Banelings aren’t broken, but they shouldn’t cost .5 supply. They really ought to cost 1 supply. They have high splash damage and cost gas. Unlike the zergling.
Otherwise, why do widow mines cost 2 supply? Why not cost just 1? Widow mines are on par with 2 banelings and definitely not 4.
so does literally every other unit. just like every other unit has a chance to kill banelings before they get close enough to kill them, yet you still QQ your butt off about them.
Okay. Several people highlighted the difference between widow mines and banelings. If widow mines are so much better as to be the same supply as 4 banelings, compare 200/100 for 4 banelings vs 75/25 for 1 widow mine. With their 5 range and reusability and ability to attack air and burrowed cloak shouldn’t widow mines then cost 200/100, at least as much as 4 Banelings if they’re so on par?
A couple of depots, a barrack, a siege tank and some SCVs can hold off an unlimited onslaught of zerglings up a ramp. Not even 1k of resources from a terran is needed to fend off infinite mineral investment from the zerg.
Does that make any of those things overpowered or zerglings underpowered? I doubt it. I don’t care. But I can also make stupid comparisons and frame things to be ridiculous depending on the circumstances.
you need 5 banelings to do that, assuming all of them actually manage to hit. but QQ some more.
i mean you’re literally the guy who said you have time to get out of range of widowmines before they attack, while you ignore the fact that banelings have to literally hit there target melee style.
what type of logic is that?
And in the case of banelings vs bio, if they hit marauders you trade extremely inefficiently. Aaah, but we are not looking at the “Ifs” and context now aren’t we? So I repeat.
You can mine out the entire map of minerals, pump zerglings out of 10 hatcheries and still not break 2 depots, a barracks, a siege tank and SCVs. Nerf pls. Less than 10 supply from terran and less than 1000 resources can hold of maxed out zerglings forever. Lets complain about that.
If you hit 3 marauders with 6 banes, you lose 100 gas. With +1, you actually save 50 minerals and lose 75 gas. If this was EXTREMELY inneficient fight for you… I guess we see why zerg is so OP atm.
Oh, no… My ONE unit cant beat enemy alone… pls change. Also, Tank will out DPS SCV repair with FF. With whole map of minerals you CAN kill terran. Repairing depo isnt free and he has only one base worth of minerals.
Oh my, my completely crazy comparison was not entirely accurate and doesn’t take into account context! What are we going to do? Quickly, call the OP who also doesn’t care about context and just crunches meaningless numbers to save us!
Meanwhile I’ll call for nerfs on something random. Lets say… Marines. One marine can kill 200 supply of corruptors, surely that must be OP. 50 minerals from terran can kill 20k minerals of spore crawlers. Nerf pls.