Zen is a bigger problem then mercy

And from the zeb game play i have seen a zen that sticks with there team is 1 harder to kill and if they can accualy aim they can punish all flankers abd if with a dps can deal with a tank like doom or winston

You donā€™t even have to get close to him. His head hitbox is huge and he has no escape abilities. Zen is probably the easiest support to pick off. If you think Zen is harder to kill than Mercy then I think you need to go back to the drawing board.

Never said he was hard to kill then mercy the lroble is mkst supoirt play like blood snipers thinking if they are 30 meters from their team the will be safe. On top just because people are bad eith a hero dotn mean that hero is bad zen has amazing damge out put no look healing a strong kick and on top has discord to up his and his whole teams damge on a single target (the tank) by 25%.

Zen is one of the supports to be asked to swap off often, except top ranks, because not only is his healings weak but also his survivability.

True he can keep his discord on if he peek Los every 3 seconds but imagine fighting against one-shots unlike a mercy can hide behind cover boosting/better healing a dps that also helps against shields. A lot of champs like flanks/dive counters zen so positioning is further strict since he has no get out of jail free card abilities compared to all supports. A lot more reasons to why people prefer playing mercy with sojourn instead of zen.

Maps have tons of covers to break Los of both enemies and allies (forces zen with walking speed to risky positioning like oasis etc) and if youā€™re Only healing and discording behind covers then thatā€™s playing zen wrong.

You say zen is way op in a 5v5 settingā€¦ In ow1 healers can get protected by the second tank. So no, itā€™s not easy/free compared to mercyā€¦

I agree! Zen dmg orb deff needs a nerf now when we have 5v5, it literally deletes a hero in seconds and you donā€™t even have any counter play other than going behind a wall and wait for it to go away.

I take mercy dmg boost over zens dmg orb all day!

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Or, you know, harassing Zenyatta to the point that he has to Los or die.

Uh no. Zen is a sitting duck. Mercy is literally ultra light speed tubo humming bird.

Zen is a escalating ā€˜do or dieā€™ hero, you sacrifice the big healing of others to force both teams into this soft ā€˜sudden deathā€™ mode where you play a dps support, you kill or you get killed I like Zen than most supports, since youā€™re so adamant for defending mercy I got my own nerf mercy thread planned for this weekend, best be there! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I thought I was going crazy having this opinion but so many people are against it.

It was balanced In OW1 because you had another tank to both act as a threat to pull discord, or alternatively, mitigate damage to reduce its effectiveness.

All the Zen players are out here screaming that heā€™ll be useless if itā€™s nerfed (because theyā€™re scared of HIS damage output being reduced).

Frankly his should stay at 25% and for all other teammates it should be 15%.

You canā€™t cleanse it off yourself. Putting yourself out of LoS to break it is literally just doing the enemy team a favour by allowing them to take ground. Tanks donā€™t mitigate damage like they used to either. And to top it off, even if itā€™s cleansed for whatever reason, there is nothing stopping the Zen from putting it back on you immediately.

Itā€™s so God damn broken and I genuinely donā€™t understand how people can defend it. Orisa is the only tank right now that needs that kind of damage amping to burn through her health (and we can expect her to get nerfed soon). Every other tank folds against it if Zen is left alive. And as a tank you almost always have to rely on your dps to take him out. The only time itā€™s feasible is if heā€™s horribly out of position and alone. Any amount of peel, or having teammates focus you just results in a death more often than not as youā€™ll be face tanking 6 million damage to kill 1 person in their back line.

Permanent, team wide 25% damage boosting just isnā€™t balanced. It either needs an amping % nerf for teammates or at least 4-5 seconds of downtime from targeting the same enemy again.


Itā€™s literally the biggest troll on the forums. Donā€™t give it the time of day.

My shot in the dark idea is to have the effectiveness of discord orb reduced the further it is away from Zen. The closer he is, the more in danger they are.

Damage boost is broken and needs to go.

Zen and Mercy are both problems they just show up differently. Zen tends to be worse for tanks; the Mercy experience tends to be worse for DPS/supports who are typically tasked with engaging in the 2v2. This was a lot less problematic feeling when you had 2 tanks so you could typically guarantee some support from one.

Both result in unhealthy interactions in which the side with no boosts needs to perform significantly better than the side with. Itā€™s too much value assigned to a button press with no real counters outside killing the source of the boost.

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I donā€™t see zen in the leaderboards. Itā€™s almost like heā€™s the easy kill. But if anything does happen, then his kick should be reduced, or reverted. Other than that, heā€™s fine, just dive him or pick him off.

His damage orb should only be effective for him, not his team. To compensate give him at least two healing orbs.

Right now itā€™s not because zen is easy to challenge if heā€™s a problem and brings other weaknesses to the group.

Again can people not comprehend we are comparing discord and damage boost

Yes you trade healing for insane dps a huge debuff and a one shot. I think thats a fair trade off mkre mobility

Maybe but that could just make it useless and at that point give him a new ability

And sojourn wasnt seen in low ranks does that mean shes was healthy no leaderboard mean nothing when she exists forcing mercy to be played

No he still need some wat to support the team

I dont get what your saying

Ok so lets say we remove discord orb, what do we replace it with? because theres no reason to pick zen other than his damage potential paired with discord and sometimes his ult.

Thats the think i dont know what they could add the posabilitys are endless mabye mobility cleanse increaded healing more fire rate their is alot they could do

Cleanse is a terrible idea because it would break the game and make tanks even harder to kill. If you give zen mobility or increased fire rate then might as well switch him to a DPS hero as he is already one. He is a glass cannon that is easily countered.

Iā€™ve been saying this for so long now.

I think discord orb is too important to Zenā€™s identity to remove entirely. So I think the ability needs to be reworked rather than be replaced completely.

I think a good replacement would be what they gave Moira in the experimental mode a while back. Where her damage orb was replaced with a damage reduction on whoever it hit. Making Zenā€™s discord orb make whoever itā€™s attached do reduced damage seems like a decent replacement.

This could potentially make him a decent counter to someone like Widowmaker, if the damage reduction was enough to remove her 1-shot capability while attached for example.

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