5 zergs in quarterfinals of IEM Katowice 2023!

5 zergs in quarterfinals of IEM Katowice 2023, that is a good start of the year. We have 2 Terrans and one Protoss. GJ Blizzard.

Last year IEM Katowice we had ZvZ finals, did you learn something from this Blizzard, yeah lets make zerg patch, the race is to weak, and we need more ZvZ finals.

The most disappointment, is that the casters didn’t even say anything at the end, like this normal or something.

Please let me know your opinion about the balance right now, and what are the chances we will have another grand finals ZvZ of World Championship.


It is just makes me very angry that we don’t have a balanced game aft er 13 years. It sucks.

It’s called skill, kid. Balance affects performance maybe 200 to 300 mmr. Skill affects MMR on the scale of thousands – Serral is 7300 mmr and the lowest bronze is like 1,000. Zergs in Grandmaster statistically have higher APM, higher screen movements, better spending skill, etc, than their T/P counter-parts.

It’s not surprising that the vast differences in skill, at the tournament level, outweigh balance when A) balance is so small by comparison to skill, and B) there are performance metrics which indicate the players that who are winning are just better players.

SC2 is an APM-spam game, so if you have faster hands you win by that merit alone. Statistics show that the top zergs are just faster players. Congrats to these players for being able to click fast, because that’s all that top SC2 play really is when it comes right down to it.

Yeah the game is perfectly balanced, it just all the Terran and Protoss players suck, and the zerg players have skill. Are you crazy?

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Kid, I have a background in statistics. I actually built a mathematical model to demonstrate how likely it is that this can occur. News flash, it’s very likely:


What this shows is the probability of the top 5 players being more skilled than the top 5 of another group given you split the population of players into 3 groups. In the peak skill category, 50% of scenarios have AT LEAST a 0.24 standard deviation gap. That’s massive.

These players are statistical outliers and it’s very likely that there are large differences between statistical outliers of different groups. That’s just a mathematical fact. Skill differences have a high probability of producing the observed effects. According to basic statistical principles, you cannot associate this with balance under these conditions especially when you combine this with the skill metrics (apm, screen movements, spending skill) which also reinforce the skill hypothesis.

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You calculated their skill, by your mathematical abilities, how?

And don’t call me kid, and didn’t offend you at all. You don’t know my age.

At the same time, the chances are zerg are same skill as the other players as terran and protoss, but the game is un balanced in zerg favor.

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It’s called a Gumbel distribution, young padawan. Gumbel distributions are used to model outliers. For example, you might want to know what the probability is for a rare event like an earthquake, or you might want to know what the probability is that someone is really freaking good at SC2.

The math is crystal clear that large differences occur within outlier sets. That’s just a fact. Some earthquakes are mild, and some are severe. Some pro players are mild, and some are severe. That’s just how it goes.

Some pro players are better than others, and, by sheer chance, the ones that play zerg happened to be better.

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Actually all of the Z players there deserve to be there, these are the best zergs in the world., ragnarok has had good gsl results so he too. It is not like Creator who only got there because he beat 3 foreigners still surprised he won them (Spirit was playing well this tourney he could have won)

Creator played poor and I think the games Dark lost he was just playing with food then realized he had to start playing properly.


You think Dark will risk all that prize money, playing with food. That is not likely.

The players with the most skill making it farther in the tournament is actually what you want, if you want exactly the same number of races at every point of the tournament, then you’re pretty much asking for players with more skill to lose to lower players just because they play a different race… I mean there’s just no way anybody that watched Byun vs Serral actually thought Byun was the better player and deserved the win. That’s basically what you’re asking for, you don’t want a balanced game.


Man you are defender of zerg since the creation of SC2 forums, of course you think 5 out 8 spots are zerg is perfectly balanced.

Saying that the best players of the world are just zerg is absurd. The SC2 had always balance problems, in WOL Terran was the strongest race, and when there where to many terran players at the end of tournament, Polt said terran op.

And when there are to many zerg players, zerg are better players. How does that make sense?

Dark 3-2’s creator and the community is losing their minds lolololololololol.

This is exactly why they should be balancing off pro feedback rather than listen to this delusional community.


I mean we knew it before the tourny even started. Its Not over yet but all along we knew which Race gets the crown but we dont know the Player. If actually somehow a Player from another Race gets the win its a huge huge accomplishment.


If someone from another race gets the win, that race is almost certainly going to see nerfs.

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Well last year we had 2 zergs in IEM Katowice. And we got a Zerg patch afterwards, with hydra and brood lord buffs.


Just finished watching Byun vs Serral. Don’t want to discredit Serral - he obviously is a great player, but this is so unfair and painful to watch. Byun does whatever lies in his power - multiprong drops, sniping stuff here and there, clearing creep etc and Serral deflects all this like it was nothing. And then after 10 mins of playing cat and mouse Serral has 3 k minerals and 2 k gas and simply floods Byun with banes, hydras, vipers and other garbage.

How on earth is this balanced ? Tell me how can good terran beat good zerg ? Turtle 2 hours behind PFs, turrets, sensor towers, mines, tanks and libs and hope that zerg will run out of money ?

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  • Change the queen: Zerg’s early mineral dump is a MOBA hero.

  • Change how creep is spread. Take tumors from the queen and give it to hatcheries.

  • Nerf speed on creep.

the speed on creep single handily ruined micro in the game. In BW, terran or toss can actually micro on creep, but on sc2, everytime theres action on creep, terran or toss needs to retreat and turtle up. Queens also ruins action in the game.

Think its time just to make sc3 and just leave this mess of a game behind. There serious problems with each race, not just with zerg.


WinterSC just said on his stream that it’s going to be impossible to balance the game with so few patches and there’s no one to really do it.

Also impossible to balance the game for the top 10 players vs everybody else.

Womp womp. Guess we wait for Stormgate.