5 zergs in quarterfinals of IEM Katowice 2023!

Its half half. For one its a meme but yes obviously especially lambo and Scarlett are biased Like hell and they dont even try to hide it. They were the ones complaining about literally every zerg unit and in the unit Tier list they gave Hydra and lurker a C. Right between colossus. And what gets buffed? Obviously Hydra. Wow. Even before the pros we Had a very zerg favored Balance Team or did you forget what happend in 2019? They Buffed zerg though the roof and despite everyone knowing and everyone saying its waaaay to much they ignored it. They finally reverted everything but they took a very looooong time to do it. Even after worlds. :smiley: basically handing zerg the trophy.

And im Not ignoring ro 24 representation im Just stating that havin 5/8 spots and Often having zvz Finals suck Balls. It drains the viewership. After so long we finally had a good tournie.

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Dude…what ? I saw your Response for a second and couldnt Stop laughing. Dude. You admit zerg being OP in 2018 Not knowing that they had the Same Advantages and even more in 2019? Literally every Game Stage was massively zerg favored. Early Game mid Game with nydus and No one ofc wanted to Play lategame. Remember when they fixed their ooooopsie with infested terran ?? :smiley: lmao.

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K I was wrong about the patch timings, but 2018 was still stronger than 2019 zerg with root fungal, invincible nydus, and old transfuse. In 2019 all zerg got was ultra speed upgrade and cheaper nydus. The fact that you think 2019 zerg was stronger is a testament to your lack of reading comprehension, just like how you thought 2019 st was only 5/8 toss.

“All they got”

Lmao. They had a Tool to autowin in any Gamestage with nydus sh (Reference worlds 2019. We saw more nydus Worms than Marines ) and If they didnt do it they got a freewin in lategame. Woooow so you think zerg was even more OP in 2018? Really dont Care. All i Care is a zerg whiner admitting they were bonkers OP in 2 years while getting Buffed…Like you know today ? :slight_smile:

Ironic. Im Not even looking Things Up rn. Im Just talking from memory.

That “autowin” was objectively stronger with invincible nydus you clown.

Except they didn’t get buffed, again, reading comprehension.

And the biggest zerg whiner out of everyone here is you LOL.

And yes they got Buffed in that time. Remember when they thought 2 Base all in from protoss was too Strong so they Buffed ovie Speed? Also nerfing Other races to make zerg stronger is also a buff for zerg…

Well i brought a massive zerg whiner to confess that zerg was bonkers OP. Thats Something. Now i Need you to confess that zerg is in a good Position or at least Not in a Bad one.

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I’ve already stated the hydralisk movespeed buff was unnecessary and still think colo should get a partial revert, but I know even if those go through you’ll still be here whining about zerg. You, maro, terraria, others that don’t even play the game or bother reading patch notes with any effort of objectivity sit here, twitch, reddit, and tl whining all day about zerg. Now you’ve got a tvt finals with underdog terran winner, hero smashing dark 3-0, stating pvz is good for toss and here you are still crying about zerg. It’s disgusting.

The difference between you and me is even though I whine I’m doing it while actually playing and learning about the game. During void patch I backed up my words and switched to toss for hundreds of games before it got nerfed, I played terran bio on a fresh account recently to masters, played multiple seasons as random on m2 level, even now I’m replying to you in between matches on kr server. Otoh you hardly even touch the game and repeat whatever nonsense you hear appeals to your confirmation bias. You’ve exhibited strawmen, cherrypicking, even lying and your response is ‘don’t care’, but backpedal more how you just want me to state zerg is ‘good’ you absolute clown.

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Ah nice. Yeah OK i thought you were diehard Like batzy. That Sounds reasonable. Nah i wouldnt really cry then.

I don’t buy it for a second, you and all the other trash would be here whining the moment a zerg wins, just like you’re here now whining about zerg after a tvt final. Btw I’m still waiting for your genius reasoning why you cutoff your representation argument at the ro8, instead of going all the way to the finals or any round before, or why you think gsl st justifies this argument when they had 7/8 toss instead of iem with 5/8 zerg. You said before you thought balance should be based off the top level, now you choose ro8 cuz it’s the only point that can suit your balance whine. Cope harder.

@maro & terraria
I know you 2 are reading this still seething at someone exposing you for the clowns you are. Just in the past few weeks I’ve seen you 2 commenting on balance suggestions to the new raven without building a single one and telling a masters player to run ultralisks into spore crawlers while they get hit by lurkers. You guys just can’t help from embarassing yourselves, 12 years into a game’s life and you still find things to be wrong about, it’s honestly impressive, like the equivalent to the statistical outlier of being a literal retard. I’m a zerg player and I know the changes to your own race better than you do, because neither of you are here for balance, you’re here to play politics in a video game.

But tell us more how moderate you are as you jerk each other off and hop on any anti-zerg bandwagon there is while repeatedly exposing your own metal league game knowledge like you have been for years. You 2 are a complete and utter embarrassment to this community, even moreso than the 4.5k tosses polluting this forum like litter on the sidewalk. How they manage to be stuck at that mmr when they have literal 6k players with sub 200 apm is beyond me, but hey at least these buffoons know they don’t have any arguments and go to personal attacks right off the bat. Let’s you identify them real easy so you can develop the second nature to avoid them like the trash they are. Otoh you 2 are like weeds in a garden pulled out root and stem only to pop back up a couple weeks later with a buddy a few feet away. Truly a nuisance, but fortunately that’s all you’ll ever be.


You’re right blizzard should balance Warcraft 2 because orcs stronger in that game

I don’t know where you got it in your head that I had a problem with the current Raven. My own opinion and statements on the matter is that it is better to have the cheaper Raven, even if it is slightly weaker.

You are clearly skipping some context there, not that I expected you to read the full conversation anyway.

