After almost 8000 games as terran... I finally made it

I finally made it to master league.

I may be biased as I am a terran player, but I genuinely feel that making to master league as terran is one of the hardest thing to do in video game. I had countless losses against players who cheese and turtle (primarily protoss that do proxy void ray, camp and mass carriers and A move with 20 carriers while building 20+ cannons in base) and losing to storm and disruptors shot because I was not looking at my army for 2 seconds.

For a player like me who does not have 200+ apm ( I am 190 apm max), it has to be the toughest thing to do ever in a video game and I don’t care what the zerg/toss say. Some say Terran is easy that “all terran have to do is press T and A move”. F those idiots, toss is the easiest A move race in the game. If terran just press T and A move, they will die to baneling, lurker, mass zealot, collousses, etc. The morons that say terran is easy have never used terran.

I have seen protoss who are noob with less than 100 apm and only use 2 control groups, and all they do every game is camp in base and mass carrier and made it to master 2. Some protoss do proxy void ray or cannon rush every game and made to diamond 1 as well. Zerg is better but can also A move zerlings/banelings in late game if the terran does not kill the zerg early

My overall thought is this:

  • terran is the weakest race at below 200 apm
  • the game is balanced at 250-450 apm
  • terran is the strongest race if players can have 450 apm + (or whatever the apm that is unachievable by human)

Saw the title and was about to congratulate you,read the post and saw you are a whineterran,shame.


Following Goba’s Equation:
where APM(P) and IQ(P) are Protoss player APM and IQ and for terran in the other hand of the equation the same.
It follows that this 200APM moron (For a decent terran 200APM are enough to be GM up to Top 150GM) that has struggled for a decade (8000 games) has half the IQ of his 100APM Protoss counterpart.
Those primitive morons prefer instead of the brain to exercise their fingers and hands, hence the terran disproportionate suffering from hand and shoulder pains.

Congratz on making it thru the wall.

LOL, just another whine thread by a person who took too long to get masters, somehow, i’m not clapping for you.


Congratulations on your achievement, not everyone would be able to do this (specially nowadays).

As for being biased, who isn’t ? Yet, even if it’s true that macro bio styles do require more micro than most (while most do benefit but don’t necessarily require it), don’t let that prevent you from seeing that reaching master with other races also is an achievement in other areas. Protoss don’t have static able to tank a small army if repaired, nor one button closing walls. Zerg do not have one button detection, and larvae management requires a honed game sense.

So even if your style probably isn’t the easiest, and if Z and P who describe terran as stim-clic probably haven’t really played bio ; don’t let those thoughts prevent you from seeing the achievements there is in every race. :slight_smile:

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this is very impressive achievement… considering how underpowered Terran is.


MMR = IQ X APM X 0.1
Congratulations bro.

Terran representation is fairly strong, correct me if I’m wrong, maybe not the peaks of Protoss at this time, but Terran are ripping it up on ladder and tournaments.

First time player? Terran is a great pick.

Yeah, terran crushes every tournament.

(TY lost every game to zerg and toss for 2 gsl seasons straight, cure stomped by skillous, maru stomped 3-0 by harstem just putting in the bare minimum to defend harass and pushes - also stomped by trap a-moving colossus chargelot, innovation stomped by DRG and scarlett recently, serral stomped maru twice despite maru being so much better, only terran pros get wrist issues, AND terran is the only race that can’t a-move and one second of not paying attention to your army means the game ends due to blinding cloud, ling ultra a-move or burrowed banelings AND your opponents can end the game at any time while having an infinitely better late game and economy while effortlessly defending your harass which is required to deal damage or else they get utterly out of control and your chances of winning are 0% but forget about that)

  • terran is the strongest race if players can have 450 apm + (or whatever the apm that is unachievable by human)

Based on maru and clem having that much while the P and Z pros don’t put in nearly as much effort? While innovation and TY get stomped?

Oh wait maybe you need the other side to put in as much effort before saying the race is the strongest with absolute perfect play (which ofc has already been achieved by terrans who still lose to sheer imbalance).

Most of us believe Terran and Zerg is fine - another look at Protoss would be appreciated but for me personally, it won’t stop me from enjoying the game.

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Speaking as a terran… you and me both. The whine was not necessary.

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Terran has a low skill floor, but an incredibly high skill ceiling. Thats what makes it so enjoyable. You can pick it up and understand the basics of how the race works, since, functionally it isnt very different from other RTS games, but actually mastering the intricacies of Terran is a whole other thing.


who needs your clap lol did not ask for it


Congrats! Feels good man it IS hard!

I’m sure your mechanics are strong but… I bet you have some absolutely filthy cheeses :cheese:

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The irony of a terran complaining about turtling/cheese. You have clearly only played one race ever.

I mean, terran has the best cheese units in the game: Reapers/hellions/banshees/BCs… the list goes on. A handful of those units can end the game in under 5 mins.

I’m right behind you.
I’m currently navigating through gold league playing vs diamond/master level tossers or ezergs.

Is 4288 mmr really masters tho?

Yes,the lowest form of master.