. Mhm!

I did it for a while, but I don’t like how self-centered it is to deprive the ally of Guardian Shell, and while the targeted less costly Shield Overcharge is not as much a nerf as I expected, it still may fall below the expectations of your ally seeing that he play with an Artanis ally (I’m saying this imagining myself “on the other site”)

Why is that self-centered? Someone who “expect” to have Guardian Shell to save themselves or “expect” ally to have Guardian Shell to aid them is NOT likely to play well or care enough about their ally (which depreciates the value of having it anyway).

And as you said, Shield Overcharge can be used quite frequently. It is a far better alternative to not lose units (and not even lose any HP) during engagement. So if you really wanted to help your ally in that way by cooperating or synergize, then that’s a far better option.

In fact, it is that option that people should be using instead of to save and build up their army during earlier engagement (where you can’t quite overwhelm by sheer number quite yet).