After almost 8000 games as terran... I finally made it

Ah. Historically lowest mmr Border too it seems. Because Last season master Border was at 4400 mmr on NA.

I don’t know if rankedftw is bugged or ladder itself is bugged, rankedftw shows almost 33% master in EU,almost 9% in NA,6,66% KR. It wasn’t supposed to be 4%?, I still remember all the talks about the old 1,25% and people went crazy every time it went up to 2%.

Yeah ladder is bugged. At least in EU. You will get master almost certainly If you Need to Play 5 placement Matches.

Pretty childish for someone who does 12 hours hard physical labour a day and has a girlfriend and plays without hotkeys Like the Devs intended to Play and also knows sc better in General than all of us and Figured Out that Starting with 3 Depots before rax is actually the way to Play terran.

Shrek is one of my favourite movies.

Obligatory you probably only 8 rax and think you’re good at the game. Daily reminder that below 8 gases is an all in.

As 3300 low diamond that just came back after 7 years. I main Terran, second Toss and giving Zerg a try, so I’m playing as all races and they are not as easy as you say.

Yes , Toss is a bit easier “apm” wise but not by far (at least in my mmr range). Zerg is actually hard, larva injection and creep spreading plus knowing when to drone vs army is not so easy, also I never lose to Zerg with same or less apm (my apm as Terran is avg 135) but have lost to several toss with less ( also when I toss I win vs higher apm players).

Edit: I will however agree we don’t have any A move unit or army, maybe BCs but nah.

I was reading on reddit people at 4,7k getting GM,looks like the usual low starting point of each season this time is lower than ever

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Yeah thats true. But its still irritating that in EU the Masters Border is right now at 4570 or Something and therefore more than freaking 300 mmr above Na Border. If EU and Na Drift further away the Masters EU=gm NA meme is actually getting pretty real.

Tell Alexandros a real GM said F you, if you see him. Thanks.

EU to NA isn’t 1:1. For example, 5k on EU is easier than 5k on NA but 5k on NA awards you with a higher rank. It’s a nuanced subject you should probably be within the MMR range if you want to discuss it.

I am and i definetly dont agree with this as i have plenty experience with EU and NA ladder at least Up to 4.9k. But thanks.

Maybe it’s not true below 5k? If you’re 4.9k as Toss or Terran your the players I farm for MMR.

Then dont call me Out and say it nuanced when you dont actually know it by yourself.

Your First reply actually was about me calling Out the master Border difference. And now you say that it might be that your Statement is only true for 5k and above.

And btw yes the top gm mmr is obviously borked because there are too few top pros playing. And parting or Scarlett casually ripping the ladder apart Till they are Rank 1 without Many losses at all and staying Low mmr compared to their “real” mmr. Low gm i doubt that you are correct because its actually a 500 mmr difference between EU and na and since i could reach gm on NA but Not EU i highly doubt it too. Mid gm you May be correct tho.

Another Protoss in GM… Wonder what Batz would say to that!

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Well batzy is living proof that its ez to reach Low gm with 12 p Drone pull.

In General cheesing/all in the way into gm is Not that difficult on NA If you want to grind. But playing sc2 but Not really playing sc2 seems kinda useless to me. I Always had the philosophy that If i win with cheese its Not really me who won because i literally didnt react at all to anything. I didnt do anything of worth myself.

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It’s nuanced because I can’t give you a clear and definitive answer. Styles obviously matter too.

Yes I said 5k originally too because that’s the lower range of my MMR.

If you peak at 4900 you’re still 150 MMR away from NA GM.

Yeah but then it Misses the Point completly because 300 mmr is pretty huge difference either way at that level.

Can be Said in General. Also its a massive difference If you are for example 4k with cheese or If you are 4k macro player

Yes which is why both of our experiences are pretty valid. Thus the nuance.

The several EU players I’ve talked to about this have all been macro players and fairly standard. They should be at or above my MMR but stylistically they get smashed by me. The passive EU style is really awful when all I want to do in a game is be left alone.

How you think so? You are matching a tougher competition on EU server on these ranks, assuming that I often see some pro’s stayin on Master 1 league maybe waiting for the Gm entry.

And I’ve played on NA specially protoss are the macro players who want to turtle and skytoss. This is definitely not one side answer, I dont think this style of playing can be put to a whole region only but I would say you are quite mistaken if you think the upper leagues are harder on NA. I would agree though lower than these leagues are more or less even difficulty.

Playa is that you?
Batz is that you?

usually the only two self-entitled so much

Not even what I was saying. Low 5k is not the upper leagues, top of NA is low 6k. This is why I say that the conversation is nuanced and you really shouldn’t talk about it if you’re not playing at these MMR ranges. You’re just butchering the subject here.

EU players really have a complex over how good they think their region is. For God’s sake, Clem was considered the best Terran ever of all time because he could beat 2 players. The absolute cope of your region of the world is painful.

And this is why I tell people here to keep their schizophrenia in check. I main Terran.