Zarya'ish bubble based hero concept

What if there was a tank which could bubble enemies?
They would have to burn through the bubble before they can shoot again.


Ugggh, I would be so annoyed by that, lol.


So bad idea?

No no, I think it could be interesting. If anything, it SHOULD annoy me, that means it’s effective. I would love to be on the flip side of that. :smiley:


You could use it to completely block D.Va bombs or even prevent Ana from healing. I think it would be pretty powerful.

Tara already has this ability tho

They’re gonna implement her any day now I can feel it

blizzard pls I still love her concept so much


I do think it would be pretty annoying, since it’s inherently singling out an enemy to… well, annoy. But I brought up a very similar idea (essentially a Winston barrier stuck to an enemy) when trying to think of what the hardest possible counter to Widowmaker would look like:
Create a simple new anti-Widow ability?

Funny enough, adding more sniper counters was the base idea behind this.

@Light Dont know who that is. If its from paladins it completely coincidence.

Hmm…interesting. Couple of questions for your consideration:

  • How much damage would they need to break through?
  • What is the cooldown of this ability?
  • What is the range of this ability?
  • Does it wear off on its own after a certain amount of time? If so, how long?
  • Can the bubbled person’s team help destroy it?

side question: If you bubble pharah like this, do her rockets explode in her face and damage herself?


Kojeun now asking the real questions here.

I think from the duration / hp aspects, we can’t go higher than what zarya is.

Concerned about the range, if it should be against Widowmaker, its against every hero.

Conzept is kinda interessting.

I like ideas to be fleshed out, as I like people to reason and think. The best way to do that is to ask questions and think of exceptions.

Also, RIP Ana and Baptiste if this idea were to go through.

Answering based on my variant of the idea (targeted Winston-like bubble):

  • How much damage would they need to break through?

Probably 400-500.

  • What is the cooldown of this ability?

12-15 seconds maybe?

  • What is the range of this ability?

30m is probably reasonable (same as Zarya bubble). Maybe include a travel time or something so there’s a little warning before it activates.

  • Does it wear off on its own after a certain amount of time? If so, how long?

Yes, probably 5-6 seconds. Basically just long enough that it’s probably not worth most characters trying to break themselves out with no assistance from teammates.

  • Can the bubbled person’s team help destroy it?

Yes, and unless it’s used on an isolated target, they’ll probably destroy it almost immediately just by shooting normally.

If you bubble pharah like this, do her rockets explode in her face and damage herself?

No, since (in my version) it’s similar size to a Winston bubble, there would be some space between Pharah and the barrier. That extra space also means something like Reaper could run in close to his targets and shoot them without the barrier blocking his shots.

Amusingly, putting the barrier on Pharah would allow her to use Concussive Blast for mobility when she’s flying nowhere near a wall.

You’re gonna make a character unable to fire for 5 to 6 seconds? That’s ridiculous.

At least with hack you keep primary fire.

I agree, this game definitely needs more super monkey ball elements to it.

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This would actually be a REALLY good counter to Widowmaker and Ana. Widowmaker can’t delete your team if she’s got a personal shield over her stopping her from attacking for how long it takes the bubble to pop or go away.

Only if they’re completely alone and would be firing at longer range. But it could be shorter if it would be a problem… just ideas.

It sounds like the reverse of what hack does. Maybe it should require some effort to get it to work besides just clicking an enemy?

Well for reference Zarya’s bubble lasts about 2 seconds and only absorbs 200 damage.

What about Mercy and Lucio, would they still be able to heal? Would Ana be able to nano, or Lucio be able to “dRoP tHe BeAt” if bubbled? Also for Zens ult and orbs, and Zarya’s bubbles, etc.

Right, but that’s also providing complete invulnerability on a smaller target, and is available more often. If you think of a 400-500 HP barrier being placed on someone in a team that’s actually grouped, it’s going to be destroyed instantaneously.

An ability like this would be specifically for the purpose of disabling targets who are isolated from their team. Hopefully the natural reaction would be for teammates to turn and destroy it in those cases, like they currently do for a Symmetra teleporter (which is harder to hit).

I guess it’s worth noting that I’m imagining it on a tank character who has that as their main defensive ability, so countering it by staying grouped would heavily devalue that hypothetical character.

Edit: With all that said, I’m realizing that the timer on it only matters in the worst-case scenario for the target (or best case scenario for the user), so something like 3 seconds might be more reasonable.