All the cheesers are back

I only laugh when you scout out the cannon rush/proxy barracks and worker pull to stop it and they just quit after that.

Where in my post did I say I lost games??

Actually I came here to mock people because those are the types that will flock to this forum. God forbid people try to actually learn how to play the game right??

I love cheese and wine.

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I doubt coming here with the intention to make fun of cheesers will make them play better or even get upset, instead of that, the result is you looking salty after being cheesed.

If you want people to learn, show examples of easy and safe macro styles,guides or tips aimed for low level players.

I can beat cheesers all day long its not even difficult when they’re bad at the game. Its stale gameplay and not the reason I play RTS games. I’m playing unranked to find out about the new maps and figure out what I want to do on them. If I’m “salty” at all its for the reasoning that I cannot actually do any builds and am forced to react and crush cheese builds and players just leave after it fails miserably. I find it funny that the same people who are PPP are also the ones defending people who cheese.

Its hilarious that when you make arguments to defend these types of players but when someone uses their higher MMR to demonstrate that they’re far better than you are you turn around and say “MMR doesnt matter cause you probably got it by cheesing” lol.

Please don’t argure with them. There are plenty of guys like you and me who hate cheese or who at least believe that cheese should be nerfed, yet they still defend this garbage in the game.

Those folks cannot understand that winning by cheese is unfair vs winning by macro game because cheeser usually learns one dumb strat that even a bronze player can pull off, while macroing requires learning every aspect of the game : eco, micro, unit composition, harass, scouting, strategy, decision making etc. I gave up long time ago.
Those ppl won’t listen… sigh

I played a bunch of unranked diamond 1 masters 3 games yesterday. All the games I faced vs Terran were 1 base builds where they block the ramp and do sneaky stuff behind it. Was very very frustrating. I don’t understand why people play that way honestly. Yeah you win points but it’s a dirty way to play imo

MMR is not exactly a sign of raw skill, getting results are tournaments is what do you do to show your skill. At ladder there are many players with many strats. Even at 6k there are players who do wrong things, and yes, some strats have a higher chance to work at ladder so the mmr numbers become less exact at determining the skill of a player.And anyone can demonstrate that is better than me because I’m very bad, never said I’m good, I know my place is wood league and I’m fine with it because at my level I have fun and usually win more than what I lose. The game is meant to have fun with it, mmr does not really matter unless it’s your goal to increase it, if you want people to know you are good, you play on tournaments and win or achieve some decent results, if you don’t do that you are just an average random player number XXXXXXXX and nobody will care about your rank.

I myself don’t like cheesing, I rarely cheese, I don’t like cheeses when they become the norm, but I respect it because this is a game, and everyone plays the way they find the more fun, not everyone is interested in playing well,improving or following the meta. Also reminding that even I am been called a part of the PPP, I rarely play protoss and when I played the race I never cheesed, to the point I didn’t know the basic cheese builds, I always played macro and followed some tips from Playa that helped a lot on the macro strat even when the meta was P cheesing and allining every game, I was sitting on a nice 55%-57% wr vs zerg with pure macro games.

So if I defend cheesers is not because I’m a part of the group, is because I respect the choices the player make.

No you came here to complain…

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lol so the guy who defends cheesers and denies the strength of protoss also has a level of clairvoyance strong enough to create his own narrative and plant that idea into someone elses thread and then pass it off as the truth.

Every time I think you’ve said the dumbest thing possible you enter another thread and show that you can always out do yourself.

You think I dont know how to beat cheesers because I hate playing these people?? Send a worker to scout and they lose. Making this thread has shown that I am not the only one who is experiencing this type of gameplay. I played the same people tonight that I played last night and they all did the same builds that didn’t work and got wrecked in the same way. These people are so bad at the game they would do anything for ladder points. I find it funny that virtual rank means so much to these people to be honest.

Its just another example of why this game is dead.

There is something seriously wrong with you. I’m not trolling or trying to offend you. You need to see a therapist or a psychologist because you’re mentally challenged.

You will literally argue for the sake of arguing. Tournaments?? You mean the 1 match 8 player automated tournaments that have players of mixed skill in them?? Or are you expecting non-pro level players who have real lives to devote whatever free time they have competing against a bunch of nerds in a tournament that no one will ever know about??

Then you think that someone with 6k mmr isn’t better than someone with 4k mmr if they aren’t playing in these made up tournaments that youre talking about LOL. Then you attribute all of these reasons as to why people who cheese every single game are somehow not garbage players. LOL

Stay off the forums and get help. Seriously get help.

Do you think you can measure skill using the ladder?, I’m not saying that a 6k player is not better than a 4k one, what I’m saying is

At big mmr differences you can safely say who is better, but when that mmr distance is lesser, you can’t deduce anything, 500-600mmr?, for example, a dude has 500mmr more than you, you are a macro player, the other is a dirty onetrick cheeser, who is the better player?, the one who follows the meta, knows builds and can play longer games or the one who plays games that last less than 7 minutes?.

What I’m saying is that ladder pool has a wide range of different styles (cheesers, greedy players, players with strange builds,players who follow the meta, players who tend to play non standard,smurfs…) always played in a bo1 format. Compare that to tournaments, they know their enemies, there is bo3, bo5, bo7 so dirty cheap strats won’t work in the long run so at the end of the day the better players will reach the top. Ladder?, the cheeser will keep spamming cheeses and eventually the strat will achieve some efficiency because eventually will catch people off guard or even people getting tired of playing against cheeses and not trying hard against them, the other day Heromarine said he hated playing ladder because it’s rare to see people trying to play well, everybody cheesing, allining and playing extremely greedy builds and that made him not trying to defend these strats as hard as he could.I myself when I encountered a player, I played my own thing not caring about the perfect counter,I like playing macro games, I’m not going to do some 1 base counter even if that’s the best choice. That’s wy I think ladder ‘‘Don’t’’ always reflect the true skill.

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You are overcompensating so much it’s hilarious. I wish I could bring the world over to laugh at how dumb you look right now.

This mentality kind of backfires when is a strategy purely meant to annoy and frustrate the enemy.

“If dealing with cheese makes you unhappy, why play the game?”

And so a certain number of players quit. I don’t have the data nor a proper way to research this, but I think it could be a fair number.

Just learn to play against all in and you will be EZ master so.

But yeah, Protoss is design to be a ez pz 3 APM race true. But when you will hit master, you will be very prood because you grind Master by playing 10 time better than protoss.

Another person who cannot read.

  1. I am a lifetime masters player.
  2. I already know how to defend cheeses.
  3. I’d rather play a normal game than react to garbage gimmick builds every single game.

Eh, not sure macro takes more skill. As someone who can macro like a God and who cheeses absurdly well; there’s a lot less room for error when you’re condensing a game into 5ish minutes of low tempo aggression than there is when you’ve a 15+ minute game with 4 bases and 70-90 workers.

Cheese is honestly a major reason people quit. I quit for 5 months recently after being incessantly cheesed on one particular night.

then you would already know EVERY SINGLE TIME there are new maps, there’s a flood of … “good people” who decide it’s a good time to get into starcraft for about 1-2 weeks and try and cheese every game to get a higher rank but it doesn’t work so they quit until the next time there’s new maps…

have you forgotten about that group of people as a “lifetime master player” ? it’s EVERY new ladder season… nothing new…

wew that was close i was diamond 2