Banes are great vs anything thats not archon. Hell, its cost efficient to blow up Thors with them if you hit 3, which you will if there are cause they are extremely fat. All that as T1.5 a-move unit.
They should be absolutely garbaged by their counters. But they are not.
if the zerg is able to hit 3 thors with one baneling, the terran does something terribly wrong. lol.
Least microable unit in the game.
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the thor is so fat, that its almost impossible to hit 3 of them with one bane…
… Bane has big enough range to comfortably hit 4 when they clump up.
And terran has to micro his bio away so they will be clumped up. There is reason Zerg can stick to ling bane whole game. It is insanely powerful vs any ground composition.
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you dont play thors with bio…
its funny if you say that zerg can stick to banes the whole game (which isnt true btw), while terran is sticking to mmm for 9 years now in sc2 (and some years more, if you count sc1 also in lol)
SC noobs need to be rewarded and retained. Zerg is the way.
Zerg design is cool.
Zerg econ is very efficient.
Zerg units are amove optimized.
Zerg units need to give a lot of ‘pow’ for the effort.
Zerg is marketing dept’s key to retaining new players. Hence zerg will remain ez-mode.
Marine, marauder, medivac, tank/mine.
Without these 4, you cant even trade vs ling bane. With these 4 you trade badly, but dont get crushed.
Sooo… 2 T1 units beat 2 T1, T2 and T3 unit comp that has to be microed. oof.
arguing with someone, who isnt really interested in arguing doesnt do anything. also, this topic is so old. if you want to whine about the same stuff over and over again, its your thing. its not my business to try to teach you like 500 times, why your opinion is trash.
Yeah. Cause I need to correct you all the time. When someone argues that marauders counter banes, but when confronted with facts just says “Yeah, so they dont. So what.”, theres little of value he has to add to anything.
i didnt say anything about marauders countering banes, but yeah, that alone shows, how short minded you are.
btw, where are your facts?
Not close to the strength of mines.
Is that how you explain to yourself that you’re still silver?
It works every time.
Mines are strong ? ahahaah… now i know you diamond max. You can run couple ling forward and force unburrow and kill it, or make them target friendly units. Or run overseers over them, since mines got nerfed 2 times, they are pretty much useless. Zerg will run over mines marauders and marines, easily by a moving bannes, also reason why they are not viable anymore is hydra buff, mines sucks against hydras. Hydra/bane is zvp comp and was never used in tvz, before hydra bane buff hahahha. And siege tanks sucks vs ling banne so what is left. Answer is nothing, bio sucks. Nerf bane ! Banes are supplyless units, buffing them is like too strong. It is like giving them free combat shields… Now extra 300-500 hp exists in zerg army, which wouldn’t previously exist. It was buffed only because byun was too good at snipping banes and now we have large maps, besides everyone know today how to counter 16 marine drops and if zerg goes roach all in you lose, that build sucks. Previously there was viable timmings midgame vs zerg, but after buffing bannes, there is no midgame for terran. You straight up lose and early game sucks because zerg is massing queens which hold every attack terran can do… And in lategame terran doesn’t even have lategame you autolose…
Yea no kid, you’re dia, I’ve been masters since wol, m1 right now. Mines did not get nerfed, they got buffed. Their initial cloak was removed and added to their drilling claws which got their cost reduced, and in addition mines build over 25% faster. Furthermore, mines have 5 range, can target air, and have an immense amount of burst able to one shot most units in the game for the same gas cost as a baneling, and it doesn’t suicide.
Are you kidding or just stupid? Hydra bane was nonexistent in zvp before the baneling and hydra buff. Banelings are not a problem in any sense, pretty pathetic to complain about a melee suicide bomber that deals less damage than mines while costing the same gas, not being cloaked, not hitting air, and dying on death.
hahaha doubt that, who says mines are strong, cannot be masters league…