Anyone know how to to get "One Shot, One Opportunity"?

I can’t seem to get it. Unless you need to turn the difficulty up to Brutal, it just doesn’t seem possible to get 50 kills with a single nuke.

For those who don’t know it off the top of their head, One Shot, One Opportunity is this achievement:
“Get 50 kills with a single nuke in Flashpoint on Normal difficulty or above.” (Nova Covert Ops)

The highest I’ve gotten was 16 off of an attack wave. I… I don’t get this. I really don’t.

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I managed this yesterday.
I was playing on normal.
I got this by equipping the holo duplicate Nova skill and permanent cloak suit + sniper.
Play right to the end base. (so complete both the side spurrs, I tried on those but most I got was about 30 with 1 nuke)

Once you get to the end base, I snuck Nova in but let her get seen by a spore crawler on the way in. This caused a bunch of units to chase her. I lost about half-health by the time I got out of detection range for the spore-crawler.
At this point 2x overseers will be moving towards you so you have just a couple seconds.
Case the nova decoy right next to you, which will cause a whole bunch of units to attack, and straight away cast the nuke on-top of that.
It took me a good 5-6 reloads to get 50.
Managed to get 49 on one of the tries!

I am having a problem with the 200 mines kills… gonna see if anybody can help me with that!


For the 200 mines one, you NEED near perfect waves. DON’T put the Spider Mines at the start of the choke points, put them near the middle or back so that the Queens don’t trigger them. Also, don’t waste them on the Brutalisks.
Make a 2nd CC and kill Matt’s left gas, then mine that. Produce Reapers off of either 4 Barracks or 2 Reactor Rax.

By the end base, you mean the last beacon building after triggering all 6 emitter spawns?

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Does difficulty factor into that?

Just did it, time the wave + baneling nests.

Broodlings might help… I’d still play it on Brutal.

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For the 200 mine kills? No. I did it on Normal.

I’ll give it a go with that suggestion too, thanks.

Edit: Did it with Kyrie’s advice. Took a lot of trial and error, but once I got the nuke timing right, the rest was just timing Holo Nova.

I did it while doing the following, which I think is probably the fastest method:

  • Set the difficulty to brutal (optional: equip hologram on Nova)
  • At the start, focus all defenses on the east entrance to your main base; for me I just put 1 bunker for marines and setup the liberators to attack the choke point
  • Defend the 1st attack wave that comes from the right
  • Activate the NORTH node to spawn the baneling nests
  • Either have Nova equipped with the hologram or bring along 1-3 marines to just outside the baneling nests
  • Land the nuke on top of the baneling nests so that it coincides with the 2nd attack wave (that comes from the north) running through the base as the nuke lands. This part requires some same scumming, but you just need to figure out the timing. Use the hologram or sacrifial marines to lure the zerg to the kill zone.

I got about 60+ kills on the nuke with this method. The difficult part is the timing of the nuke obviously; as the attack wave has speedlings.


I suspect there might be a bug where nuking your own units also counts. I got the achievement by nuking about 40 of my own SCVs with about 15 enemy Zerg units.


First you have to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment. Try to make sure your palms aren’t sweaty, knees are weak or arms are heavy, or have any of mom’s spaghetti on your sweater.


I managed to get this without needing a wave, the encampment in front of the final objective seems to have enough enemy units to count without even needing to declaok to pull aggro, but I did need to retry a few times to get the right spot. PurplePuppy’s suggestion is brilliant though :smiley:

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Nuking only SCVs works, that’s how i got it.

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:confused: SJAPJ is right Just nuked all my SCV´s – nice loop whole

boourns… :stuck_out_tongue:

This one isnt too hard to get legit, but hey if a loop-hole is there :lollipop:

Make tons of scv’s and marines, activate the two checkpoints to the north, clear the closest to your base, lead the marines and scv’s to the two bases, save, nuke and lure as many zergs with your fodders as you can, rest of the kills will be added with your own units.

Props to PurplePuppy for the suggestion.

thanks. for anyone wondering if this worked, this guys suggestion does work. I got my achievement thanks to xPETEZx

for those that still haven’t done this, I suggest playing on Brutal, wait until the double wave, and fly all your buildings to a corner (not really necessary, just extra room for your units to clump so the wave comes more clumped) and have your units in a corner and nuke their location.

On normal though, you definitely need to do a lot of herding.

It works on your own units. Just mass marines and nuke them along with your SCVs. This took me 4 minutes.

Cheating? Yes, but it will offset the time you waste on the other achievements that are straight up bugged. Blizzard should have actually tested all these beforehand.

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For the widow mine achievement, kill your ally’s gas geysers and mine from them for an easy time. I got it with 1-2 waves left on hard.

thanks a ton, did exactly this with some holos and managed it first try