Microbial Shroud radius increased from 3 to 3.5.
Microbial Shroud energy cost reduced from 100 to 75.
Removed the Hive research requirement from Microbial Shroud.
As I said before but probably nobody noticed - before the current buff, microbial shroud was situational spell which was good only in some certain situations for example the 50% damage reduction was extremely powerful support spell for ultralisks when playing VS bio and liberators because it reduced the liberator ground damage to half so literally nothing could break the ultralisk armor in bio composition (except ghosts but they are easily denied by speedlings especially when you play bio because you are forced to run away, kite and split). Now they are gonna overbuff this stupid spell which is the sister of DARM SWARM the most cancerous spell in the whole SC… No… Actually WHOLE RTS GENRE UNIVERSE! Instead of giving it time and wait how the spell will develop they just randomly buffing it so it can be cancer to every composition and even bigger cancer VS bio liberators. So again (no) thanks to balance team!
well, it was a trash spell to begin with, so buffs were expected tbh.
thing is, this spell will still be rarely being used, since the biggest problem isnt the radius or the energy cost. the main problem is, that its too niche, to ever have a use. against toss, its useless, because its a big “storm here” mark on the ground and against terran… well, if libs are your main source of dps… you should overthink your playstyle.
i really only see this spell used against sieged positions in combination with blinding cloud. this way, zerg can really overrun any terran sieged position, which is a good thing after all (its hard to use, if you wanna combine ms with blinding cloud)
More whine about anything?. Even Microbial Shroud, which was so UP that it wasn’t even used at all.
You are the poster child for Terran forum whiners with this post.
IDK this seems fine, maybe the radius increase is a bit much. It’s still a niche spell and way better balance than IT ever was. Can you imagine if they went through with doubling the IT? Wow.
And this is nowhere close to Dark Swarm, so don’t even go there. You’re being like a child who has seen clouds for the first time. Must be the same thing because it makes a cloud, right? Nah.
Terran upgrade/spell goes unused
Whine Terran: Buff this or we’re literally unplayable
Zerg upgrade/spell goes unused
Whine Terran: HoW dArE yOu BuFf SoMeThInG uSeLeSs
i haven’t even used it once, maybe they want zergs to try it out… because it’s actually trash.
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It’s not a bad spell, but when you have the choice of abduct, fungal, blinding cloud, parasitic bomb, and neural parasite which are the most impactful spells in the game. Their is hardly a reason to use such a spell. Even if they buffed it to 4 radius and 50 energy hardly anyone one would still use it since all of zergs other spells are just that good.
Takes blizzard years to fix it … cough cough Raven
buff in less then month.
You haven’t used it even once… Soon it will be overbuffed and it will be used even more than infested Terrans and then you will regret all your buffs approvements for this spell… Oh wait, you won’t regret because you are zerg.
I’m pretty sure it’s about up to 2 weeks and we will see this spell used by pro then frequently used by pros and then the zerg players on ladder will copypasta it to their own game and we will have another imbalance which might be even worse than infested terrans - it’s definitely have predispositions to be even worse than infested terrans because this spell at the current state is just literally worse version of dark swarm… Immortal units > free units.
You do know the spell doesn’t stop ground vs ground and spell damage in any form right?.
Well I’m sure if it gets overused then it will be nerfed again, they’ve been doing that. At least it needs to be attractive enough for people to use before we can know just how powerful it really is.
He knows. I don’t think he cares
Don’t worry it takes up to 10 zerg tears to buff/nerf a thing they want. Soon it will be literally dark swarm with both ground and air protective.
But for now… Can you tell me then how I’m supposed to win as bio, medivac, liberator VS ling bane ultra and microbial shroud?
I’m glad they reverted the adept glaives tho. So ridiculous in the proposed form
EMP the casters ahead of time or snipe them.
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To be fair, i never needed shroud to beat bio medivac and lib with ling bane ultra
Ahead of time good to know it’s like I can get closer to them when they have overseers…
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New patch = instant whine
Because it’s already OP and it will be now even worse.
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Overseers can’t cover everywhere and you can snipe them.