10 years achivement Spear of Adun

Hi Forum,
I’m starting to despair. I just can’t get the 10 years of Starcraft achievement from the Spear of Adun map. I’ve tried it in countless variations, skipping the cinematic, without it, changing the construction setup, etc. Is it still buggy after all these years? I definitely haven’t lost any buildings befor the cinematic and I don`t get the achievement… Someone have a solution?
Client and Game are up to date.

Hey MBo,

I gave it a try just now and it worked as expected.

Structures that die during the cinematic won’t fail the achievement (that was fixed years ago).

Some things to watch out for:

  1. If you make pylons out in the open battlefield, the attack waves will go after them and you might not notice.
  2. You cannot cancel a mid-warping building, doing so counts as losing the building.
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Good morning Leviathan,
thanks for your reply, after some more trys it worked. but however, i never canceled a building or lost one in the wild… Anoying.

Anoter Question, in Templar’s Charge, does the interceptors count as unit?

Interceptors are units, however, they won’t count toward lost units for the Anniversary achievement.

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