Anticipation thread for Online Blizzcon 2021 abridged

Honestly, is this really all that surprising? The writing was already on the wall. There hasn’t been any new content outside of new Co-op Commanders since 2016.

If anything, this is just them finally making it official that they’re done with SC2.


Im hoping that this means there will be some new starcraft project announced at Blizzcon. It doesnt have to come out within the year, but just knowing that theyre making a Starcraft shooter or something would be really, really nice.


Not a shooter please. There are enough of them already, I dont want to lose one of the few good RTS in the market for another fps.

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Yeah, I see other RTSs trying but they just…don’t succeed. Iron Harvest looked really cool, I tried it out and it just didn’t do it for me. You have a few OP heroes and a handful of generic infantry squads, it’s got nothing on Starcraft (though it reminds me of HotS in a bad way…).

in game of that style will contribute too much information on a small scale, after 20 years looking like a god and understanding the battles being a zealot or marine or even an insignificant zerling will be great with all that context and I really want to see if thay can adapt the mechanical stone paper and scissors in a shooting game

universe at war and grey goo are worthy descendants of starcraft and created their own mechanics that differentiated them and their factions

Awesome, will have to check those out thanks.

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Try the AoE 2 DE. It’s good stuff.

ok for those who hate and love kerrigan xelgan design [Jason Kang] post her concept art , and others about Selendis


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I recommend Halo Wars 2.

Apparently the new Morhaime company isn’t the only one made from former Blizzard veterans. Another one is called Frost Giant, and they are made from ex-Sc2 devs who ambition to create the next big RTS…

I can’t remember their name, though. Can you tell me which part of SC2 were they working on?

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Thanks! Now, let us wait for the mod to come and delete this whole thread!


Speaking of AoE DE you tried AoE 3 DE yet?

Nah. But I can tell you Bart hates its guts.

What did they mess up?

They seem to have redone the second campaign of the first expansion a bit, with a new set of voice actors (who aren’t all that great, but the originals werent amazing either), and the campaign itself was rather buggy on day 1, though that got hotfixed the same day. Other than that, i cant say.

He’s a purist. You can ask him on Discord for details.

On the other hand, im enjoying the Swedes. Their musketeers get to charge people with swords, and be good at it!

That sounds fun.