Zarya needs to be nerfed

Well I don’t see where I called you a braindead fool. But okay.

Also it wasn’t one thing. We had a whole argument about doom ult. And all I simply said was it’s sht. And somehow you made an argument out of it, when doom ult is COMMONLY KNOWN as sht.

Like I wouldn’t call the ultimate of my main hero sht for just no reason.

There’s just no point in arguing with someone who in the past all i’ve done is argue with, cause it’s clear you MOST LIKELY will have yet another opposing idea and it would just be pointless.

Up the charge decay…

That’s about it.

It’s too easy to obtain, yet at the same time MAINTAIN. One of them needs to go.

You’ve basically implied it in your previous posts…

I made an argument about doom, yes, that it’s not as bad as you are implying it is. No I don’t think it’s good for getting kills, because the skill required to predict someone is just too hard. It’s good for escaping though, and you can setup some kills when using it on high ground.

I actually agree with you on quite a few things, it’s just you notice the times I argue with you.

I’m not sure why you need to hold such a grudge against me, sure we disagree with eachother, does that mean we have to stay arch-enemies over that one argument we had? If so, that is a shame. I used to think you were great.

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To add to this she literally shows people who are bad at baiting out skills. If you bait out a bubble and don’t shoot it and she is out of position and is pretty easy to punish.

Both of you need to take a chill pill.


I mean it’s also the fact there is zero skill in predicting, itself.

Because ya know… predicting is just a fancy word for “guessing” and that isn’t really “skillful” it’s just a guessing game.

Appreciate the warning, dude. I am not trying to be rude

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I do not believe it is a guessing game, so on that matter, we can agree to disagree.

I hope you understand that just because I disagree with you on something, that does not mean you need to hold such a grudge against me.


You know she, nor can her team, charge her up, right? You know the bubbles also have a certain amount of damage they can take before they break? She does not and cannot gain charge on her own.

Her charge and ability to maintain it is a problem that reaches beyond the character. With all the burst damage in the game, she would still be able to gain max charge frequently and people would still complain.

That… doesn’t stop it from being ridiculously easy to do???

Nor does it stop her from being overpowered?

Gaining charge with zarya… has always been easy, even BEFORE DPS buffs and additions.

Hey guys, it’s okay for Zarya to be really good because she’s such a niche hero. She’s only viable with Reinhardt, Winston, Ball, Roadhog, Sigma… Well uh, she’s only viable in deathball, dive, double offtank… Wait what’s her niche again?

DVa is inadherently trash beyond disbelief and Sigma has been nerfed. There are almost no other Off tank options SO WHAT CAN WE DO?

Zarya by no means was good with Winston back in dive why is she good with him now?
Because she can help him tank damage which dva is weak too.
Alot can be said about her.

Also Zarya hog was never about synergy much like rein zarya or Zarya monkey.
Zarya hog only happened because Hog was broken and his counter is anti nade. What counters anti nade best and easiest? Bubble.

Zarya is not the best offtank, she is only one left after a series of harsh nerfs to every other offtank.

Hog got butchered, Sigma got butchered, Dva god butchered with dm nerf and damage number nerfs and knockback nerfs.
Who is still left almost relatively the same for the entirety of game? Zarya.
Obviously she will be picked alot. not her fault but rather the terrible balance team.


But she was, very early dive iterations ran Zarya Wisnton.

A very early iterations means squat.
Its like saying Moira was the meta GOATs support character because she was there when the contenders team that made that meta used.
No it was at very end Brig lucio and zen and remained that way.

It was dva and winston almost always.

But she was good with Winston back in the day, it’s just that Dva was better at the time. Also “she is only one left after a series of harsh nerfs to every other offtank.” literally does make her the best offtank by definition.

Still tands by my point that back then there was a better option than zarya and further proves my points of harsh nerfs

true poorly stated on my part.
She is the “best” offtank by definiton, doesn’t necessarily mean she is “overpowered”
Because if she was in the slightest bit she would have gotten nerfs in the magnitude of Sigma, hog, dva but she didnt I wonder why maybe because devs knows she is balanced and if they touch her they will ruin her like they ruined the rest?

The same devs that let Mercy rework go live, Brig go live, Hanzo rework go live, Doomfist go live, ultra Genji go live, giga hog go live, do I need to go on? This game is not exactly known for being well balanced.

Again they did brutally massacre her

this is a mistake which will be forever on there heads honestly

Out of the last 2 honestly not the worst.
It accomplished their goal of making him good but they didnt consider certain synergises which they later on nerfed.
Out of last 3 Hanzo is honestly lightest.

I hate doomfist to my guts and I treat as same as brig imo so I cant comment on this

Nerfed two weeks after and experimental is to test and with both not many forum post or response came to tel them its bad.
Even alot of pros were with genji buffs at time same with hog so really.
Doesnt prove a thing.
I mean if you chose McCree I would say yeah.
That proves your point much further.
McCree is busted and hasnt gotten nerfed yet unfornately.
But again.
My comment is about zarya.
She isnt necessarily overpowered at all. She is only good because her competition is trash.
There are only 8 tanks 4 offtanks and 2 unusable 1 decent and the last being good. Not overpowered, Not clunky not a mustpick either.
Obviously she will be picked but that doesnt prove a thing.

Hammond Sigma Orisa dva nerfs and Rein unnecessary buff while monkey has been bad for so long. Half the roster got nerfed. Makes sense how Zarya went from mediocre to meta over night.

No. My point was that the forumers cry about her no matter how good or bad she is. And THEY can play against her effectively. But people don’t like having to put effort or gamesense into countering a particular hero. Why are we nerfing Zarya again? Let’s see we got Sigma, Ball,, Orisa, Monkey, yeah let’s do Zarya now! Or we can actually balance the tank role…


Mediocre??? lmfao

Don’t remember what the exact pickrate was but it was around 2.5-3