GhostHydra was complaining about the Ultralisk buff because he thought it would make Ultralisks weaker against Spores & Lurkers, and claiming that he couldn’t detect the Lurkers because the Overseers would die to Spores. I pointed out that he still had options.

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That was directed at your other half, I know you 2 share a brain cell but try and keep up.

I read the entirety, thrasher was saying how ultras got buffed and wont get stuck on spores anymore and ghosthydra replied hydras are faster, which isn’t true, but they can kite better, both valid points. You went the other direction and started telling him to kill spores with ultras like a moron.

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I told him two things:

  1. To use Vipers or ranged units to kill the Spores.
  2. That if the enemy’s Lurkers were so far behind their Spore Crawlers (7 range) that their 14 vision Overseers couldn’t see them, then he could reasonably pick off a few Spore Crawlers.

And notice how I didn’t take issue with either of those statements, I took issue when you said ultras were not squishy enough to die to lurkers while killing spores.

Ultralisks are the toughest Zerg units, and we are talking about a situation where the Lurkers are intentionally kept so far behind the Spores that they cannot be detected, despite the fact that Overseers have a 14 vision mode.

If Ultralisks are not tough enough to kill the front-line Spores and retreat in that situation (and I definitely could have been wrong in assuming that they were), then they shouldn’t be used against Lurkers at all without securing some major advantage (blinding all Lurkers, flanking un-burrowed Lurkers, etc) first.

Even if your ultras survive killing spore crawlers that is a very bad resource trade, not to mention the surface area they need as huge melee units practically guarantees lurkers will splash.

Yes and if you understood this game at a decent level you’d know ultra comps in zvz are designed to capitalize on a resource advantage gained from the mlb that forces the lurker player to turtle while you take extra bases.

Even taking a resource advantage into account, this is a far cry from the other half of thrasher’s point that abducted lurkers would retreat into spores and cause the ultras to get stuck, he is saying now you can bypass the spores not kill them. Even so he fails to account for the impact the abduct nerf will have on this tactic.

edit: In addition, blinding cloud is usually less preferred when attacking into your opponent than abduct, and is less effective the higher skill your opponent is due to the burrow/unburrow speed of the lurker. It’s a similar interaction to ravager biles, while abduct both unburrows them, thus halting damage, and gets them in range of your army.

What? :smiley: how about warcraft I?

5 zergs in quarterfinals of IEM Katowice 2023!

I always love posts like this because it gives me the ability to contrast my own prediction against those of other people. Since there were so many zergs in the round of 8, it must have been quite the shock that the finals were a TvT finals. Except, I predicted exactly that. TvZ favors terran because of the Ghost but it’s difficult to control properly meaning only top terrans can utilize it well, and the recent patch gave terran and zerg the advantage over protoss in a variety of changes. Zergs would sail through every Protoss opponent, and the same is true for Terran except fewer terrans would make it to later stages due to the exclusivity of the ghost control giving zergs an advantage against all terran opponents EXCEPT top terrans. Ergo, the round of 8 would be dominated by zerg but the finals would be dominated by terran. That was my prediction here on the forum. You can look it up.

My theory also correctly describes the TvZ win-rates for this tournament which were 53% in zerg’s favor and the PvT win-rates which were 59% in Terran’s favor. It just feels great to be galaxy-brained.


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I assume that this was targeted at me, though I’m not sure if the spelling of the name Maro is a deliberate misspelling of Miro, or an accidental one. If it isn’t targeted at me, then I apologise for answering in place of this “Maro” you were talking to. If it is, why the hostility?

I know I commented on Crane’s balance suggestions about the Raven; my responses were (if memory serves me correctly, and it may not be) based on the foundation that he (Crane) was suggesting the reimplementation of Corvid reactor, under the assumption that in doing so he was taking away them starting with 75 energy.

I did not realise that the new (current) raven no longer started with 75 energy as had previously been alluded to in the first set of proposed patch notes, and erroneously believed that this was still part of the new Raven’s changes, to which Crane corrected me on. Upon being presented with new information, I changed my mind, instead willing to see Crane’s proposal first hand.

Frankly speaking, I do believe the raven is in a significantly better spot (though AAM’s armour reduction being reduced to 2 from 3 was somewhat of a surprise), having played with it in addition to seeing some pro level games with it as well.

However, I would still like to see Auto Turret removed in favour of another supporting spell to make the raven a true support caster - if only because I dislike the concept of free units as it is.

I didn’t make any comments about ultras and Lurkers, so far as I am aware, though I am aware that Terranic has done so.

Before this tournament, the only thing they cared about was first-place finishes. I pointed out that Protoss have the most second-place finishes of any race in premier tournaments. That was irrelevant according to them. Now the round of 8 means everything even though a TvT finals happened. These people are fire-breathing hypocrites. They are the reason the block feature exists. I haven’t read a single one of Miro’s nor Sentry’s nor Kelthar’s posts in over a year. The bytes spent storing their nonsense are wasted. I wouldn’t waste a second of time reading any of it. You could spend your time more wisely by talking to ChatGPT. Literally.

I wish the SC2 forums were more like reddit. If you block someone, they can’t see your account nor your posts, and definitely can’t reply to you. When you block someone, it’s like the other person doesn’t even exist anymore. That’s how the SC2 forums should be. Instead, they can still see your posts, respond to your posts, post in your threads, and, most importantly, they can flag your posts. You wouldn’t believe the comments I’ve had removed. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I once had a guy insulting me left and right, violating every rule of the code of conduct, and I made a sarcastic reply about how popular I was that I was getting so much attention, and I was the one who was banned. It was amazing. That’s the problem with moderation that relies on users to flag other users. It’s obviously going to be abused. So, if you block them, just be warned that they will probably still flag every post you make.