An epic challenge: PPP v Reality

Rasputin = TheBatz, MaskedWords, Celebral etc.

This thread is the proof of that. Do you remember how i was trying to convince you that APM IS NOT 99% of the game ? And you continously refused to admit that.

I main Terran btw so i do not belong to PPP.


Smart people play toss. fast people play terran. non-smart & non-fast play zerg. but this is strategy game and smart > fast.:peka:

KingCobra TM


If you want to react to things,first you miut know what things can happen,thats game knowledge so its not only apm.

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don’t bother convincing this guy. Lots of people told him that, yet he continously disagrees. I think he may be some sort of agent from other video game company trying to test out our reactions or opinions regarding various aspects of the game etc.


Nice words by King Cobra

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APM is like the dough of your pizza while everything else is like topping on your pizza. You can have good toppings but it won’t be a pizza without your dough. Stop trying to straw man what Batz is saying. APM is not a perfect correlation to skill but it IS correlated and pretty strongly at that (hence why APM rises the higher league you are in). Denying this is just straight up lying. The PPP are delusional. I hope my little exemple can help their brains understand.

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You’re the lamest person on the planet. You are quoting yourself and shoving your unwanted self promotion down our throat. Jesus you’re cringe and annoying. You make me so ANGRY !! You wouldn’t be this smug if we met in person

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Person: speaks truth. BatZ:


Give any sane person a reason why they should keep talking to you when you keep putting out false and delusional information. Whenever someone confronts you, you immediately react with deflection and hostility. When someone finds a contradiction, you just keep screeching the same line over and over again. Like this one:

To make things worse, you know you don’t have any intelligent people to defend you, so you have to make multiple accounts to defend yourself:

Case 1: nice username by the way

Case 2: The angry personality. The one that blames Protoss for breaking his own keyboard and bedroom wall.

Tell me who wants to argue with someone who has multiple personality disorder, cognitive dissonance, schizophrenia, etc.? You are showing clear signs of having a completely broken mind.

And then after all the nonsense we’ve been putting up with for months, it’s always “now this!” or “but what about that!” Every point we shoot down you come up with more nonsense, but you never address any of the flaws in your other posts! Seriously, I know you’re not too lazy to explain why there are so many flaws in your post, and every regular person around here knows you’re not trolling. The only logical conclusion is that you’re too dense to see how wrong you are.

And now you expect us to download some random script that YOU of all people developed for some random and ridiculous case study that has no way of winning. I imagine if you “win,” it’s “AHA I told you so!” And if we somehow prove you wrong, it’s “OMG Protoss is OP look they can still maintain their rank at 1/4 APM!!!”

This is just complete insanity on all levels. You can tell it’s a crazy post within the first sentence. You can tell it’s nonsense because even OP can’t make sense of his own words because he keeps editing his posts (an indicator that you are talking with a BatZ account cough gobble gobble). And when reading closely, OP is clearly baiting you into an argument where you can’t win.

Do you really need to ask us why we won’t take you up on your “challenge?” Really?


Lmao you seriously think I’m Batz ? :joy::joy: it’s crazy how much imagination you bozos can muster to justify the fact that everybody is saying Protoss is op. It must all be a big conspiracy. There’s no way all those people could be wrong so it must all be one person. It’s pretty sad. You’re pretty sad. You are a man child that is scared of the truth. My father would have had his way with you with his belt if you were his children.


No, you are too dense and unsophisticated to be a BatZ clone. Though your delusions are similar (you have the same firmware) your Iq and knowledge (hardware) are a fraction of that of BatZ.
BatZ, for all his ridiculous antics, never losses his nerve, never breaks keyboards, doors and walls, and never suffers meltdowns like you.
For all his defects, still BatZ is a very high IQ guy, you are the inverse.

What the heck are you on about? Batman obviously isnt batz, because he whinges about terran being weak and not zerg, but batz has meltdowns at least three or four times a thread. Every time somebody corners him with his obvious strawmen and badly googled information.

Nice apologism like a true protoss apologist foe op race

Wat I r not Batz . u can come talk to Myanuz. He will tell u hhoe they r :poop:

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I don’t complain, Terran IS incredibly weak and would require heavy buffs to core units like marine/marauders, Medivacs, liberators, siege tanks and ghost.


It’s funny you tell me this. You are the most unrefined garbage stupid poster there is. I have a high IQ, it’s 127. It’s just my main langage is Russian so it’s possible sometimes my sentence aren’t good. But you are still a little brat with fat belly.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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They will say anything and everything except “I accept your challenge” because a Protoss player will avoid an APM challenge like a cow avoids the meat grinder.

Every single PPP spammer demonstrates he knows, without a doubt in his mind, that APM=skill otherwise beating a challenge like this would be a piece of cake. So they are liars, spamming the forums with blatant falsities to mislead people about the nature of Protoss design. Everyone knows Protoss requires less APM and is easier to play. They know know. We know it. Everyone else knows it. So when they spam lies it’s really to comfort themselves because there is no way on God’s green Earth anybody is stupid enough to believe that BS, even them.

I am a big believer that there is nothing new under the sun. So the social mechanisms we are witnessing play out here are the same that played out a thousand years ago:

The wicked will see it and be grieved; He will gnash his teeth and melt away; The desire of the wicked shall perish. - Psalm 112:10


So true++++++++++++++++


Your challenge was completed by winter in his low APM challenge.

  • He used 100 APM which is more than twice the APM budget allowed in my challenge (25% of your current APM which is 25 APM for a Bronze player, 40 APM for a Masters).
  • He didn’t publish replays (that I can find) proving his APM was kept below the limit.
  • He didn’t use a program that forced him to stay within his APM budget so he was free to go over his APM limit as long as he kept his overall average lower.
  • He didn’t maintain his original rank & win-rate which is required to beat this challenge (his latest video shows he is diamond league) so even if you assume he did stay within his APM limit 100% of the time he still wouldn’t haven’t beaten this challenge.

So no, he absolutely did not complete this challenge. In fact he proved the exact point my challenge is supposed to prove. He ended up with a lower rank than he started with and was smack dab in the MMR range 100 apm correlates with thus proving APM is what decides your rank.

So maybe he’s wrong? Let’s say he is. I do tend to think the APM = skill argument holds relatively little weight. Zerg’s spending mechanic takes almost no skill, but building 70 Zerglings is 37 actions. Spawning those larvae, took 10 actions, but required massive amounts of skill.

So, let’s look at other facts:

What about having a positive win rate in PVT for the last 4 years? What about winning 60% of Premier Tournaments? What about winning 60% of Major Tournaments? What having higher average MMR?

What numbers would you accept as valid?