A Fix for Low FPS in Sc2 /1fps drop rate

I feel so stupid, Today I found out why during coop and some matches, my fps would drop to 1 and I would suffer screen tearing and Everything else.

It is not A “SC2 Problem” nor a “VSync problem”.
On the Motherboard, there is a switch on other a sets of pins. I know the switch better so I will be talking about it.
The switch will be labeled “Slow Mode”, The pins and others will have the word mode in it. If the switch is up and down, push the it down, side to side, push it left.
That will fix the Low Fps. They will be found on Overclock enabled Motherboards mainly.
Hope that helped out a few to come back to SC2.

interesting facts. not that it matters to me when i run the game perfectly. my newest pc have no frame rate issues and my other desktop only have frame rate issues because i have clocked down the cpu to 50%(in power settings) in order to keep it from getting too hot. it could help someone however.