Zen is a bigger problem then mercy

Zens discord orb is way worse for 5v5 then mercys damage boost is with one tank you just place it on the tank and that target now just takes 25% more damage from everything and the zen can still fight unlike mercys who is annyoing but still removes a gun from the fight. Zens discord orb is a bigger problem that sojourn is covering up at the moment


I think they should just make it so all damage boosts don’t apply to headshots.

Then just buff the affected Support players, a lot.


I completely agree. It just doesn’t fit 5v5 well. It’s an ability that needs a rework.


That could work for mercy but wont realy fix zen

Couldn’t they just make it so discord also doesn’t boost headshot damage?

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The main problem with zen is its 5 heros getting boosted on the tank not head shots like with mercy. Why do you think zens are flankers primary target at all cost i will die to kill a zen and that is the best trade a flanker can ever make. If the enemy has mercy and zen, zen is priority over mercy because i can bait out rez with it almost every time


I think Tanks have big head hitboxes, so reducing the additional damage they take by almost half, is a pretty big change to discord.

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Not saying it wouldn’t help but the underlying problem is still their of you not loosing anything for it like you are with mercy zen can still do his insane dps along side 4 other people unlike mercy

Oh well, Zen has no mid-combat selfheal outside of his Ult, a wide hurtbox, and no mobility tools outside of his Ult.

Literally just Dive him.


Yes but he has great damage a one shot and can make enemies tank just 25% easier to kill and if you have a zen that stays with a dps like a soldier he ownt die easily the problem is most zens stay to far from their team thats why i can kill them so fast the ones that stay in the middle of their teams are the hardest to kill

How about this:

  • Discord effect decreased from 25% to 10% when allies shoot targeted enemy
  • Discord effect increased from 25% to 50% when Zenyatta shoots targeted enemy
  • Orb of Destruction damage increased from 48 to 49

No. This would be even worse zen would just be a tank buster on a whole new level

That would let his right click do 735 damage


So how would you compensate buff Zenyatta? Since nerfing Discord without significant compensation would dumpster him.

Rework it completely its not a health ability in 5v5


There are so many things in the game that can be argued are unhealthy in 5v5. You have not made a case for why Discord and only Discord should be removed.


…it really isn’t as it requires a high level of team coordination vs zero coordination of the boosted hero…? :thinking:


Okay, let’s not exaggerate here…

Easiest way to give zen a buff if they nerf literally anything about him, is to reduce hit hitbox so that it isnt so huge.


My complaint about damage orb is that the overwhelming majority of the time it’s just automatically put on the tank the entire match.

Oh you broke LoS for a couple seconds to have it removed?

Automatically back on the moment you come back into LoS.

It’s less that I feel damage boosts are a problem in and of themselves- so much as I feel unlimited damage boosts are.

No cooldown. No reload. No resource management. Nothing. Just straight damage boosts- I feel like that, they’re not good for the game.


Discord make the enemy tank 25% easier to kill when the game only has one tank and making that tnak easier to kill with a no cooldown ability that has 40 meter range and you have to be out of line of sight for 3 seconds then he can instantly put it back on you when you see him.