Hi there, I have a new account, dont wanna do it, I wasnt here about couple months now (I m banned until 19.9.3020) yeah you read correct, but I like this game, and no other out there is nearly close to SC2 ( I play only this game).
So a big hate about Protoss is on point, but we must search a logic behind it. It goes mostly against Sky Toss, or a powerfull splash (Storm and Ruptor). First thing first, Protoss is gimmick race, relies on back stabbing, cheesing, lucky hits or going full defensive into Air. The question is, why? There are many correct answers. First is Terran Bio. Protoss hasnt fighting ground combination of units so he need a splash. Yeah, so its circle ( you dont change the way of bio, you cannt change Protoss ground, and so with Zerg - need splash) There must be a unit combination of Tanky unit and 2 types of Damage dealer (light and armored). Another problem with Protoss is his Ground production. He cannt have a good allrounder Gateway units, because only Protoss can negate map distance (Warp Prism in enemy base) An now lets face the biggest cancer in games, and 100% of team games Sky Toss. Ou yeeee, It negate every aspect of positioning, high groung plays, run by plays, unit combinations, etc etc. Except Oracle you can attack almost everything in the game with Protoss Air, and not only that, they hit hard, they are fast, they are tanky and more microable as ground units. Combined this, with noobish defensiveness of Protoss (MSC replaced by Batery and SuperB) will help Toss got every game into Late stages.
How to solve everything is not so simple, out there are also good ideas, my ones
- rework Protoss ground units and theyr role, give them a unit combination that can fight and tank, and rework Warp in mechanism, because it gives too big adventage to reinforcement.
- Phoenix into Carier (mainly team games) is cancer. Phoenix is too tanky, too good dmg dealer and in 5-10 pieces do a too good job slowing down other 2 races
- remove Shield Battery (this reward noob players, killed plenty builds etc) so Protoss cann turtle as Terran did back in the time
- rework somehow Terran Bio so you can rework also Protoss and Zerg splash dmg dealers (also Banes - they dont need 100% flat dmg)
-ZvT is now pretty good, no one can skip a tech or direct cheese each other, the game is really back and forth and player with better map awarness and micro is rewarded. - rework useless units - SwarmHost, Infestor, Colossus, Reaper, Banshee (maybe more) this units are too strong or too weak, this is design issue
I know, its a log wish list, and never will be done, but I feel bit better