And you expect them to have the guts to make a real balance patch?

the 1 other person here who has had to get through a contract and has been employed

Iā€™m gunna guess you are approximately 16, as you continue to conflate human rights with the law. If liberty is shutting down dissenting thought, then I want no part of it.

lol this guy is popping off


Non interference is a good principle up until the point a nation starts committing genocide and harvesting its citizens organs, at which point its time for others to step in. You wouldnt let your neighbor beat his wife every night, nor should you let the country next door exterminate and torture dissidents.

i sure hope so i just recommended that places like twitter would probably boost the longevity of the conversation but they want to keep puffing their chests at the front door

I still donā€™t see you flying out to Hong Kong and joining the protestors.

Would you have took a contract from hitler? Who cares about genocide as long as you can make a buck, right? Gtfo out here with that ā€œreal worldā€ talk. Ethics still matter in the real world.

Pls refrain from making personal attacks if you think others are bullying, thanks. Passive aggression has no place in civil discourse

It wouldnt surprise me. Enjoy this all while it lasts

Its not a personal attack, its a legitimate criticism of your behavior. You want to talk about taking a stand? Go take a stand then. Until then, you donā€™t really have an grounds to chastise others for not doing so, especially in a way that risks real consequences to them.

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Legal and ethical complicity are different. The guy youre responding to was right, you really seem to have difficulty understanding that law and ethics are two different things

no if you read my post i explained its best to read the entire contract before you sign it big dog

when you run out of your parents monies you will have to face these realities and i wish you the best because in your current form you do not seem prepared for what is about to hit you

iā€™ve signed 2 contracts in my life, one with a fast food company and one with the US government, you gotta read what u sign (especially if its from a body with significant power)

good luck dude


Oh i see. When you speculate about my personal life, its legitimate criticism, and when i point out that someone is repeating ccp propaganda line for line exactly how a paid stooge would its bullying.

I hope you get some emotional therapy soon.

Yes, pointing out hypocrisy in an argument is legitimate criticism. Calling somebody a stooge for a genocidal regime in order to shut down their argument is bullying.

As I said before, were you actually taking a stand in any meaningful sense, it would preclude you from posting here the way youre doing. Therefore logic dictates that you arenā€™t doing that.

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i donā€™t think anybody here is supporting the chinese government, and iā€™m fairly certain when countries act out most people are not alone in saying ā€œwow its rude to hurt citizens like thatā€

u gotta grow up man, u donā€™t have a crazy hot take ur just letting it out in a funky way

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i think maybe if a third person tells him that exact thing a 3rd different way they will understand the point

im 28 and am a registered member of the libertarian party, aka the party centered around liberty and dissenting thought.

you are utterly clueless. Iā€™m not conflating anything. Blizzard exercising their rights (aka what they did was lawful) DID NOT infringe on the rights of anyone else.

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You have as little evidence that i am, or am not, involved in the hk protests as i have that people reciting the party line are stooges for said party. Less in fact, since my conjecture is at least based on someones words aligning with action, whereas your accusations of hypocrisy are completely baseless and simply a weapon to shut down my speech.

i caleed it i said this was the only other person here who had to sit thru work and worry about stupid things like errands and registering ur life away

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I suggest you give this another read.